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I have the blocks for next month. There are 20 blocks which means 40 line holders. The first line is worth over 97 hours. Mostly are worth average of 85.

Like I said, they can keep flying if they want but can time out at 91.

Reserves are guaranteed 10 days off. Blockholders have 12 and15 days off depending on the block.
PITbull said:
The blocks are built to around 70. Next month they have 40 blockholders and 10 reserves.
I thought someone said earlier that currently there are 20 reserves and 30 line holders at MAA.

This new figure certainly seems more like it.

Is that the ration to expect- 4 line holders to every 1 reservist?

Thanks for all of the info posted ktflyhome and PITbull. 🙂

Yes, I guess that is the rationale. For the month of April, they didn't build many lines. May was quite an improvement and at least their are more blockholders who know what they will fly and can save in hotel expenses.

PS: Don't forget they have another class of 18 starting on April 19. They have also notified the next group for May who are choosing now. I believe they are getting close to the bottom of the INVOL list for this first Round (4 months).
PITbull said:
They have also notified the next group for May who are choosing now. I believe they are getting close to the bottom of the INVOL list for this first Round (4 months).
A quick question...how does that work? If you pass for a particular "round" do they give you an idea of when they will contact you again? Does a "round" pertain to the entire clump of months?

For example, (hypothetically) if you opt to pass on round 2, does this mean you pass on the entire June, July, and August period? Not sure how that works.
marco90821 said:
I am sick of you American winers. We should be united...in case you haven't noticed, we are in a war against Muslims and those of the Islamic faith. Enough said.
You are ignorant.

Islam is not a religion of violence or war, and we are not are war with Muslims or Islam, we are at war with terrorists.

You are ignorant and prejudiced.

There are plenty of Muslims that work at US and live in this country, get a life.

From President Bush:
F/AinDay said:
Egads!!!!!!!!! You have to be kidding?.... Aren't you Kt? This is unbelievable! ! :angry:

Sitting in the crewroom for 8 hrs and only being paid 3+30 is just insane. :shock:
How about 10 hours of On Premises Reserve at no pay credit and meal reimbursement of $1.30/hr? <_< Yes, that is a reality at one of the wholly owneds. Though there are several other issues that are worth bragging about; like medical insurance after 90 days....
It disappoints me to hear the word "scab" mentioned. I hope that stops immediately.
Congrats Colby on all of the options finally on the table for you. I too will not return to being a travel agent for the very same reason! 🙄
Air conditioned said:
A quick question...how does that work? If you pass for a particular "round" do they give you an idea of when they will contact you again? Does a "round" pertain to the entire clump of months?

For example, (hypothetically) if you opt to pass on round 2, does this mean you pass on the entire June, July, and August period? Not sure how that works.

This is what my letter says (Of course I just got this 2nd letter yesterday)
You may elect to bid for the May Classes (a Continuation of Round 1)
You may elect to be Bypassed for the ramainder of Round 1 for a Potential
opportunity in Round2 (June-August time Period) [Note: if you pass Round 1 and Round 2, you will not be considered for any additional Mid Atlantic Training Classes. Furthermore, failure to bid in Round 1 will result in your first bypass]

Hope that answered your question......
2clippedwings: You are right about the 10 hours and no pay. Just a few weeks ago I spoke with two PSA F/A's sitting OPR (They call it HOT CALL). Bless their hearts, they were sitting there for 10 hours and NO pay whatsoever. Well, I guess they got their per diem. I just think that is absolutely highway robbery from the company.

BYW: Where is this "Scab" stuff coming from??

The fact is, a job as a F/A fits alot of people's life styles so people are willing to work under these conditions. I know for me, I have never worked a "regular" 9-5 job, Monday - Friday in my life.

I kind of agree with Light Years, ideally, it would be great, if they just put all of the planes and flight attendants on one single seniority list.

What we have in the Pit Crew room right now is Mainline, MAA, and PSA. So many differences, yet we are ALL flight attendants. I certainly don't think I am any better than the others, they all work just as hard, if not harder for less pay.

If anything, there is probably somewhat more tension now between Mainline blockholders and reserves, in light of the new Time Balancing Crap.I have heard the stories, yet have not personally experienced it, but I know of serveral Reserve F/A's who when flying with blockholders won't even associate or talk to each other. It is a shame that this particular situation has fueled some fire between our own ranks. 🙁
Light Years said:
Heard a nasty rumour that a ground employee in Philly, when asked for something by a MAA F/A, told her he doesnt help "scabs". Are people DELETED BY MODERATOR idiots? How is one a scab when taking back thier own job, having a US Airways employee work on a US Airways plane for once instead of an affiliate employee. People need to get thier facts straight.
Here you go KT
More info and a clarification on the jumpseat issue... MAA FAs can jumpseat becuase they are on the US Airways certificate, not because they are qualified. Therefore, when the company hires actual MidAtlantic flight attendants (new hires that are not furloughees from mainline) they will also be able to jumseat on mainline aircraft. Its like how some mainline people were never qualified on the A330, or the F100 for whatever reason but they were still allowed the jumpseat.
BTW: I just "heard", don't know for sure, but some F/A's said the other day, that Mainliners will be trained on the Embraer 170 in Recurrent Training. Anyone know for sure???? :huh:
The MAA "manual" is just the regular US Airways Flight Attendant Emergency Manual with an extra section for the E170. I had heard that the entire manual is to be redone and the E170/175 will be a part of everyones manual.
I just looked at the April 19 list... looks like most jr person is Seniority no 8961
that puts approx 200 F/As between their seniority and Mine.... My letter states May will have 2 classes of approx 25 people Each class !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, the Drama Continues !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Air conditioned said:
A quick question...how does that work? If you pass for a particular "round" do they give you an idea of when they will contact you again? Does a "round" pertain to the entire clump of months?

For example, (hypothetically) if you opt to pass on round 2, does this mean you pass on the entire June, July, and August period? Not sure how that works.
Yes. A round is a "clump of months" ususally 4. If you pass the second round you will not get another aopportunity to bid to MAA. However, you never give up your recall rights to mainline if you pass both rounds.

Once you pass an entire round, there is no indication on when they will notify you again, but it will be the next round, whenever that is as long as their are no more INVOL furloughees senior to you bidding for the new round.

That's why they can't tell you in advance.

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