

Sep 30, 2003
I have promised a lot of people that I would Post when I recieved my Mid Atlantic Letter...Well, ITS HERE >>>> Just came today... Once again my class was May of 2000 !!!!

Hope that helps those of you waiting !!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for letting us know. How far down the seniority are you? I'm F/A Class 10 of 2000, so I'd like to get a sense of when I might have to make a decision.

Also, what was the jist of the letter?

I'm sure others have similar questions.

The last class left at mainline is I think 9/99, so you figure they are already at May of 2000? They only have about 50-75 F/A's right now. By my estimates they will be through the entire list by early fall. The last mainline class hired at USAirways was 06/01....interesting and scary.
After learning a little from people that are over there....I would pass. No thanks! Great new toy the EMB-170...just like when we got the Airbus.....but big whoop as someone else said. From what I hear it's almost slave labor.
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Like I've said before...We are all entitled to our Opionions !!!!

So, whatever anyone wants to do it is up to them...... Gee, I was supposed to start Training for AA EAGLE Next Wednesday....The pay is actually a little better at MAA plus a few days training vs 4 weeks !!! HMMMMMMM Let's think about that.....

There is one other Option still open to me.... That interveiw is Tomorrow !!!!!
We'll See what happens !!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Airline Orphan.....Basically you fill in your Name and Payroll of Original training class.... Then you have to

"Indicate in order of preference using 1 for your first choice,2 for 2nd choice"

May 2004________ Pass this Round _______________

That is about it...then, fax/addy for completed request !!!!! Im trying to find out where they ended will try and keep all informed !!!!!!!!!!

Yes....Congrats. Didn't mean to diminish your excitement on getting called to MAA. I guess I just have a very different view after living through mainline the past few years. At what point is twirling around the sky for almost nothing really exciting or worth it? The glamour is gone...and has been for a long time. Everyone has that mark where it just is not worth it and mine is MAA. Yours may be different. Keep in mind I worked at an Express carrier before this and the work rules were just as bad as MAA. That would be taking a step back for me and in my life I only look forward. Good luck and hope it all works out. Hope to see all of you back at Mainline sooner than's where you belong.
Congrats Colby!! :up:

Hope tomorrows interview will yield some positive news also. Looks like you may have 3 options to consider.
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The response I gave wasn't just about me.... I have had a VERY DIFFICULT time trying to decide what to do... The timing of this is actually pretty hilarious....

I have recieved messages from people that don't want to make a big deal out of MAA on here..they just want to be informed and it seems like everything is such a Big Secret all the time... Well, guess my challenging Aries is coming out again and I WILL keep people informed of ANY information I recieve about MAA since there are so many people that Do seem interested in it....Airboy A330...I can understand your not wanting to go backward... For me that would be Me Going back to Being a Travel Agent Locked in a Cubical for $8.00/hour..If your lucky..most agencies now hire people on a Commission Only Basis...and with all the Online bookings and no more Comm from Airlines...NO THANKYOU !!! I would rather have the Poverty Wages and Enjoy what Im doing..Granted the Glamour is Gone..But I still find a way to have fun with the People Im flying with .... Crew and Passengers A like !!!

Thanks for all the Congrats..But, like I said this was more to let those JR to me know that I received the letter !!!!!!!!! ;)
Colby said:
I have promised a lot of people that I would Post when I recieved my Mid Atlantic Letter...Well, ITS HERE >>>> Just came today... Once again my class was May of 2000 !!!!

Hope that helps those of you waiting !!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats. May is the last month for the first round. I suppose round #2 will be coming next which will probably be June-July-August-Spetemeber, I believe.

And see you soon! Welcome back. :D
Colby (from suvivor :p ) good luck. You have the right altitude. One thing many overlook past the wages, the work rules etc. There is always incredible opportunity in new companies, divisions, etc. in this case MAA. Training, mgmt, special projects, whatever. When I see all the posters stating no one know what's going on there, no information avail, etc. I think: Then there's opportunity to make a name for myself or gain a promotion figuring it out. Its the nature of new business to feel in the dark per say.
Colby said:
I have promised a lot of people that I would Post when I recieved my Mid Atlantic Letter...Well, ITS HERE >>>> Just came today... Once again my class was May of 2000 !!!!

Hope that helps those of you waiting !!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the update! You said you'd let us know, and you have been true to your word. Thanks also in advance for finding out as much as you can, like where on the list they stopped with the letters for example.

The decision has to be tough for you with the other airlines offering you positions...we all will keep you in our thoughts. Whoever would have imagined that any of us would ever wind up in this situation? Still, life is full of lessons so just remember that there is no such thing as the wrong choice. Whatever you decide will turn out just the way it's supposed to. :)

Go with your gut feeling!


PS: Wouldn't you skip a lot of the rehiring process and keep your mainline seniority, uniforms, jumpseating, etc if you stayed with MAA? Besides, training seems more like recurrant than anything being only 4 days.

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