I am glad these guys step up and give us the truth of what is going on, and from what I hear from those who are represented by them some pretty good representation under a horrible international and Tulsa blessed contract. It is no secret what the line and those I had the pleasure to work with at AFW want for a union, but Tulsa, like it not does not agree. Kind of surprising since the teamsters are claiming to have a lot of success in Tulsa, why AMFA couldn't. Also, Tulsa was also given all soughts of information on why to vote against this contract, and still chose to vote for it overwhelmingly.
So don't tell us what to do for representation, while Tulsa continues to elect guys like Siri as president, and supports the teamsters. Not sure why you would want the line and afw to suffer under Videtich puppets, while we continue to wait on Tulsa. I feel that these guys, along with Larry, are about doing the best for those of us that are not in Tulsa. They have stood up to the company and the international. What has Tulsa done?