I figured that almost all the captains are at TOS but that wasn't the question asked. But thanks for the correction on the F/O's. I just assumed that the F/O's were almost entirely post-99/00 hires or transfers in the case of the CEL pilots.
always get the last dig in eh jim.?
I didn't see where it specifically asked about FO/s
I think that is why so many EAST can't stand your posts.
The OP asked about a $55/hr topout. Since that's the rate for First Officers, it's planely obvious that the question asked was "specifically about FO/s." Had the OP talked about a $99/hr payrate, that would have been a clue that the OP was talking about Captain payrates.
I agree with BoeingBoy: if you read his post as a "dig," then you could use some thicker, less sensitive skin.