Loa 91

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Mar 6, 2003
Just read that LOA 91 passed by a large margin. The pilot group at U has now given away BOTH it's retirement and Scope for nothing in return. Greeter.
If this is true I hope the airline does go down and take the spineless ones who voted to outsource everyone else's job with it.

See ya at Home Depot... oh wait, I hear Mesa is hiring.
Light Years said:
If this is true I hope the airline does go down and take the spineless ones who voted to outsource everyone else's job with it.

See ya at Home Depot... oh wait, I hear Mesa is hiring.
f.u. Light Years. With that mentality, I doubt Home Depot or Mesa will hire you. If we get rid of you and your "steel mill" logic with our vote....good riddance!
Honey, I've been gone from your company for quite some time, and I have never even laid eyes on a steel mill. Nor am I really old enough to care. Good luck.

I honestly dont wish any ill will on US Airways employees, just the ones who greedily vote thier co-workers out of the picture and set an industry-wide precedent for an already dying career.
Yep Flyaway, that's right, blame the steelworkers for the blunders of big steel....

Someday your Walmart/WallStreet mentality will come to bite you in the.....


P.S. Does "f.u." mean "Freemarket Uberalles?"
f.u. Light Years. With that mentality, I doubt Home Depot or Mesa will hire you. If we get rid of you and your "steel mill" logic with our vote....good riddance!
Flyaway: You are WAY, and I mean WAY out of line with that post. You have no friggin' idea what you are even talking about. If you even had an inkling to what Light Years has posted over time, you would be tee totally embarassed for what you said. How utterly rude and ignorant. :down:
Ding. Give that man a prize!!!!

One of the worst examples of labor malpractice that has ever existed.

Oh, there was also the one where the railroad union attempted to force the railroads to keep an engineer AND a brakeman in every single locomotive in a train - regardless of whether the locomotive was the lead engine.
Excerpted from Piney Bob's comments on the "Past Practice Clause:"
This clause is widely credited for causing events that ultimately led to the demise of the Steel Industry.

Widely credited by whom? Interested parties or objective observers (if there can be such a thing). The history of many work rules is that they are created originally by management, not by labor. Labor then uses whatever is available to protect members when new technology is introduced that could make work less onerous, but instead is employed to reduce the number of people employed.

And who owns the ministeel plants now? How much of that ownership is transferred capital investment from the former Bethlehem, et al Steel companies? Reincarnation of the same sector of capital? How much is brand new capital? Does it really matter?

As you are well aware, I'm no advocate of labor stategies which simply rely upon holding onto the past--I'd prefer to see an agile labor movement that organizes every new realm that pops up in industry, but I get tired of "steel mill mentality" being bandied about as an ad hominem dismissal.

What a bunch of sellouts. They sold out the furloughees in the 90's,they sold out the "new Hires", sold out the 90's furloughees again, sold out the wo's, now they have sold out again!!!!!! You reep what you sew!
Yea, I am tired too, of hearing over and over about the "Steel Mill Mentality". Many people on here, ASSUME, that if you don't AGREE with Management and how they want to treat us, abuse us, use us and spit on us, then we have a "Steel Mill Mentality". I never grew up in the Steel Mill area, I am just seeing what our company has NOT done to improve employee relations and give us any true insight as to what their PLAN is.

Piney:Maybe you should take Lakefields request and put the past in the past. ;)
airlineorphan said:
Widely credited by whom? Interested parties or objective observers (if there can be such a thing). The history of many work rules is that they are created originally by management, not by labor. Labor then uses whatever is available to protect members when new technology is introduced that could make work less onerous, but instead is employed to reduce the number of people employed.
They may be created by management, which in my opinion is suspect at the very best, but it was exploited by labor. Plain and simple. You want to protect labor but yet that very protection is a force behind the demise of the entire labor group.

ITrade and Piney....thanks for that posting. I had no idea and it speaks volumes doesn't it?
Well, just tell me this!!! If we had nothing BUT mangement in this country today and NO labor, just tell me where the HELL would we all Be????? Managment would not have their cozy little (big homes), nice fancy cars and gourmet dining.

Sounds to me that some on here are advocating that the Labor of USAirways should feel grateful at having a job, but should be working for SWEATSHOP wages.
Todays modern unions stand for nothing but a crude form of illegitimate social wealfare... Unionism is an economic drain on society much like lawyers, cost with out added benefit. Being part of a union is is all about bribery and thuggery..... "If you dont pay me more, Im not going to come to work" We'll shut you down... LOL what a positive message. That's OK.. in a few decades they (unions) will lose most of their clout, thanks to the growing global economy. People scratch their heads and wonder why businesses move off shore.. LOL.. If I owned a business I would do the same thing.
ITRADE said:
Ding. Give that man a prize!!!!

One of the worst examples of labor malpractice that has ever existed.
Some of you guys anti union spin on things is as bad as some of the unionistas spin you are so highly critical of.

I guess CWA was so against changes and wanted 3 agents to assist with every transaction is why the contract was changed to allow (and create loss of jobs)

Skycaps giving boarding passes
CARS to assist at kiosk
Gate boarding readers...

in addition to the following which is kind of hard to negotiate

home checkin

From those of us who are more middle line, it gets really old from both sides sometimes..... :down:
Todays modern unions stand for nothing but a crude form of illegitimate social wealfare... Unionism is an economic drain on society much like lawyers, cost with out added benefit. Being part of a union is is all about bribery and thuggery..... "If you dont pay me more, Im not going to come to work" We'll shut you down... LOL what a positive message. That's OK.. in a few decades they (unions) will lose most of their clout, thanks to the growing global economy. People scratch their heads and wonder why businesses move off shore.. LOL.. If I owned a business I would do the same thing.

Too bad unions aren't doing more of this "if you don't pay me more, I'm not going to work" stuff. All the things unions have won over the years (like weekends, the 8 hour day, etc....) were won by such a labor movement. And today those gains are are eroding because unions have instead largely chosen to behave cooperatively with a management that just wants to kill them....

But "usair_begins_with_u" can continue with his/her cheery message of "Bow down before the one you serve." If history is any guide, vibrant unionism will return. And the next time, it will be on a more international scale because unions have always been organized along the lines the economy is organized. In tomorrow's global economy, "usair_begins_with_u" will find that his or her offshored sweatshop will have been unionized by workers in India or China or elsewhere. Glad to know which side of the human race you will be on: The side of sweatshop owners and slave drivers.


P.S. BTW, today's giant gouging payoffs (eg. Halliburton) and tax breaks for giant corporations is the true illegitimate social welfare that dwarfs all others.
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