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ktflyhome said:
BTW: I just "heard", don't know for sure, but some F/A's said the other day, that Mainliners will be trained on the Embraer 170 in Recurrent Training. Anyon e know for sure???? :huh:
not according to my information.

There is only 1 training book for all f/as but mainline will not be tested on the EMBbraer sec.
Light Years said:
More info and a clarification on the jumpseat issue... MAA FAs can jumpseat becuase they are on the US Airways certificate, not because they are qualified. Therefore, when the company hires actual MidAtlantic flight attendants (new hires that are not furloughees from mainline) they will also be able to jumseat on mainline aircraft. Its like how some mainline people were never qualified on the A330, or the F100 for whatever reason but they were still allowed the jumpseat.
FWIW, jumpseating has nothing to do with F/A certification on a particular A/C. At LUV, any employee can jumpseat on the company's A/C. In addition, LUV employees can jumpseat on jB and vice versa, even though they have no A/C commonality. Jumpseating is based on the rules of the particular airline and, in some cases, the flight attendant contract. In addition, as far as I know, there is no FAR or other government rule which would preclude non-pilots from utilizing the third F/D jumpseat.
Quick question about the letters that they are sending. Does anyone know if they are sending the letters out by class, in groups of 100, 500? Just want to get an idea. As quickly as they're getting through the list, some of us need to be prepared. By the time they get through the first round, it seems like they'll be pretty close to the bottom of the senority list. Any ideas?

It is kind of hard to say for sure...What I can tell you is that the April and May classes have recieved letters...My Class...May1 or 2000 recieved letters BUT Im not sure how JR they went in my Class....

This is what I have come up with though....Granted the April 19th class are F/As that passed the March Class and now have made up the April Class... The F/As in the March 15th class which falls closer to my Seniority STILL puts About 130 F/s Between Me and the Most Jr Person..... SO... If All of them Pass and NO ONE that passed previously goes to class in May... I would be able to be in on of the MAY classes..... Think About that to help you know what to expect...The way I am now looking at it is ... Yes I recieved a Letter But WILL I ACTUALLY GO TO CLASS IN MAY ?????????????????????????

You can always do what several pilots and mechanics have already done......accept the training and once you are finished try and jump ship. Jet Blue has hired several employees from various groups that U has pre- trained for them!!!!! 😉
I have tried ..... Can't even get an interview with them.... I have updated my Application for almost a year..... Giving it a break and will try and redo online app see if it pays off....
Thanks for the info Colby. I know of someone VERY near that bottom of your class that received a letter. Does anyone know of anyone from the 5/30/00 class that received a letter? Just curious. This should answer the question as to whether they're going out by class or not. Not that it really matters...I'm just curious more than anything. I know the letters are coming...it's just a matter of when (and also when the open classes would be).

Anxiously Waiting. :blink:
It is actually kind of sad to get excited about recieving the MAA Letter..But then you have to start wondering if You will Actually make the May Class.... The letter states the are hiring 25 F/As for 2 classes in May.... Okay that is 50 People... Then you see that there are 130+ Senior to you....Plus, The Possiblity of People that Passed the first 2 Classes.... Kind of lose the Excitment huh !!!! :unsure:
Especially when there is talk that MAA will eventually be sold off.!!!!! 🙁
You also have to remember that out of the first 400 or so they contacted, only 100 or so went or will go. So if you use that ratio Colby your only about 30 away! 🙂
That is really sad and just shows how times have indeed changed. So 1 in 4 are the probabilities that a furlougheee WILL accept MAA. I remember when it was 1 in 10 or 10 in a 100 that the Airline WOULD accept and applicant in the Cattle Call days.

At the going rate around $17.47 an hour plus $1.35 per diem (give or take) it comes out to under $1800 a month gross at BEST. Which is $450 a week gross without any medical, benifits etc. You can go to Home Depot starting at $10 an hour which is $$400 a week, full time 40 hours, plus benefits, medical, dental, 401k matching and stock options and be home everynight and not spending money to eat on the road in some sleazy hotel paying premium for food. I guess of course one could save money on food if they packed a lunch before they left home. I know I pack more food with now, than I ever did, thanks to the 38% pay cut we Reserves took. :down:
first off i know i qm a newbie. my girlfriend and a lot of my friends are furloughed f/A. I REALLY WANT HER TO GO BACK TO WORK. She misses it. this is her livelihood. Reguardless, if it is it with mainline(which she was) or if it is with Mid. She just misses what she used to do. She has a master's in bus. Ed so I do not understand why you all are putting down everyone for their education. there is nothing in this whole wide world that she would rather do than be a flight attendant. Her father told her when she graduated with her master's to find a job that you enjoyed and YOU WILL NEVER WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE. that is what she did and i respect her for it.
Any F/A thats working for a commuter right now will tell you that $1800 is actually far from as bad as it gets... very far! I have a friend who works at an Express carrier (also furloughed from ML) who makes just over $900 a month for ten days off, and no per diem because that particular carrier doesnt pay per diem unless you overnight, and they dont. As you can imagine, they are checking thier mail regularly.

My first two years as mainline I rarely made more than $1800 in a month. Starting pay for a US Airways mainline flight attendant is $20, which works out to $20-21,000 a year.

For the sake of it, these are first year pay per flight hour at several airlines. For those who think this is high, remember these are per flight hour, which the guarantee is normally between 70-80 hours a month. This doesnt include per diem.

Alaska - 1st yr $15.27/hr; 2nd yr $17.69/hr

America West - 1st yr $16.18/hr; 2nd yr $17.54/hr

AirTran - 1st 6 mos $18.56/hr; 2nd 6 mos $20.42/hr; 2nd yr $21.65/hr

United - 1st yr $19.03/hr; 2nd yr $20.11/hr

USAirways - 1st yr $20.00/hr; 2nd yr $21.15/hr

American - 1st yr $22.93/hr; 2nd yr $24.90/hr

Northwest - 1st yr $21.14/hr; 2nd yr $22.77/hr

jetBlue - 1st yr $20.00/hr; 2nd yr (unknown)

PSA Airlines/US Airways Express- 1st year $14.00

Spirit Airlines - 1st year $17.00

MidAtlantic Airways- $17.47 (with 4-5 years of US Airways seniority)

That kind of puts it in perspective.
LT: You have to break that down further. Say you do a 4-day trip, average duty time to make it easy if 10 hours a day. So in a 4-day period you put in 40 hours of Duty Time and the trip is work 20 hours Flight time. Take $20 hour for starting on U mainline and divide that in half. You are working for $10 an hour. That is why the Senior people liked to do All Nighters and 1-days, you got more bucks for the bang. All though 1-days aren't what they use to be.

And your friend who makes just over $900 a month (don't know if that is gross or net) is basically working for $5.55 an hour.

And those people sitting Hot Reserve for PSA 10 hours a day are being paid NOTHING. All in all this is an individual's choice. 😉

Exactly, thats why I was hesitant to even post pay rates as some people will probably think "Wow! $20 an hour!" but as you pointed out thats not what it translates into. Thank you for doing the math! Its so hard to explain crewmember pay to others.

$5.55 an hour? I think my friend is insane! 😉

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