I had it happen to me on three legs in one day in and out of florida. I was working the 757 and had nothing at all to serve. To make matters worse there were no cashew mix or chips for the snack basket. I had them in the cart and they were removed during our catering in PHL. So the announcement goes over the PA that we will be serving the $5.00 snack box. I went right to the back and told the "B" what the deal was. I took 5 to the front and gave them to my f/c passengers. No, I didn't charge them either as one of the US1's up front told me had happened to him the day before. Wrote right on the form that catering screwed up and f/c gets served first. A caterer told me once back in the day not to leave notes. They know how to do their jobs. Yeah, tell it to me when I'm at 35,000 feet and you dont have cups, trash bags, orange juice or how about wine or beer. Ya have to monitor the catering when being done. Sometimes I know it's not intentional but they are just in a hurry. I'm just pointing out that it happens.