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700UW said: "It was posted in a PILOTS ONLY portion of the web page, not for public use. And it was E-mailed to MDA pilots, not Mainline. And does your MEC buddy know you are posting his e-mails on a public internet page?"

USA320Pilot: It was E-mailed to me and other ALPA members from an MEC official in a forum, but how would you know since you're not an ALPA member? The information is not confidential and can be sent via email or posted in other places, but how would you know since you're not an ALPA member?

Keep up the rhetoric, like other prolific posters who misrepresent information, it only makes you look even more stupid...


There you go again with insults.
USA320Pilot @ May 2 2005, 10:28 PM
I'm not going to continue with "mud slinging", emotional comments, or to try and discredit the messenger.

Guess your word means nothing, but we all ready knew that.
And if ALPA wanted it as public information, it would have been in a press release and on the public portion of the web page.

And once again do you have the MEC members permission to post "PILOT ONLY" restricted information to the general public?

Maybe I should contact Jack Stephens and ask him myself?

It's not "mud slinging" or an "insult", it's your attempt to discredit the poster and it has everything to do with your antagonistic attitude. I simply stated a fact. What you do not understand is decorum and every time you post a comment like the one above, you only look worse.

By the way, Jack was the originator of the information and his committee wrote the report. Thus, maybe you and others should do some better homework. Also, my seven-year old second grader does not try to get people in trouble without a cause, but on the other hand you and others…

Personally, I believe a lack of decorum is stupid.


I guess you cant accept the facts when you are wrong and you break the rules, yet you chastise others for doing the same behavior that you do.

Yes I will contact Jack and tell him you are posting sections of the Pilot Only Web Page on public web pages under the guise the a certain MEC member said you can, maybe you will get cesured again.

And don't try to blame me for your breaking of the rules and policies, why don't you act like an adult and accept responsiblity for your actions instead of trying to blame others or deflect the heat onto others.

And as Forrest Gumps says "Stupid is as Stupid Does", take his advice to heart and do some introspection.

The Communication Committee already knows.

Again, the information was posted in Word and was meant to have the widest dissemination, which is why I placed it on this form. The document is intended to help pilots make a career decision and it's not confidential information.

Are we a little vindictive and trying to get others in trouble? When would now be a good time for you to grow up?


Meant to be distributed?

Prove it, where is the offical communication from the MEC that says a regular rank and file pilot, who is not a member of the MEC, Negotiating Committee or a representative of ALPA in any form or fashion is to take a "PILOTS ONLY" section of the web page and post for all and everyone to see?

Once again, back it up with facts, as I am going to contact Jack, better hurry and call your BOS MEC GAG buddy to watch your back.

We all remember this:

This is Roy Freundlich with US Airways an MEC update for Friday, July 26, with two new items:
Item 1. Today the Charlotte Observer published an anti-union editorial from one of our pilots, titled "Unions can Sink US Airways," that aggressively promotes management’s objectives on achieving concessions from other labor groups. The editorial goes so far as to suggest that the CWA union leadership, who represent customer service employees, is misleading their members on their negotiating activity, and implies that management’s side of a dispute is more accurate.

This editorial does not in any way represent ALPA’s position, understanding, or sentiment, on other unions and their sincere efforts to represent their members. ALPA has received no reports, nor would it assign any value to reports, that suggest that any union is misleading their membership. The pilot author of the editorial holds no union position in ALPA. The anti-union public statements from one of our pilot-ALPA members is regrettable.

We urge all pilots to contact their reps or the Comm Center for accurate updates on restructuring negotiations and the activity of other unions. We also request that all pilots refrain from promoting any management anti-union propaganda or chastise other employees in the media. There is little to be gained from such activity other than embarrassment for yourself, your fellow pilots, US Airways, and ALPA.

Do what you desire because it does not matter. You were explained the facts over-and-over (which is not unusual either) and you just look stupid, but that is your choice.

I find it interesting that you apparently want to be involved in ALPA affairs, and you want to be known as a person who seems to know more than a person who is involved in ALPA affairs…since I attend most MEC meetings. By the way, I am going to this week’s meeting. Are you?

Meanwhile, did you not condemn me for discussing IAM affairs and now you seem interested in trying to get an ALPA member in trouble, with no cause. Interesting, huh.

Best regards,


What facts?

Show the board the facts, the only thing we have seen posted what you say, no hard facts to back it up.

You get yourself in trouble, no one else to blame except yourself.

And I have contacted Jack and I am awaiting his reply.

And I care because I am a trade unionist, something that you have no idea about. Your postings and your management cheerleading does more harm then good and you don't realize how it portrays you in a bad light and people see you for what you really are.

Attending a MEC meeting does not make you a unionist, you are just a member of a union, not a union member.
Hey 700UW it's a pilots only "website". That does not mean the information on the site cannot be shared. It only means the pilot group are the only ones who can log on to the site.
You're way out of line on this one. :down:
USA320Pilot said:

Meanwhile, did you not condemn me for discussing IAM affairs

And it didnt stop you did it? Why do you think 700s admonition from you should be any different?

Do what you want -- the information was made public by a MEC member who had authority to do so. Why? To help MDA pilots make a a career decision, which is what a union is all about.

Regardless, the likes of you and others have hurt US Airways employees more than any other action, thus when would now be a good time for you to get off of your high horse.

Keep it up, you look more and more stupid, but that's o.k., because you make it easy to state my case.


It was not made public, it was sent to MDA pilots and posted on a pilot's only section of the web page.

Making it public, means the public can see it the moment it was put out.

And you are the one who is a traitor the to the union movement and fellow US employees, not I.

Did you sacrifice time away from home and your family to improve things for your coworkers?

Did you pull 16 hour days at CCY trying try and obtain a fair and equitable contract to make things better?

Have you ever put your coworkers' interests before your own?

The answer is a big resounding NO!

The only thing you spew is what lines your wallet and makes it fatter, to the hell with everyone else who throw under the bus and it was you who was admonished by your own union, not I.