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MAA flight attendant press release

(even the mullets from PIT)

.. are you mad because the mda f/as had blocks and you didnt? why are you so hateful to your co-workers?

NO :censored: hole, I hold a block and your smartass remark answered the second part.
LOL, no response needed... everyone's suspicions confirmed. I feel sorry for you, and all of your personas. :up:


Everyone's suspicions? Honey, some of you have too much time to come up with that one. BTW...there is no conspiracy. Take your meds, sweetie.

You don't even know who I am. I will say you have alot of nerve. All you have to give back is a stupid comeback like THAT.

I have yet to hear ANYTHING of value, much less intelligence contibuted where your responses are concerned, So if you can't contribute without sounding like a drunk 23 year old, please just put me on ignore. Oh, i forgot,there isn't a picture of the ignore button.
It's funny how you only throw on the "sassy gay flight attendant" act when challenged. I have provided facts about this topic while you have called your own co-workers names repeatedly and told people to "get over it". I'll just let our posts speak for themselves from here, sensible people can judge who is contributing and who's posts are unproductive and mean. Have a nice day.
[quote name='LCC_#1' date

You guys don't want to take responsibility for a POOR choice and you want everyone to pay for it.

You are such a loser that you voted for something that could have cost you your own job - what a tard - you obviously didn't know what you voted for b/c you voted for a seperate airline under a seperate certificate... that didn't happen... maybe they will start divisions for all aircraft type such as the 319 320 and 321 and call it whiners air and others can work it and your little arse can be without a job.... i didn' sign on to work at a mainline company with less pay i signed on for a regional and was lied to until i found out for myself so dont tell anyone that was lied to that they made a POOR decision the only one that made a poor decision was yourself when you voted b/c you don't know what you voted on... so get a life if you were affected by this you would see its wrong and thank those people b/c it allowed your white trash self to keep your job...
It's funny how you only throw on the "sassy gay flight attendant" act when challenged. I have provided facts about this topic while you have called your own co-workers names repeatedly and told people to "get over it". I'll just let our posts speak for themselves from here, sensible people can judge who is contributing and who's posts are unproductive and mean. Have a nice day.

Where's the challenge? You have been very silent on anything I have written. If saying a person is stupid for going to MAA in the first place makes me a name caller or someone an idiot who was being condescending, I'll own it.

I get what some of you are trying to say, but I have yet to hear any kind of explanation as to why such a poor decision was made and I'm sorry, but is a decision I would NEVER had made and AM perplexed why any of you made it in the first place. Anytime personal responsibilty comes into question, you guys load up your guns with all your well thought out "facts" whereas I could careless about your facts. I have posted here ALREADY that I hope you guys win , but NO money. Go back and read as you are good at putting your spin on things but not at comprehension. I'm not against you on the victory, but I am against you guys on somehow feeling screwed.

For me, this isn't about what happened by the company, but about those that went there. WHY? Why did you guys go with MAA in the first place? Did you REALLY have trust in the company at the time to come through? Were people panicky, desperate? You want people to understand, but until I can comprehend WHY you made such a decision in the FIRST place, how can you rally me to your cause? Am I the ONLY US Airways employee who knew the company would probably screw it up like everything else they touch?

So why did I vote yes on the contract? Regardless if MAA had the AE contract or not, I felt the company would shrink the company even more. I went with how I felt and I felt that No job equalled No pay and that if a person CHOSE to stay in the industry with US, they would at least have a job as few majors were hiring . I didn't like what was going on but had everyone said f you to the company, we may not be discussing this issue but one about the demise of US Airways.

I don't know how old you are, but anyone who has been in the airline industry knows that today's decisions could be tomorrow's mistake. Your airline may be on top of the world one decade and gone the next. I can't begin to tell you the stories just from me on such decisions. Some turned out to be the right decisions...some were not. I guess none are really wrong as we learn from all experiences. I am just perplexed with this one because it appeared so much like we ALL might be unemployeed. To ME, I feel if I were in that situation I would switching seats on the Titanic.

I know it is easy to hop on certain bandwagons, but friend, you don't HAVE to challenge me. I'm on your side. But if you think I'm not going to ask certain questions, you are saddly mistaken. If a fellow coworker(s) can't answer simple questions about decisions, what am I suppose to think about their abilities as a f/a to make critical decisions.

I just want to go on the record in saying this is a "sassy gay flight attendant" free post for you but ironically, FlyOnWall, I put on my "sassy gay flight attendant" thang to those I feel are either plugging their ears or getting lost in their narrow viewpoint. More importantly to those who speed read and miss much of what a person is saying.

We had almost half of our workforce layed off. What's that..15,000-20,000 jobs lost? What you guys have gone thru on a personal level is no better or no worse than anyone else and please remember that things haven't been exactly a picnic on the mainline. We went from first to worst contract wise. From when I was hired in 1987 to now, I have conservatively given 60% when you consider the contract as a whole and I have less the quality of life BECAUSE of the furloughees, so if you want to talk about self serving senior people, it's not in my best interest for there to be 1500 furloughed f/a's.

But, I could have left. It is my choice to stay. I chose to stay KNOWING that few airlines have successfully emerged from Ch. 11, but I love my job and felt the risk was worth it. Some chose to leave because they felt the end was near. And many now felt THEY were cheated because the company knew they were in talks with AWA. Those guys really felt the company owed them something. Are you following me at all with this?

Choice...some are better than others. Please don't make me your emotional punching bag because I am challenging anyone about their choices. It has hit a nerve and none of my post have been given a heartfelt, intelligent reply. That tells me there are alot of blinders up.

In closing, you guys DO have to get over...just like I had to get over alot of goofy and crazy decisions. That's life.

So I offer the first olive branch. 🙂
If you ask any MAA f/a what they want from this lawsuit..they will say "LONGEVITY". That is what we all deserve for being employed by Usairways inc. on the same certificate for 1+ years for most of us. This will bring most of us up to A scale when we return and the company certainly does not want that..so the money to me is nothing..I want my longevity.
Don't put Parker's neck on the chopping block for this. The previous mgmt did all this. He inherited the whole mess. MAA was already set up, and the sale was already signed before the official merger.

Yes it was probably handled like a dirty diaper, but it was'nt his mess either.
Well everyone makes the choice to work somewhere... to return from furlough or not is also a choice. To be denied longevity and pay and then outsourced to make the problem go awys is not a choice.

It's also a choice to stand up and fight for your profession and your co-workers, even the ignorant ones, or to sit back and put other people down. I applaud the "choice" these US Airways F/As have made and wish them all the best.

Like xoxo said, all they want is thier longevity. They worked at US Airways for 1 or 2 more years than they are being credited for. It comes out to either a dollar more an hour when they return or hitting A scale a year earlier than expected. Considering every active mainline F/A is on A scale, they are still saving money as seniors leave and juniors return, MDA credit or not. If Doug wants an LCC, why spend more fighting a lawsuit than a settlement of credited longevity would be cheaper? The new US Airways smells a lot like the old one.
xoxo and buckeye...

Thanks for bringing this up. Yes, it's a lot but from what I understand you have to have a minimum to file a federal case. What that is I don't know, and the lawyer came up with the $ numbers. Of course, they are not expecting to get that, believe me, in their hearts it's the PRINCIPLE of how they were misled by company/union. For those who say they knew, they did not, as no hardcopy contract was available until very recently (and way too late) And, I don't know anyone who voted on anything! They and the pilots believed they were under a separate operating certificate from US, that's why the lower pay/benefits were agreed to, and yes that was understood. But, when it was found out the certificate was never separate, so they were mainline all along, that's why we are having this discussion today! This group does NOT want anything like this to happen to anyone else, and I hope everyone can support their efforts! They are a wonderful, savvy group for a bunch of "juniors" :up:

Currently, mainline has no hard copy of a complete contract. You will only find it on the MEC Web and Hub.

The f/as of mainline have not had a hardback copy of a final agreement in all 3 concessions. And it will be at the very least another year minimum.

I AM educated and followed the entire process. Unlike you, I wasn't FOOL enough to buy into what the company was saying and REGARDLESS if MAA was on a single certificate or not, the pay scale and work rules were going to be similar to AE. It was N*E*G*O*T*I*A*T*E*D!!! GOT IT! AND you can go on about the senior this and the senior that, but the CONTRACT was passed. You actually BELIEVED that bunk about one certificate?. WOW!! Maybe YOU should had been more educated on the history of US Airways management. How cullable. The company would had gotten their little Metrojet in disguise anyway possible..I would guess by more threats..so nothing would had stopped it.

And remember that the ONLY reason the company kept MAA on the same certificate was because the process would delay putting those aircraft in service. If they came to you and said eventually you would be a seperate certificate, again, you were cullable.

I agree 100% that the e170 should have always been a mainline aircraft. At the time, many felt that his would help the company. I felt the decision was a mistake. And it was, but this is not the issue. You guys feel victimized. Well, BLANCHE, you were no more victimized than the rest of the 28,000 US East employees who watched stupid after stupid wasteful decision being made and money being piissed away on overpaid CEO's...but of course you wouldn't know this as I take it your senority is around 6 or less years? Maybe you need to sit down and talk to one of those senior mamas about how the screwd up past of US and how you should trust about a thimble amount of what is told to you.
To even insinuate that Doug Parker would somehow pull the same thing with the merger or that he was involved in some scheme to do such shows that you and your little club of victims need to lay off the booze and get a life.

When all the facts are presented, you will walk out of the courtroom with another person to blame for your victimization......da judge!! 😉

The MAA premise way back in concession #1 in 2002 was to have a LCC within a carrier, that meant at a much lower pay scale and different workrules. Once in BK the company was going to push for the MAA. I think that they were hoping to eliminate all of mainline (which was our fear) and convert all flying to the subwage MAA. There is no way that we could mix the flying. There would be no one that would bid to fly a substandard-wage flight on mainline. And if this was not a separate division and could be flown by the existing mainline, there would have been no job offers for the involuntary furloughees as mainline was running "over staffed" for the past 4 years.

Everyone's suspicions? Honey, some of you have too much time to come up with that one. BTW...there is no conspiracy. Take your meds, sweetie.

You don't even know who I am. I will say you have alot of nerve. All you have to give back is a stupid comeback like THAT.

I have yet to hear ANYTHING of value, much less intelligence contibuted where your responses are concerned, So if you can't contribute without sounding like a drunk 23 year old, please just put me on ignore. Oh, i forgot,there isn't a picture of the ignore button.
I worked for maa for 2 years and your bashing is not going to change anything that happened to the pilots and f/a at maa. If you have never worked for maa you have no idea what we have been through. Granted I know your stating only your opinions...let it go. Until you've walked in our shoes(f/a and pilots)you have no right to judge us.
And that's apparently just what didn't happen with the Emb-170's/MDA - at least with ALPA. The company and union knew the planes were to be operated on the mainline certificate but kept up the pretense that MDA was a stand-alone carrier. With ALPA, at least, the pretense continued beyond the point where MDA even existed as a separate corporate entity operating on the mainline certificate.

So while there never was a seperate airline called Mid-Atlantic, and even after the separate corporate entity ceased to exist, the affected employees were told they worked for a separate company under a separate contract.


Where did you get the information that MAA operated separately for a while? The wholly owned concept went away in concession #2 and during BK, 3 months after we entered. MAA didn't start operation for aproximately one full year after that. During the negotiations of winter 2002, it was told by management that MAA would be operated as a "Division" of mainline, and all the language in the proposal for concession #2 reflected this. AFA only had 5 days to approve to send the entire proposal out to the f/as for ratification as the company gave us a liquidation of the company deadline of Dec. 20, 2002 6 p.m . The proposal also included LTO reserve system and many workrule changes, but it was understood that once MAA started up (which was the following year March 1 of 2004) it operated as a "division". The retoric at the table for the f/as was always that MAA was NOT "express" or any part of express, but rather a "division" of mainline with separate workrules, wages and benefits and no longevity for time spent there. What was negotiated was "flow through" back to mainline and how that would be handled along with how the job offers would be handled with the invol furloughees. What was ratified in concession #2 by the mainline f/as who gave up concessions in order for the company to jump start MAA was American Eagle Contract of workrules, their benefits, and wages ONLY, no longevity, and a "flow through". Invols were permitted to pass this job offer twice, before not being offerd this again. Those f/as who either passed twice or permanently just either had other jobs and waited for recall back to mainline sometime in the future.

I have noticed that the lawyers either didn't mention the ratification in their brief or just don't know about it. American Eagle contract was on the PIT website as well as the MEC website even long after MAA had their own website posted.

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