I am enjoying my sat/sun thank you. The point is the disparate pay proposed was divisive. Personally I think if the company wants 24/7 at the bases then thats fine by me. Hire some more AMTs, run the thing as a line 24/7 and let us bid just as the line does. We do not expect the line to give up anything at our expense. The same can be said for us. Why should I work for less than a line AMT?
Because no airline in this country is stupid enough to pay competitive line wages to have its airplanes overhauled, that's why. Not even AA. Overhaul is something that can (and for most airplanes in this country) is performed by third party MRO outfits, not by airline employees. Most of the work performed at TUL can be performed almost anywhere on the planet. The work performed at the line stations pretty much has to occur at those line stations. And those line stations tend to be in expensive metro areas with high costs of living.
Line maintenance and heavy airframe overhaul are two separate businesses. Separate payscales for them make sense.