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Mechanics to get Hose Again!


Dec 21, 2002
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I suggest all mechanics, wherever you are based, contact Jim Little and convey to him that mechanics should negotiate our own fate separately from fleet service. The TWU is having the JOINT COMMITTEE to decide exactly where and how much the TWU''s 22% share of the cuts will be made. So in order to preserve all the heads and UNION DUES it can, the JOINT COMMITTEE will undoubetdly opt for paycuts over headcuts. Think about a TWENTY PERCENT PAYCUT AND HOW IT WILL AFFECT YOU! No matter where you work, mechanics are going to bear a greater brunt of the sacrifices because the fleet service ranks will not allow their ranks to be affected. One again, more proof that Mechanics need their own union to separate from the fleet service people once and for all!
Jim Little''s email - jlittle@twuatd.org [jlittle@twuatd.org]
On 2/7/2003 7:26:42 AM bagsmasher wrote:

That's a load of crap, so far Fleet Service has seen way more in the way of layoffs than maintenance has seen. Go ahead and get your own union, that way you won't have anyone to blame but your self and AMFA.

You want someone to bow down to you because you turn a wrench. Give me a break.

A post by Bags that doesn't include the word TWA.
That's a load of crap, so far Fleet Service has seen way more in the way of layoffs than maintenance has seen. Go ahead and get your own union, that way you won't have anyone to blame but your self and AMFA.

You want someone to bow down to you because you turn a wrench. Give me a break.
Okay here's my post with the "T" word in it.

TWA mechanics were making $21.00 per hour top out, before AA took over. Now they are making close to $37.00 per hour. Let's say AMT's have to take a 22% pay cut. Those TWA AMT's would still be making $28.86 per hour. They could take the paycut, and still be sitting on a $7.86 an hour raise. How is that fair?
You're right bags! And to prevent further fleet service layoffs, they will want to preserve their numbers and go for a nice big fat pay cut! We need to just be responsible for oursleves and no one else....ala Pilots! You are more than welcome to negotiate on your own worth and merit! Why do you bagsmashers need us anyway? You should be happy to be rid of us greedy self serving mechanics, NO?
On 2/7/2003 8:30:25 AM bagsmasher wrote:

Okay here's my post with the "T" word in it.

TWA mechanics were making $21.00 per hour top out, before AA took over. Now they are making close to $37.00 per hour. Let's say AMT's have to take a 22% pay cut. Those TWA AMT's would still be making $28.86 per hour. They could take the paycut, and still be sitting on a $7.86 an hour raise. How is that fair?
So as a original mechanic for AA, I am to take a paycut to subsidize you point of view? There are many mechanics at AA that are going to most likely be laid off because AA aquired TWA. Just because a TWA mechanic, made out per your perspective, means that you have been cheated? I believe Hopeful has a point. Lets see how far you get by negotiating your own destiny. Lets see how many of your fellow Fleet brothers and sisters want to see the mechanics seperate from the ranks. Instead of Bagsmasher, I believe Vampire would be better, guys like you are sucking the blood out of the mechanic class and craft and the airline industry itself.
ok bagsmasher i really didnt want to get into this but, let correct some of your information. when AA bought us AMT's were making a little over 25 an hour. now we are making 35 an hour. also i really dont know why you hate twa people so bad. we didnt ask for AA to buy us. the one you should be angry with is your own management. we are now in the same boat you all are in. and we have been in this boat alot longer than you all have. i have been working for twa/aa for over 12 years and have yet to see a profit. you seem to think you are the only one being hurt here. but we all are. i dont want to get into a war of words with you just wanted you to know our point of view.
"ok bagsmasher i really didnt want to get into this but, let correct some of your information. when AA bought us AMT's were making a little over 25 an hour. now we are making 35 an hour."

Okay, I was getting my numbers from an old 1996 IAM contract book. If you guys took a 22% cut you would still be making $27.30 per hour, and that is still a raise. You guys won't be taking a cut in pay at all.

"also i really dont know why you hate twa people so bad. we didnt ask for AA to buy us. the one you should be angry with is your own management."

Why do you think I hate TWAer's? I hate the fact that Carty valued you guys more than his own employees. He was in STL the other day saying how he still values the TWA purchase as a "watershed" for AA. Okay Carty, why don't you just kick us original AAer's in the teeth on more time. I place the blame squarely on his shoulders. The TWU was against this buyout from the start.

"we are now in the same boat you all are in. and we have been in this boat alot longer than you all have."

I don't think so, you just got in the AA boat on 4-10-01.

i have been working for twa/aa for over 12 years and have yet to see a profit. you seem to think you are the only one being hurt here. but we all are. i dont want to get into a war of words with you just wanted you to know our point of view.

Wel my point of view is that AA saved your arse at our expense, and it's not paying off. But at least Carty can say he is CEO of "the worlds largest airline."
That is until we go under.
Hold on guys. This is what the mgt loves to see. They want us to divide so they can conquer. Yea, an AMT makes more than I, but so do a lot of other people.

I think the key word here is UNION and not U-NO-IN. Let's keep it together and face this as us and not me.
On 2/7/2003 11:37:02 AM DFWCC wrote:

Hold on guys. This is what the mgt loves to see. They want us to divide so they can conquer. Yea, an AMT makes more than I, but so do a lot of other people.

I think the key word here is UNION and not U-NO-IN. Let's keep it together and face this as us and not me.

Go tell that to the U-NO-IN that created the B-Scale, C-Scale, Flex Benefits, SRP's, OSM', Extended Probation, No Paid Lunch, ect.
On 2/7/2003 6:32:30 AM Hopeful wrote:

I suggest all mechanics, wherever you are based, contact Jim Little and convey to him that mechanics should negotiate our own fate separately from fleet service. The TWU is having the JOINT COMMITTEE to decide exactly where and how much the TWU's 22% share of the cuts will be made. So in order to preserve all the heads and UNION DUES it can, the JOINT COMMITTEE will undoubetdly opt for paycuts over headcuts. Think about a TWENTY PERCENT PAYCUT AND HOW IT WILL AFFECT YOU! No matter where you work, mechanics are going to bear a greater brunt of the sacrifices because the fleet service ranks will not allow their ranks to be affected. One again, more proof that Mechanics need their own union to separate from the fleet service people once and for all!

Jim Little's email - jlittle@twuatd.org [jlittle@twuatd.org]

I been seeing this attitude quite a bit. Its not going to be a headcount reduction OR pay reduction. Its going to be BOTH. And I seriously doubt the Co. is going to let the Unions determine the manpower staffing levels. They are going to try and figure out what combination of pay, benifit and workrule changes are easiest to swallow!
On 2/7/2003 7:26:42 AM bagsmasher wrote:

That's a load of crap, so far Fleet Service has seen way more in the way of layoffs than maintenance has seen. Go ahead and get your own union, that way you won't have anyone to blame but your self and AMFA.

You want someone to bow down to you because you turn a wrench. Give me a break.
Drop out of high school, avoid military service, do a few drugs, throw a few bags and make $50,000.

Put on a pretty face, gain a little weight even (no one can say anything), serve a few drinks and earn $50,000.

Shoot an approach through pea soup in London, earn 20% less than industry standard, shut down the engines then walk away your liability with that aircraft is done.

Troubleshoot and repair systems (turn a wrench) that could easily kill hundreds yes hundreds at one time. Sign your social security number to a repair and live with that repair (refer to above where pilot shut down aircraft and walked away, liability over) for the life of the aircraft and earn maybe $60,000.

Bagmasher, FA Mikey the sky is blue, yes blue. Some how I am sure you can find argument with this.
"Hey Dave"'
This has got to be really "frosting your cookies"
More specifically,
Thank all those Republican, "Okie" union brothers, who kept you guys from AMFA, by voting for the "weak sister" TWU.

Your right. You AMT's are(unfairly) going to bear the brunt of the $660M !!!!!!!!!

Keep voting GOP. Not to worry, Dumbya, Carty, etc. will always look out $$$ for you guys.
"Yeah Right" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
