Loa 91

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skyflyr69 said:
Kitty, SWEATSHOP wages? your pay and benefits are above the norm.
try working an 8-5 job .
i heard one of your gate agents mention to a colleague on the phone that yes he could have lunch as he doesn't have another flight for 3 hours!!!!! CLT D6 saturday.
wish i had a 3 hour lunch.
he could just as easily go help another gate, but NOOOOO. he takes a 3 hour lunch. unbelievable!
this is what is wrong. this has to change if you want to take on LUV and the rest.
good luck and take on the competition not yourselves for crying out loud.
First of all my name is NOT KITTY, and my pay and benifits are NOT above the norm. I have worked a 8-5 job, I have bartended all hours of the night, I have raised children, I have been a wife, mother and a grandmother. So get off your high horse. You don't know me, or my life. As far as gate agents go, that is not my job, nor anything I should judge, I have NOT walked a mile in their shoes, but I know they work hard.

And may I add, thanks for wishing us good luck. :lol:
My God, where have all these company people come from in the last 24-48 hours?????????This forum has been bombarded by folks who think U employees are worth zero. Well, let me ask all you goody two shoes, who want to advocate U employees working for zilch, just what the H do you do?????
ktflyhome said:
This forum has been bombarded by folks who think U employees are worth zero.
I think you have got it backwards. It is more like the top third thinks the bottom third is worth 10 cent on the dollar.
planejane said:
And to those who say they would prefer to see the doors close because it's full pay to the end, all you will have is yourself in a new job, paying less, accumulating your seniority all over again and that's only if you find a decent paying job. Even if you can get another airline job, you think your going to pull in the pay your pulling now? Even with more pay cuts, work rules - your rock bottom at your so called new job. So please explain to me, how this benefits you? What's your point? If I make 60K now and I agree to make 50K a month from now, how am I still not ahead of the ballgame here? The free ride is over. If you want a guarantee on pension and job security - go work for the government!
Plane Jane,

Excuse us for living and breathing around you. U is still here today for your convenience and frequent miles because the employees have given 2 rounds of concessions...

You say "free ride is over". What planet are you on?

I won't tell you how to live, work, and what to expect... :angry: stay out of our _ _ _ _!

Go work for the gov? You go pound some serious salt!

PS: One more thing genius... if your post is accurate and you would be willing to take a salary reduction to $50K a month, I'm with you. I'll take that job, no complaints, EVER! We'd be majorily ahead of any ball game. :lol:
So please explain to me, how this benefits you?

What percentage of airlines has successfully continued to operate once exiting bankruptcy?

What percentage of airlines has successfully continued to operate while forcing more concessions from its employees?

You tell me, do you really think U has a chance especially now with Southwest on the attack in Philly.

It’s over Jane... except it... everyone else has.
US Airways pilots OK regional jet agreement
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By Thomas Olson
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

In a critical vote that helps US Airways regain financial footing, the troubled airline's pilots union on Monday accepted a money-saving agreement that allows the carrier to reassign regional jet leases to its express-carrier affiliates.


If the majority of the American population is earning a good income without the help of a union, then please give some examples. Here's a list of the few "types" of workers that are unionized.

Local Government Workers
Customer Service Agents
Gas company employees
Steel Wrkers
Public Transportation
Flight attendants
grocery store employees
Baggage handlers
Ramp agents

I missed quite a few. What is left? White collar workers and Blue collar workers not unionized. Out of the two which makes more money? Of course white collar because they have an eduacation; however, why should a blue collar worker accept crappy wages? Because they couldn't afford to go to college? What makes someone with a degree better? Who honestly can survive on minimum wage? No one can. Every human should be entitled to a livable wage. With two round of concessions it has become to most of us deciding what is a livable wage. That is for me to decide and no one else. Just because my wage may be published on this forum does not give anyone the right to tell me I make too much.

The demise of this country is quickly becoming the greed of corporate America. We have corporate big wigs who will take and atke at the expense of others. Sure they may have gone to Harvard, they have a degree, they can crunch numbers (sometimes), but does that really entitle them to millions?

I have more respect for someone who builds a company from the ground up themselves and makes millions than someone who saunters in and fails miserabley and still makes millions. At least the afore mentioned busted thier rear end and accomplished something and they deserve every dime. Besides, they are more likely to realize that they could not have succeeded without their employees.
I guess this is good news for the financial health of USAirways but it is troubling for the employess as more jobs will now be shifted to the lower paying commuter operation.
If the jobs are even offered to us.
FlyingHippie said:
The problem with this company is the pay gap between skilled an unskilled labor. Skilled labor is taking the big cuts while unskilled labor is still overpriced given the new airline standards. Theres no question in my mind that this airline will be forced to file chapter 11 again just to get unskilled labor rates in line. Don't shoot the messenger I am just stating reality.
Flyinghippie, I am surprised nobody else picked up on your comments. I certainly don't expect CWA, IAM or AFA to vote themselves down to JetBlue payrates. Though, ALPA is probably going to eat more of their young with the proposed contract changes. Therefore, its quite possible for another Chapter 11 filing.
Youngblood, I have yet to meet a CEO of any corporation that isn't an #### in some shape or form. Yes, some appear to be very nice and some are (example Ed Colodny, though he had his moments too), however the majority in today's business world are hypnotized by spreadsheets and forget the human element in the company. If you think it's bad at an airline, I've heard worse at the big technology companies run by Gen-Xers, they make Steve Jobs look like Mother Theresa. Sadly this is what's coming out of today's Harvard, Yale, Wharton and Stanford business schools.
the thing that fascinates me is ALPA does not see that they have just been had. The company wants more cuts, I would have made any changes to scope a part of that deal. But now, they have just, without any negotiation or give and take, given away a large part of scope and agreed to the outsourcing of an aircraft which is the same type as a 100 seat aircraft. I predict when the company and ALPA sits down for more givebacks, on the table will be allowing the outsourcing of the E-190/195. The pilots are fools, they just started the process which will ultimately allow the outsourcing of all their jobs.
>>Here's a list of the few "types" of workers that are unionized.<<

Of this list, I wonder how many people in the profession are actually unionized?

For instance, I know that my wife, a nurse, is not in a union. Nor am I, in my present pilot position. I think it's fair to say that many people in the two professions mentioned here are unionized, but I personally have no idea if it's a majority or not. I don't have a clue if this information would even be available.
For those who say the free lunch is over, know this. We never got a free lunch and never expected one. We have had to fight for everything we've ever gotten and will have to keep on fighting to stay out of the sweatshop.

On the other hand, the top 10 percenters of this country and the folks in the executive suite get a free lunch every time they file their taxes with all the giant loopholes and tax givebacks Bush and Clinton made available for the wealthy.

Ask Halliburton how their free lunch is going over in Iraq as they gouge the tax payer while scrimping on supplies to soldiers (my brother was in Basra last summer on one bottle of water a day, supplied by Kellog Brown and Root, a Halliburton subsidiary).

Yep the free lunch continues for the rich and powerful and unaccountable. But for those of us who do the work in this country we never got a free lunch. All we have ever had is each other to back each other up (and yes, labor solidarity doesn't always come through, and when we are all pitted against each other, we chase each other down the toilet, competing to offer ourselves up at the lowest price).

What neverneverlandMBA program did these people come from?

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