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Prince of PAWOBs said:
-No more wasting printing costs on napkins. It's overkill and makes US look desperate.
Why dont US Airways, United Airlines, and Air Canada, and even other Star partners make a joint deal on catering supplies. They could all use the same plastic cups, styrofoam cups, and napkins with the Star Alliance logo, and perhaps the logo of all of the different airlines.

Cost savings by buying in bulk and marketing for your own carrier and the Star Alliance in one move. Lowers costs for all without cheapening the product.
It seems that anything that makes sense this company does not know how to do it.
They have to make everything very diffacult. amazing what this company would be like, if this company used some good old common sense.
O I forgot it to easy to do

Why dont US Airways, United Airlines, and Air Canada, and even other Star partners make a joint deal on catering supplies?
(punctuation mine)

I agree with LightYears. Share the cost of these items, at least here in North America, and get a single supplier or distribution center to handle them. Just please don't use Gate Gourmet (for obvious reasons).

Actually, a great but tacky way to save on that stuff, in particular cups, is to do what coffee shops and gas stations do. Offer, for a very small fee, the US Airways Travel Mug. At the very least, it could be a cool trip souvenir. And you can imagine how nice it might be to have a drink that doesn't spill all over you when you deal with turbulence on a flight. Imagine how happy Mom and Dad will be when little Billy or Susie arrives at Grandma's house with a much cleaner wardrobe, or better yet, the business traveler who avoided coffee all over his Armani and laptop before giving his presentation to a client.