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Management failing plan in PHL

<SNIP> I am at that point where if I could point a magic finger and make things go my way, they would only hire Mexicans and Pacific Islanders (give us more Tongans, Lord!). They are the only ones that work and stay around for a long time. Respectable and decent people.

I’ll second that.

Noted in some other stuff I’ve been involved in over the years.
Was sent this link today on some comments from a passenger
who posted on a another site.


If the passengers really knew the facts about the lighting detector rules for safe work and the shortages of manpower Philadelphia has every day. If they want to blame someone then I suggest they write letters to doug parker its all his fault he is to blame. They should tell him to raise the wages and hire better help who would work on weekends.
I wonder how many more things need to be tried before philly is fixed on both sides
Didn't Doogie send some management superstar to work that station and fix all of the problems? Wasn't he some US west guy that everyone raved about?
Barbee raved about him for sure...."PHX ramp had a going away party for him after he left. He's a bobble-head. Just talk to him and watch his head wobble back and forth."

If this guy got this type of treatment in PHX I imagine Philly will chew him up and spit him out just like the countless others that have come and gone.
Barbee raved about him for sure...."PHX ramp had a going away party for him after he left. He's a bobble-head. Just talk to him and watch his head wobble back and forth."

If this guy got this type of treatment in PHX I imagine Philly will chew him up and spit him out just like the countless others that have come and gone.
So who is he? and where is he? I want a progress report please.......uh wait a minute, I know the report I just want to know what plans he has implimented to fix this mess.
Didn't Doogie send some management superstar to work that station and fix all of the problems? Wasn't he some US west guy that everyone raved about?
Yes they did and guess what, our management thinks they are so smart. At least 12 major players before could not fix it, but they still think they can!

One Senior V.P. was in our station and flat out told us and I quote "PHL only has around 175 flts. a day, if we can't fix that then we need to get out of the business."

Boy what a joke.

that mess cannot and will not ever be able to be fixed by anyone.But the real question is , are they braver then our old management to realize and admit they made a mistake in trying to keep this lame-duck of a connecting hub and get out while they still can, or will they run us back into the ground again resulting in another B.K..

Only time will tell.......
The contributors to this forum talk about the problems in Philly but they dance all around the issue. The single point of failure in PHL is Crellin.

He is the EVP of Operations and was the EVP of East Operations before that, and SVP of Customer Service before that. He has literally had since the day PHL was designated as a hub to fix it. It is his, always has been and yet he has been given a free pass for his failure.

It is not the mob, it is not a particular work group, it is not the local management - it is Crellin. He has failed as the leader and senior manager but is cop smart enough to pander to the Board for personal survival while PHL burns.

He is also totally capable of throwing anybody under the bus to avoid his personal accountability. He has no ethics, no morals and anyone - anyone is expendible.

I am sure Parker is a great CEO, but how he allows himself to be hornswoggled by Cretin, er, Crellin, is beyond my ability to comprehend.

Check with anyone, anyone from East - get rid of him and watch PHL transform.
I think allot of it has to do with the economy as well. With unemployment being as low as it is why would anyone want a job where they have to bust their hump for a measly 9.50/hr in the elements with virtually no benefits when they know they can get a job working in nice climate controlled environment making about the same amount of money with better benefits and some sort of a future.

As far as giving the little added incentives like an ipod or a tv... puleese. Show me the money!

Barbee.. that reminds me.. how do you like Mike S out on the ramp, he's a treat isnt he?
What a cesspool. Abandon PHL and take the connections back to PIT. PHL is a lost cause.

A320 Driver B)
Check with anyone, anyone from East - get rid of him and watch PHL transform.

But that is the problem... a change in management will not make it work. PHL is simply a BAD airport set up....location wise (ATC) and runway-wise. A better leader might make people work a little harder, and be more motivated..but it will not change the fact that PHL does not work as a major domestic hub. Period. As I and many have said over and over....feed the overseas in PHL, connect the domestic in PIT (or somewhere else.) As to the individual you are talking about..I happen to agree, and wonder just how many times a person can fail and still be given the reins. Best. Greeter.
A shining example of why we have to have labor unions. :up:

(I have deleted this statement. It was pretty nasty - even for me).

I'll tell him that PHL ramp is begging to have him back!
I forgot all about him being in PHL, if I remember correctly he was one of the most disliked Supervisors on the east coast, so what did U do? Promote him and send him out west, needless to say he failed out here as well. Now he's your problem... bummer dude.

Be well,

PHL is the #1 revenue generating station US flies in and out of.
The weekends are even worse since the new hires all want to have weekends off so you have large amounts of workers calling off leaving the operation cut off at the knees.

One of the first things our instructors told us in training all those years ago was "Enjoy the weekends off for these two weeks of training, they will be the last weekends off you will see for the next five or so years."

And they weren't kidding!

I'm always amazed by the new hire mentality of "I ain't working no weekends or holidays" or my personal favorite, "My shift is over in ten minutes, I'm outta here!" and walk off the gate.

This isn't some 9-5 office job where you can just bail at the end of the shift and have weekends and holidays off.

24x7x365...don't they tell them that anymore? :blink:

Does "you get what you pay for " come to mind????

Pay McWages, get McEmployees...