2clippedwings: You are right about the 10 hours and no pay. Just a few weeks ago I spoke with two PSA F/A's sitting OPR (They call it HOT CALL). Bless their hearts, they were sitting there for 10 hours and NO pay whatsoever. Well, I guess they got their per diem. I just think that is absolutely highway robbery from the company.
BYW: Where is this "Scab" stuff coming from??
The fact is, a job as a F/A fits alot of people's life styles so people are willing to work under these conditions. I know for me, I have never worked a "regular" 9-5 job, Monday - Friday in my life.
I kind of agree with Light Years, ideally, it would be great, if they just put all of the planes and flight attendants on one single seniority list.
What we have in the Pit Crew room right now is Mainline, MAA, and PSA. So many differences, yet we are ALL flight attendants. I certainly don't think I am any better than the others, they all work just as hard, if not harder for less pay.
If anything, there is probably somewhat more tension now between Mainline blockholders and reserves, in light of the new Time Balancing Crap.I have heard the stories, yet have not personally experienced it, but I know of serveral Reserve F/A's who when flying with blockholders won't even associate or talk to each other. It is a shame that this particular situation has fueled some fire between our own ranks. 🙁