WOW! Someone is really bitter and upset...
On the contrary, tired of the whinning. I am very happy and far from bitter and state my opinion because you guys are presenting one side.
There are two things going on here.
The company was careless, irresponsible, clueless, and desperate. In true "old" US Airways fashion, they were looking at numbers and not thinking about their own people. As always, they somehow sneak in terminology that they can spin and twist to mean what they want. They will then take you to court if you don't like and plea it was in writing. I am sure they are busy doing the same with this issue. New US Airways management will claim they weren't in charge and shouldn't be responsible as this is a new company. They will claim that the lawsuit is fruitless as the employees made a choice to work there.
The company never should have let this go to court. I feel you guys got stuck in CH 11 hell and when the company changed leadership didn't feel any obligations. Doug should had handled this better by apologizing for the past and promising this kind of shotty decision making would NEVER happen again.
The lawsuit is not the problem I have with all of this. As BOEINGBOY stated, if this puts the new US Airways on notice alone, it was worth going to court and IF thats's the f/a's intention, then I applaud you guys.
Having said that, SECOND thing going on...
You guys don't want to take responsibility for a POOR choice and you want everyone to pay for it.
Just ONCE I would love for one of you guys to just say..."Man this sucks...they suck...did I make the wrong choice. I can do better. I'm outta here."
Paint me the uniformed person all you want and twist around my words as you please...SPIN IT GURL!!.. but you have to had been either desperate or out of your mind to have even considered working for MAA. YOU guys made that decision, not me. YOU decided to go into unchartered territory DURING uncertain times. Geez...think about it..We are in Chapter 11, made no money for YEARS, are about to go under, sacrifices by ALL (NOT JUST MAA FOLK), obituaries being written and the buzzards circling....and you REALLY think the company would have a clue on starting and running a division or whatever you were? And not get sympathy from the anti-labor judge we had? I hope this enlightens you and others to ask important questions about making decisions.
BTW, you are a better spinner than that ahole in the White House. How DARE you twist what I said about the 6 years senority, That was in reference of the whinning about the senior people and mainline not understanding the MAA plight and MY response that with the 6 years, this person doesn't know the full history of US Airways management or needs to sit down with senior mamas to understand. You twisted that statement the way YOU wanted. READ before you write. You let your defensive mind get in the way and you were on the border of making it personal.
It's not my problem that you made the unwise decision to trust a management team that has screwed over it's employees for YEARS. Didn't just a tiny part in your brain raise a red flag? One thing I have learned in this industry and that is that 5 years these days is peanuts and you can move on to perhaps a company like Southwest or to a company like CAL that has problems, but not on life support.
Hey, any of us could had been there had we not given back AND I find it funny how nobody wants to admit to voting yes on the last contract ( YES, I voted YES), but that decision saved our dying ass and put us where we are today, which is in a MUCH better place. For that, I AM proud of my vote and while not happy with all things, am enjoying the fact that investors and analyst BELIEVE in US Airways now and my YES vote help make that possible.
Believe it or not, I hope you guys win...but NOT on my dime, Had MAA never happened, guess what? You would had been out on your butt anyway so the 100% plus 40% or whatever the point was makes no sense. No job equals NO PAY!! The verdict should find US Airways negligent and irresponsible and they should have to sign a contract WITH the court where they would have a third party to monitor all negotiations and contracts. This would irritate the hell out of them but most importantly would send a statement to ALL airlines to negotiate contracts in good faith AND that the contracts be black and white and crystal clear.
But monetary value only hurts all of us. Some of you guys may feel you deserve some payback. Guess what? So do most of the other US employees who watched the likes of Wolf, Gangwall, and Siegle walk away with millions while we all sacficed. Court induced monitoring is the way to go.
Well you know what they say about opinions. They are like @#$holes, everyone has one. I'm sure everyone appreciates yours formed on vague facts and obvious bias.
Of course, anyone who disagrees with you could only have vague facts and obviously be bias.