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M & R Vote For A UNION.

M & R Vote For A UNION.

  • TWU

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • IAM

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • AMFA

    Votes: 27 41.5%
  • Teamsters

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • No UNION

    Votes: 9 13.8%

  • Total voters
I suppose with all of his dodging, he's not capable of admitting being wrong. As far as IAM or IBT, it's kind of up in the air. Guess I would choose the IAM just so you can have some sort of voice. Personally, I am now AMFA and would choose them over the others any day.
Each of us has to make his own mind up to what he want's and what he feels is best for him as for me i would take the IAM over TWU but would choose AMFA or IBT over the IAM. Now as far as 700 goes i know he want's to let the pay lesson get lost in Blog pages but 700 should Man up and say: oops or I was Wrong or even i was misinformed by the IAM. Calling someone a lyre to cover up or hide IAM short comings like AMT pay may get some a little fired up :angry: . blue collar have a good one i have to go study you never know what lesson will be next. :lol:
Its hard to tell a east person they were acquired by America West with out getting rocks thrown at you but when its in black and white what can you say. Its good talking to you again robbedagain its been a few years.
its good talkin to you again too yes its been a few yrs pal im an east person but i can understand how this whole thing came about as from what i recall us was say a few hrs or minutes from being shut down at least that was what we knew at that time...
feel free to send me a pm anytime
Who raised the money?

In January, with fuel prices at a record high and doubts aired about US Airways' survival after its Christmas baggage meltdown in Philadelphia, Lakefield picked up the phone and called Parker, suggesting that "maybe we should begin those talks again," according to Parker.

But America West did not have enough cash to lift US Airways out of bankruptcy. It was up to Luth, the US Airways adviser, to find enough investment money to piece the deal together and give the combined company a fighting chance to thrive in the battered airline industry.

Luth and US Airways had serious discussions with more than a dozen investors. They all requested shared participation in a merged airline -- no one wanted to take on all the risk. The Retirement Systems of Alabama, which rescued US Airways from its first bankruptcy in 2003 with a $240 million investment, stands to lose it all if US Airways emerges from bankruptcy and issues new stock.

Luth went after the companies that had something to gain from an investment in US Airways and America West. Aircraft maker Airbus agreed to provide $250 million in exchange for US Airways' pledge to buy dozens of A320 jets in the future. Regional commuter carrier Air Wisconsin Airlines made a $125 million investment in exchange for a jet services partnership. The Appleton, Wis.-based airline will fly for the merged carrier on a contract basis.

Credit card companies may provide $300 million in order to reach new customers. And once-bankrupt Air Canada offered $75 million, good for a 7 percent stake in the new company, in exchange for an agreement to maintain the new carrier's fleet of 361 jets.
does Air Canada still have that stake in US and do they maintain the 361 jets i never saw anything about that since the post ch 11 n merger with hp
Who really cares, it's history....This is a new beginning, it probably won't be long before the AA saved US or the US saved AA fighting begins...Everyone needs to get over it...
AC does not work on the A330s anymore, 50% of all billable hours of heavy maintenance must be don in-house per the Transition Agreement CBA.

AC only did some work on the A330s, they didnt keep the work long.
Who raised the money?
As you said: Guess you can’t comprehend (The reverse takeover structure) and how it works and as I said: (the 3 new Investors would have walked away. Luth or Lakefield may have got the 3 new investors but it was AWA and Parker they stayed for. Finance lesson over... As LD3 said: (Who really cares, its history.)

Now let’s get this back to M & R …700 I and others have posted pay scales from CAB”s from other airlines showing the weak pay the IAM has had for AMT’s, even comparing to a IBT contract in 1998 / 2003 against a IAM 2005 / 2008 contract that now we use as a Transition Agreement to date. This too will all be history when AA either comes in with the TWU or if they vote in a new union amfa/ibt/iam they will set what union will be in place.
I know you want to bury this in the back pages of the blog’s. Just say: oops or I was confused or misinformed by the IAM. Its OK we do understand the brain washing. 🙄
700, you're pretty good at showing faults with other unions. Why do you have blinders on when it comes to the IAM?
I have no blinders on, trust me, I had many an argument with Freigberger during negotiations and a few others.
NO! don't tell me YOU were the genius that negotiated this CBA! With your math and finance skills give me a break, And you were giving me BS over Andy Marshal and the contract he negotiated....LMAO :lol: Trust me!!!
NO! don't tell me YOU were the genius that negotiated this CBA! With your math and finance skills give me a break, And you were giving me BS over Andy Marshal and the contract he negotiated....LMAO :lol: Trust me!!!

The negociating committee is made up from the M&R members. 700UW was part of the committee. You should show him some respect. Prior to our second BK we had the best contract in the industry bar none. Now we are the ONLY Airline that has a scope clause covering our heavy Maintenance
And the final offer that was implemented wasnt negotiated, is that too hard to understand travis?

The Judge abrogated our CBA and made us vote on the final offer otherwise he would impose it.

We gave the company a full comprehensive CBA and they rejected it as it kept too many people on the payroll, it met the ask, but we didnt agree in that offer to give up the pension.

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