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Not "the same thing, really" as scabbing at all. To compare the level of compensation and benefits at a regional to crossing a picket line is an insult to true unionized labor. Did you think you were scabbing when you were an Express F/A?
Not "the same thing, really" as scabbing at all. To compare the level of compensation and benefits at a regional to crossing a picket line is an insult to true unionized labor. Did you think you were scabbing when you were an Express F/A?

I don't think light years is or was an express flight attendant~
It may not have been a US Express carrier. A long time ago I mentioned that I've been lurking here much longer than posting. LY mentioned doing proving runs for a previous regional's first RJ model. This was during a rather civil discourse back before she decided Chautauqua employees were the root of all evil😉

Nothing wrong with that, I'm proud to say I'm a Chautauqua pilot. I just hope I'm not still saying it when I'm sixty....
It may not have been a US Express carrier. A long time ago I mentioned that I've been lurking here much longer than posting. LY mentioned doing proving runs for a previous regional's first RJ model. This was during a rather civiil discourse back before she decided Chautauqua employees were the root of all evil....

No not the root of all evil - Just that your corp. is a piece of s++t operation along with USAirways piece of s++t mngmt. doesnt make for a pretty situation. You guys are acting like replacement workers for outsourced flying at USAir and it makes me sick to my stomach... I would be ashamed of myself and the moral integrity of my corp. - as we are with our mngmt. for being stupid enough to try and make a go of this and disrupt the lives of their BEST employess - and shame on you GLASS!!!! you deserve to have your bank account drained and jobless on the street!!!!
An RJ doesn't mean Express or outsourced flying.

Chautauqua employees are not the root of all evil. Of the three contract Express providers, they easily provide the best standard of service. I'd guess that most of thier F/As don't really have much of a grasp on the bigger picture, or even want to make a career of being a flight attendant. They are probably just excited to be on a "big plane" going to "big places", with no concern bigger than whether or not there is a pool at the hotel. However, the pilots do seem to be playing hardball on this... US employees would just like to be part of the growth of thier own fleet, even under a different owner. There is definately some arrogance and greed on the CHQ side of things. Making up "MidAtlantic dates of hire?" Offering real US Airways flight attendants an "interview" to start as a new hire as thier own replacement?

It's a sad day in the industry period. A once noble profession continues to deteriorate because of visciously anti-worker companies, apathetic senior people, and people who are willing to fly no matter what the ridiculous conditions or cost to someone else. I guess it depends on what side of the evil you are on, but the way things are going it will hit everyone else too. There's always someone willing to be a pilot or a flight attendant that would probably go even lower.

To go broader, consumers (all of us) can be blamed as well for our entitlement and demanding of everything for cheap if not free, regardless of the cost to humanity.
Yea and we have to thank people like Capt. morgan and MAABoss. :rant: Both of you are f :censored: g punks.
People at MAA are great professionals. Some of the best in the industry. They have all started with at least 15 years of seniority for Pilots and 3 to 5 years for FA. The created a wonderful division that allowed customers to see the true faced of what US Airways should be. What did they get in return? A stick pushed where the sun doesn't shine and each day these people go to work, they get the stick pushed higher with a twist. Hey guys, You are the best!! I support your cause and will pass the word to all I know about the new website FAempowered. The union is a great thing...However, maybe not at MAA. Remember that you guys were always the redheaded stepchild of US Airways, but you have grown to be a division that all should emulate. Sue their @#$%. As to MAAboss and those who share his ignorant views....spend a month in the life of someone who lives in their car in the parking lot because they cannot afford a crash pad, someone who sleeps on the bug infested couch beacause they can't afford the hotel room. Live the life of an employee that wont break $19,000 this year because of rediculous wages. Let me see you showing up at the airport, having spent 12hrs on duty and only making $23. If that is what their union got them in the contract, then i too would take matters into my own hands.
Not to sound cold or callous, I support the MDA employees, but no one forces you to take the job or stay employed.

If it is that bad, move on to greener pastures.
700UW said:
Not to sound cold or callous, I support the MDA employees, but no one forces you to take the job or stay employed.

If it is that bad, move on to greener pastures.

No one forced them to take the job. Just like all of us, sometimes there are expectations. They were told that if they did not return to MDA, they will loose their recall rights at mainline. Recall rights on furlough is only good for 3 years. Many employees were approaching that period. They were told by their union that conditions would improve once the division gets growing. They all hoped for the promise that MDA may one day be obsorbed back into mainline. Some had rather return with the hope of holding a block and do what they do best ...fly...than starting over at the bottom with another company. Thanks to management, these people lives are in shambles...700UW? Maybe you should find greener pastures when you lost your retirement. The people's 5 to 17 years seniority with the company means as much to them as your blood and sweat at US Airways. So get off your high horse and give these wonderful folks some support.
I am not on a high horse, if you read my previous post and comprehended it you would see I support them, my concessions went to pay for the 170s.

Pitbull can you clarify how long recall is to mainline? I believe it is longer then three years.

I still have my pension it was gauranted by the PBGC, yes it is reduced but still there, and I also have a DCP from US Airways.

All I saying is if conditions are that bad, no one forces you to stay and work under them.

And in typical US fashion they are now hosing you by selling the planes.
You never lose your recall (knock on wood), and MAA was a choice over furlough, but if you left MAA before 90 days you lose all status with the company.

Aside from that, all true, down to the sleeping in cars and crew rooms. Two MAA F/As nearly froze to death sleeping in the DCA parking lot last winter because they were told they could not sleep in the crew room after being displaced there. The cheapest hotel is almost $70 a night, which is not in an MAA F/As budget. I don't think people realize just how little they make.

This was the last generation that was hired when things were still OK, you at least made 20K (still a joke), and things like customer service and intelligence went into considering you for employment. What they were willing to give up to help the company and the great job they did under those conditions is pretty extraordinary.

In some bitterweet way, maybe it's good that these people are getting SO screwed that they will move on and realize you just can't do enough for this company... they are heartless.

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