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WOW you guys... Nothing like being up at "0Darkthirty"And seeing all this !!!!

I will do what I can to get more information...Heck I don't even know when my Training class would be right now :blink: ... But I will stay true to my word and Advise of all I learn.... Hell, Maybe I SHOULD BE THE NEXT CEO....AT least I keep everyone informed... HAHAHA HA HA HA.... Yep it's only 0530 !!!! B)

Talked with a MAA F/A yesterday in Pit. He was sitting OPR (On Premise Reserve) but they call it something else and I forget. Their OPR is 8 hours with 3+30 pay, ours is 4 hours with 3+30 pay. They start at $17.47 an hour (give or take a few cents) and there is no A scale. Right now, mostly all 1 and 2 day trips. Per diem is $1.35 per hour (Mainline is $1.95) He told me as of right now, they have 50 flight attendants. They had over 100 Pilots, quite a few quit recently to go to Southwest.

They have no insurance whatsoever.

Most, if not all of their segments consist of previous flown mainline routes.
They will be getting more 3 and 4 day trips in the next few months.

Their guarantee is 75 hours which is 4 hours higher than mainlines for Reserves and their standard option is 90-95.

One interesting fact he told me was that the company has said that Mainline can jumpseat on MAA and visa versa, I believe that information was posted on here recently, too. Only thing being, there are only 2 jumpseats period on the plane and there are 2 F/A mandated only per flight, so where is one to Jumpseat????
Also, MAA has their Crew Room downstairs in the Pit Crew Room, where the old baggage room (prior to that, sleeping room) used to be.There is a sign on the door that says Exclusively for MAA Crews ONLY. :huh:
It's good to have choices, Colby. All I'll say is make the choice between AE and MAA with your head, not your heart. Lay out the pros and cons of both and make your choice. Overall quality of life, including future job growth needs to be taken into consideration, not just that they pay more to start. Good luck. Too bad you never came to DTW....
ktflyhome said:
Their OPR is 8 hours with 3+30 pay, ours is 4 hours with 3+30 pay.
Egads!!!!!!!!! You have to be kidding?.... Aren't you Kt? This is unbelievable! ! :angry:

Sitting in the crewroom for 8 hrs and only being paid 3+30 is just insane. :shock:
ktflyhome said:
Talked with a MAA F/A yesterday in Pit. He was sitting OPR (On Premise Reserve) but they call it something else and I forget. Their OPR is 8 hours with 3+30 pay, ours is 4 hours with 3+30 pay. They start at $17.47 an hour (give or take a few cents) and there is no A scale. Right now, mostly all 1 and 2 day trips. Per diem is $1.35 per hour (Mainline is $1.95) He told me as of right now, they have 50 flight attendants. They had over 100 Pilots, quite a few quit recently to go to Southwest.

They have no insurance whatsoever.

Most, if not all of their segments consist of previous flown mainline routes.
They will be getting more 3 and 4 day trips in the next few months.

Their guarantee is 75 hours which is 4 hours higher than mainlines for Reserves and their standard option is 90-95.

One interesting fact he told me was that the company has said that Mainline can jumpseat on MAA and visa versa, I believe that information was posted on here recently, too. Only thing being, there are only 2 jumpseats period on the plane and there are 2 F/A mandated only per flight, so where is one to Jumpseat????

Nice work and good info too.

Only thing is that they have no "option" and they can "time out at 91" or can keep flying. Also, no duty rigs.

Their sick time accrual is 2:30 per month and it gets deposited in their bank every year on Dec. 31 for usage the following year.

They have a 401K plan with 50% match for the first 6% pretax contribution in the first 9 years of employment, and 8% pretax contribution 10 years + .
I looked into the GECAS options ordered on the EMB170 and it says 3 (1fwd-2aft)mounted F/A jumpseats. Are you saying only 2 were installed on the aircraft?
Colby- go with your head and weigh it all out. Honestly, another airline might be a wise move. I don't think USAirways will be around much longer...maybe the fall if that. Better to have a head start.
The extra jumpseats are an option that US Airways did not get, shame since they are flying to places alot of people commute out of. MAA division F/As can jumpseat on mainline because they are mainline-qualified.

Heard a nasty rumour that a ground employee in Philly, when asked for something by a MAA F/A, told her he doesnt help "scabs". Are people DELETED BY MODERATOR idiots? How is one a scab when taking back thier own job, having a US Airways employee work on a US Airways plane for once instead of an affiliate employee. People need to get thier facts straight.

You want better MAA payscales? Make it a priority next time you negotiate with the company. But dont complain about people returning to thier job under a crap contract that was voted in by a majority of ACTIVE mainline employees.
It is true that MAA sit 8 hours OPR for 3+30. I actually had a long talk with a MAA employee who told me this. He was sitting OPR. He had flown on mainline International out of PHL and loved it. He said it wasn't all that bad. He is the one also that told me about the Jumpseat. Sad for him, though, he was just a few months shy of being "A" scale. There are only 2 flight attendant jumpseats on this configuration. They (MAA) can fly jumpseat on mainline but are absolutely unauthorized to assist the F/A's with service.

Pitbull, we didn't discuss 401K so I have no information on that. He also told me that they have a 90-95 hr. option. That is all I know.

A couple of mainline flight attentendant were doing the math with the 90-95 option and the $1.35 hour per diem and came up with around $1700 gross for the month, give or take some$$$. That is about it and all I know.
I am sick of you American winers. We should be united...in case you haven't noticed, we are in a war against Muslims and those of the Islamic faith. Enough said.
marco90821 said:
I am sick of you American winers. We should be united...in case you haven't noticed, we are in a war against Muslims and those of the Islamic faith. Enough said.
It is "Whiners", or are talking about having a drink? :up:
I apologize, my grammar and sp is usually good. But if you read the rules of the board you can be denied access for your post. I guess you're looking for a verbal fight. You sorry person...have you been divorced lately?
marco90821 said:
I apologize, my grammar and sp is usually good. But if you read the rules of the board you can be denied access for your post. I guess you're looking for a verbal fight. You sorry person...have you been divorced lately?
And you too can be denied access to these boards for "name calling". And my personal situation is none of your Business. Lighten up.
ktflyhome said:
It is true that MAA sit 8 hours OPR for 3+30. I actually had a long talk with a MAA employee who told me this. He was sitting OPR. He had flown on mainline International out of PHL and loved it. He said it wasn't all that bad. He is the one also that told me about the Jumpseat. Sad for him, though, he was just a few months shy of being "A" scale. There are only 2 flight attendant jumpseats on this configuration. They (MAA) can fly jumpseat on mainline but are absolutely unauthorized to assist the F/A's with service.

Pitbull, we didn't discuss 401K so I have no information on that. He also told me that they have a 90-95 hr. option. That is all I know.

A couple of mainline flight attentendant were doing the math with the 90-95 option and the $1.35 hour per diem and came up with around $1700 gross for the month, give or take some$$$. That is about it and all I know.

There is not enough flying for 90 hours for anyone yet.

The blocks are built to around 70. Next month they have 40 blockholders and 10 reserves.

There is no option of flying. They can fly as much as they can get, however, they can time out at 91. That is the AE contract. The 401K info is correct. He/she probably is not too aware of that yet, I guess, or didn't think to mention it.
Pitbull, come to think of it, he did say he was on Reserve and had not flown much this month and next month he will have a Block. Also that serveral lines were forthcoming in the next couple of months. He was NOT whining, just giving me info. Like I said earlier, he said it wasn't all that bad. It was an interesting conversation. 🙂

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