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mechanics may be free to strike by Sept 17th

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Bob Owens

You are wasting your time replying to Chip. All he does is quote US AIRWAYS my life for you management.

Speak no more to the one who believes everything his friend Dave says is in stone.

At any rate, we will find out exactly what Dave intends to do, liquidate or step up for the benefit of US AIRWAYS and 35,000 employees.

He's not a horse of a different color. He feeds on corporate greed like the rest of them...because he is one of them. That means that he won't turn his back on the lifeblood of 2.5 Billion dollars just over a tweak of a squabble with 5,000 mechanics.
On 9/15/2002 12:23:12 AM NYPD wrote:

Unfortunately, the entire airline industry is changing drastically for the worse. The majors will lose around $7B this year and another $3B next year. And make no mistake about it Mr. Owens, AA is closer to bankruptcy than you'd like to believe. Concessions are coming for all. Southwest is only doing well because they are already where we're all heading -- low wages, no frills.[/P]

Sorry but your post is incorrect, in relation to WN. For starters the reason we are doing well isn't just because of what our employees are paid. Our employees are paid fairly I'd say. Our Ramp Agents top out at 25.00 hr. or so, and if our t/a passes our date of signing pay will be about 35.00 hr. I would say that isn't too shabby,
On 9/15/2002 7:33:01 PM sabre wrote:

Bob Owens

You are wasting your time replying to Chip. All he does is quote US AIRWAYS my life for you management.

Speak no more to the one who believes everything his friend Dave says is in stone.

At any rate, we will find out exactly what Dave intends to do, liquidate or step up for the benefit of US AIRWAYS and 35,000 employees.

He's not a horse of a different color. He feeds on corporate greed like the rest of them...because he is one of them. That means that he won't turn his back on the lifeblood of 2.5 Billion dollars just over a tweak of a squabble with 5,000 mechanics.
My guess is that you're partially right, he won't give it up for 5,000 mechs, but he will give walking papers to half of them.
On 9/14/2002 5:57:05 PM Bob Owens wrote:

...I do not see any advantage for any mechanic in seeing USAIR go Chapter 7, unless of course they agree to 6 years of concessions. If thats the case then yes, the sooner they go chapter 7 the better. I will welcome USAIR mechanics to AA where they will be back at top pay in 5 years with a healthy, well paying company that is currently trying to weed out waste and increase efficiency instead of raping its employees.

To: Bob Owens
Stop trying to insight our employees into a no vote that is only for your own vested interest and not for our benefit.

What really happened to the TW employees who went to AA? They were stapled to the bottom, and now they're being furloughed.

You are not the friend to our employees you are pretending to be -- go back to the AA boards and convince the TW employees how lucky they are to have a job with AA.
I'm sure that Bush is worried about pissing off union employees in PA. That's rich.

Let's look at the demographics--Allegheny County, where there is death, taxes, and pulling the straight democratic ticket.

Get real, dude. Bush is not going to step in and stop a job action in the event that the contract is abrogated and the IAM-M walks (either as a whole, or individually if the CBU is toast as well).
Don't be suprised if you see the concessions you take now at your next airline. And if you do become the model of airline wage efficiency now, be prepared to go through this again when the other airlines have to match you labor rates.

Or has everyone forgotten the '80's mantra of We have to match Continental's labor rates?
[P]Come on Bob Owens, I asked you some questions and you answered none of them, what is a matter, do you not have the answers?[/P]
[P][EM][STRONG][FONT color=#ff0000][/FONT][/STRONG][/EM][SPAN class=BodyFont][EM][STRONG][FONT color=#ff0000]The truth comes out, you would rather see U go out of business and put 40,000 people out of work. And how are you going to welcome U's AMTs at AA if you are laying of 7,000 people, grounding 74 F100s and all of the ex TWA 767s.[/FONT][/STRONG][/EM][BR][/SPAN][/P]
[P][SPAN class=BodyFont]
Last week Don Carty announced AMR would have to cut $3 billion out of its annual budget and AA is losing more money than any airline in the world. The company is going to park 83 jets including 9 B-767'300ERs & 74 F-100s.

Could Bob's job be at risk, unless US liquidates and AA gets our assets? Could that be Bob's motivation to participate on the US message board, especially since he is afraid to answer Lakeguy's questions?

His arguments and inaccurate statements are self-serving and in my opinion are despicable.

Bob is deeply concerned about his personal well being, but could care less for our company and its employees.

[P][STRONG][FONT color=#3333cc]Come on Bob, the 4,200 mechanics at US want to know how you are gonna welcome them with open arms to AA while you are laying off 7,000 people and ground 74 F100s and 9 767-300s and why did your union insist to staple the TWA employees to the bottom of the seniority rosters, so they get laid off first while junior AA emmployees are still employed?[/FONT][/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG][FONT color=#3333cc][/FONT][/STRONG] [/P]
[P][STRONG][FONT color=#3333cc]The bottom line and the truth is you want to see US fail so yo will reap from its demise.[/FONT][/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG][FONT color=#3333cc][/FONT][/STRONG] [/P]
[P][IMG height=87 alt=iamlogo5.gif (28178 bytes) src=http://www.iam141m.org/iamlogo5.gif width=90 align=bottom][/P]
Chip and Lakeguy;
I guess you cant debate the issues so instead you have to resort to attempting to slander. Nice try! Go back to the issues. I'm a mechanic talking to my fellow mechanics. Are either of you mechanics? Maybe you belong to one of the other workgroups that already sold yourselves out and you dont want to be embarrased if the mechanics get a better deal by holding out. Perhaps with your skills there is little chance of replacing your earnings outside the industry. Despite the fact that I've answered your charges you still keep repeating them. Fear and lies are all you have. All you guys do is repeat managements propaganda. All the facts and past history of this industry point to a NO vote as the mechanics best option, 6 years is an excessively long time to agree to concessions! Flexibility always comes at the midnight hour.
Why should I answer your questions (again). You apparently already voted in your 6 years of concessions.
You still havent answered my questions.
Prior to integration the TWALLC did reduce operations significantly. AA continued hiring people while TWALLC workers were out in the street. That was wrong, they should have hired the laid off TWA workers and adjusted their time later. With integration TWA workers have options that will determine their Occupational seniority. The recieved full company and classification seniority, meaning that they kept all their vacation and pay levels. Top paid TWA mechanics received an approximate $9/hr raise, about $19,000/year.
The options for TWA are 100% Occupational seniority in some locations, 25% in others where they had a minimum presence and 4/10/01 (the date AMR took over)in the remaining stations.
As far as trying to insight YOUR employees yes I am attempting to give YOUR employees some insight into the facts. I'm trying to cut away the fear and the hard sell that you are trying to use to incite them into taking actions that they may regret for the next six years.
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