'We all will explore our options in the best interest of our families. You are NOT unique."
Never said, suggested, or implied I was unique. Only said what I would do if given severance and unemployment.
"So far, in your mad desperation to post...you have made no point. We are all aware of what you speak. You present no epiphany for anyone."
My mad desperation to post. Let's see. You have posted over 3000 times and I have posted 65 times. Who has the mad desperation to post?
I believe my point has been made by the number of respones to the thread and how people have made their decisions when it comes to working at MAA.
"Please post here what information you cite that the PIT Pres wrote out regarding Mid-Atlantic in such great details. Since I assist local 40, I believe I would know!!!
I will repeat again: The January 15, 2004 E-line titled "Furlough and Mid-Atlantic Information."
'If there are no improvements or movement made the week of April 19 when the Committee convenes with management, many will quit! They have no choice. AND A NEWSLETTER WILL GO OUT ON THE PIT E-line exactly how deplorable it is to let the furloughees know. Then the media will know."
Based on the responses to this thread, I am not sure exactly how "many" is many.
It appears Light Years is coming back, JBraqq presented some interesting observations, and XOXO appears to be sticking it out. Don't get me wrong. I think the Eagle contract is poor and not having medical/dental is abhorrent. However, we are hearing from people that are coming back or are back, working for a Company that may not be here in 12-18 months. Why? Because they have hope for a better future.
"Our f/as are not surviving at all and are extremely depressed in Mid-Atlantic."
Pitbull, why did you make this statement? You made it sound as if not one F/A was happy about their position with MAA. Yet, this thread has shown this is not entirely the true picture. I applaud you for taking the time to address those F/A's that wanted to quit prior to being elgible for unemployment. However, I am a bit disturbed by the statement you made regarding, " the media will know." Being an admitted close confident to the Pit AFA president, is there another scenario being woven into this fabric? Could it be that if the negotiations do not go well this week, the PIT president was planning to go before the media and use the personnal
hardships of this handful of F/A's to once again paint the Company in the bleakest of terms?