On 9/10/2002 2:27:38 AM chipmunn wrote:
In your response you did not answer my question. Would you mind responding to the following comment and reworded questions?
1. N513AU, the 85 percent agreements are required by the ATSB to obtain the loan guarantee and TPG, CSFB, & BOA or the DIP financing credit facility and emergence financing will not be available. Do you agree with this statement?
2. Again, it's not the company setting the limit of the concessions, it's the investors and the ATSB who are willing to provide help if the unions meet their requirements. Do you agree these are the requirements of the investors & ATSB?
1. It's not the infamous 85% that I have a problem with. It's where its coming from. There is plenty of other places where U can find money from the mechanics and related, instead of implementing policies that ruin lives and families. For example, cutting people down to five days vacation a year and eliminating holidays. There ARE areas where cost savings could be realized, such as using mechanics more productively by getting rid of pushbacks, compressed work weeks and so forth. I'm rather convinced that neither the IAM or the company seriously examined all the options in regards to cost savings. We can save money, we need to save money - but the way they propose to do it is unacceptable. As I've said before, I'm not opposed to an agreement - but this one is unacceptable. I know as a pilot, you have tons of time to fart around the house and spend with your family. Many of us mechanics don't have that luxury. Many of us have to look down the dismal reality of 15+ years on midnights with midweek days off. The company needs to address these issues and quite frankly, doesn't want to - EVEN WHEN IT SAVES THE COMPANY MONEY. I am dumbfounded that our corporate culture is so stoned that they can't see it. I find it funny that we have no problem with having management work compressed workweeks, but seem to reluctant to give that to the grubworms. I guess they see it as their little special perk.
2. Again, my problem isn't with givebacks. It's with this agreement. Giving up half my vacation time isn't going to save the company anything, especially when I'm forced to use sick time to make up (or exceed) the difference. Let's do some original thinking here. I'm trying very hard to manage the family/friends/work thing and US Airways and the IAM seems to opposed to anything that would make employees lives better (AGAIN, EVEN IF IT SAVES THE COMPANY MONEY!!)
That being said, I have tried every acceptable option. I've expressed myself to union leadership, emailed Dave and crew, and so on - trying to get someone to see the light, but I feel like I'm pissin' on a forest fire. Dave claims he wants to change the corporate culture, but I see little evidence of that. I see the usual apathy when I deal with management and labor.
Management doesn't care, they've graduated to the nirvana of 9-5, MF where midnight work is somehow done by the airplane fairies. Labor gets my donation every two weeks and really doesn't care about me. At best, it guaruntees recall rights and reasonably enforces seniority rules.
I love my job. I really love my job. But I hate the associated BS.
Maybe someday I can find a job with a functional employer, rather than the Jerry Springer show of the airline industry. Seriously, guys, our company is like a bunch of white trash rag tag ******* children beating each other over the head with chairs. Toothless daddy is in his wife-beater, telling us how our financial problems are because of our allowance, when the reality is he blew it on booze and fancy cars. Slut momma is screaming at him that the children is his and that he stills owes child support from the Mohawk-merger and curses him out for sleeping with that whore called United. Meanwhile, us junior guys are starving in the cribs, rolling our own excrement. God, I hope I can find another job