The 190 has nothing to do with MidAtlantic at all.
Uh, you don't think the fact that the company sold the 170s, then turned around and ordered 190s using the same certification, but this time paying mainline wages, while they lay off the mainline 170 people, has anything at all to do with "MidAtlantic"?
Great post, as usual, Fly. You're right on, and this is a strong case, despite the uphill climb. Never underestimate the determination of a group of dedicated people who believe in what they are doing wholeheartedly.
They are suing the past, sorry but most of the people who made that decision are long gone fron US management.
The 170 "division" as it was called flew that a/c. Now the company is going ahead and ordering virtually the same a/c just stretched a bit that will NOW be flown with Mainline pilots and flight attendants. Why wasn't it flown with mainline pilots and flight attendants to begin with if it was not truly a seperate airline on a seperate certificate. Throw in the comment, "midatlantic doesnt exist" and the case just gets stronger. FYI: I know the midatlantic f/a's were truly mainline but just saying....I still fail to see how the 190 order has any impact on MidAtlantic and their lawsuit. *shrug* We will be done and gone before the end of May.
There is indeed a website where folks can donate to the cause. It is being handled by one of the MDA pilots and we FA's find it very comforting to know that there are other folks out there that believe in our cause. The web site is:Is there a website for people to donate? I heard alot of pilots and FAs have contributed... the ones who were not MDA but know about it.
Why doesn't the union just negotiate, or at least try, with the company to give them thier longevity back with the new merged contract? I know the FAs are owed back pay and all but at least resolving the longevity thing would kind of clear the AFA and the company a bit...
Why does it seem like the AFA has been AGAINST the MDA FAs from the beginning? They went along with the company in acting like it was seperate, making a seperate council and claiming there was a contract that no one could see. They never made it clear to the rest of mainline that this was just a fenced operation with mainline employees, not to mention a total seniority violation. It's like they are trying to screw those FAs. Is there some sort of benefit to the senior FAs to get rid of the junior people? Is there something I'm not seeing?