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Why Did They Come Back?


I am not here to argue with you. You are not seeing the entire picture nor are you grasping everything I am saying.

If the co. is able to get the pilots relief on scope and the Rjs go to affiliates and MAA, mainline will shrink. I believe your seniority is not that high. When the furloughs all come back, You will one day have a choice to either take MAA or the street. None of us are that far removed from this.

Then write to me and tell me your prospective. I will be interested to hear it.
PITbull said:

I am not here to argue with you. You are not seeing the entire picture nor are you grasping everything I am saying.

If the co. is able to get the pilots relief on scope and the Rjs go to affiliates and MAA, mainline will shrink. I believe your seniority is not that high. When the furloughs all come back, You will one day have a choice to either take MAA or the street. None of us are that far removed from this.

Then write to me and tell me your prospective. I will be interested to hear it.
Of, course I am grasping what you are saying. I also understand the Scope issue (now for once). I also understand that the Airline may shrink and that I don't have enough seniority to maintain this job. I still would not, will not, even consider MAA. For me it would be absolutely out of the question. I signed on with USAir, now USAirways for better or worse. If and when, I no longer am a mainline F/A then I close this chapter of my life and move on. I will take what treasures I have aquired through friendship and experience and open up another chapter in my life.
It's called "Survival". I would rather survive to the best of ability than prostitute myself any further with this company. And Pitbull, may I add, I think you would too.

Your damn straight I would. We will close that chapter together if it comes to that 😉
Ok. Pitbull. I think we are on the same road, just in different lanes.

Good night. 😉

It's quite simple, really. MAA flights are either a substitute for, or a supplement to, existing mainline flying. If it's a substitute, then each MAA passenger is taking a passenger away from mainline. If it's a supplement, then each MAA passenger is having at worst zero impact on mainline.

The reality probably lies somewhere in between.
If it's a substitute, then each MAA passenger is taking a passenger away from mainline

MDA is definitely being deployed as a replacement to Mainline. Take a look at where they are flying. It was just announced that Mesa and PSA would operate point to point service on SAT's between GSP-MCO and RIC-MCO respectively. Why isn't MDA being deployed in this mode?

'We all will explore our options in the best interest of our families. You are NOT unique."

Never said, suggested, or implied I was unique. Only said what I would do if given severance and unemployment.

"So far, in your mad desperation to post...you have made no point. We are all aware of what you speak. You present no epiphany for anyone."

My mad desperation to post. Let's see. You have posted over 3000 times and I have posted 65 times. Who has the mad desperation to post?
I believe my point has been made by the number of respones to the thread and how people have made their decisions when it comes to working at MAA.

"Please post here what information you cite that the PIT Pres wrote out regarding Mid-Atlantic in such great details. Since I assist local 40, I believe I would know!!!

I will repeat again: The January 15, 2004 E-line titled "Furlough and Mid-Atlantic Information."

'If there are no improvements or movement made the week of April 19 when the Committee convenes with management, many will quit! They have no choice. AND A NEWSLETTER WILL GO OUT ON THE PIT E-line exactly how deplorable it is to let the furloughees know. Then the media will know."

Based on the responses to this thread, I am not sure exactly how "many" is many.
It appears Light Years is coming back, JBraqq presented some interesting observations, and XOXO appears to be sticking it out. Don't get me wrong. I think the Eagle contract is poor and not having medical/dental is abhorrent. However, we are hearing from people that are coming back or are back, working for a Company that may not be here in 12-18 months. Why? Because they have hope for a better future.

"Our f/as are not surviving at all and are extremely depressed in Mid-Atlantic."
Pitbull, why did you make this statement? You made it sound as if not one F/A was happy about their position with MAA. Yet, this thread has shown this is not entirely the true picture. I applaud you for taking the time to address those F/A's that wanted to quit prior to being elgible for unemployment. However, I am a bit disturbed by the statement you made regarding, " the media will know." Being an admitted close confident to the Pit AFA president, is there another scenario being woven into this fabric? Could it be that if the negotiations do not go well this week, the PIT president was planning to go before the media and use the personnal
hardships of this handful of F/A's to once again paint the Company in the bleakest of terms?

lindy said:
Could it be that if the negotiations do not go well this week, the PIT president was planning to go before the media and use the personnal
hardships of this handful of F/A's to once again paint the Company in the bleakest of terms?

It's more than a handful.

What this management team is doing is way beyond inexcusable. They are breaking contracts every day, hiring people to tell you if you are really sick, denying FMLA requests unless you're terminal, on and on I could go. Working at the front lines dealing with these people is enough to make sane people insane. This management has no answers to U’s woes except slaughter the employees and it is awarded potential millions while real people suffer. Hell I am no MBA and I could do as well. Why do you think the IAM will not even entertain talks with this team, they want this team GONE. The very few people who carry a stiff upper lip with a smile on it will be the next victims, it will never end unless and until the entire management team is replaced. Given big Dave's stance of backing Dave for doing nothing except making employees hate him and causing severe dissension among employees paints U’s future as bleak at best. Putting on a happy face and ignoring these facts I guess is good, that way you will only be pissed off on the day you hit the streets, and going along in ignorant bliss until then. We are all history if Dave remains because the IAM sure isn't going to work with him and he can't circumvent that aspect of the equation. The people on here posting hoorah hoorah things are not that bad, and to put on a happy face and work with Dave so things will be ok are going to fall real hard, and fall they will.

And as far as using the media, why the hell not! This team uses every lie, trick and dirty low down thing one can imagine. They should make him look like the mockery of a CEO he really is in the press and then just maybe big Dave will wake up and give him the boot.
lindy said:
"Our f/as are not surviving at all and are extremely depressed in Mid-Atlantic."
Pitbull, why did you make this statement? You made it sound as if not one F/A was happy about their position with MAA. Yet, this thread has shown this is not entirely the true picture. I applaud you for taking the time to address those F/A's that wanted to quit prior to being elgible for unemployment. However, I am a bit disturbed by the statement you made regarding, " the media will know." Being an admitted close confident to the Pit AFA president, is there another scenario being woven into this fabric? Could it be that if the negotiations do not go well this week, the PIT president was planning to go before the media and use the personnal
hardships of this handful of F/A's to once again paint the Company in the bleakest of terms?

I think you are now catching on to what the PIT Pres is about.

If no improvements are made week of the 19th, then the media will know the facts; not the interviews of f/as.

It will be up to the company to prove the other side; their side. Perhaps you can be interviewed for that piece. :angry:
lindy said:

"Please post here what information you cite that the PIT Pres wrote out regarding Mid-Atlantic in such great details. Since I assist local 40, I believe I would know!!!

I will repeat again: The January 15, 2004 E-line titled "Furlough and Mid-Atlantic Information."

Can someone tell me where to find this b/c I need to read it thanks
PITbull said:
I think you are now catching on to what the PIT Pres is about.

If no improvements are made week of the 19th, then the media will know the facts
I think everyone should know what is going on!
It is importnat! Let the media know, let the people know and let everyone maek up there own mines. then let the chips fall where they may. thanks

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