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line vs o/h issues

I am enjoying my sat/sun thank you. The point is the disparate pay proposed was divisive. Personally I think if the company wants 24/7 at the bases then thats fine by me. Hire some more AMTs, run the thing as a line 24/7 and let us bid just as the line does. We do not expect the line to give up anything at our expense. The same can be said for us. Why should I work for less than a line AMT?

Because no airline in this country is stupid enough to pay competitive line wages to have its airplanes overhauled, that's why. Not even AA. Overhaul is something that can (and for most airplanes in this country) is performed by third party MRO outfits, not by airline employees. Most of the work performed at TUL can be performed almost anywhere on the planet. The work performed at the line stations pretty much has to occur at those line stations. And those line stations tend to be in expensive metro areas with high costs of living.

Line maintenance and heavy airframe overhaul are two separate businesses. Separate payscales for them make sense.
Because no airline in this country is stupid enough to pay competitive line wages to have its airplanes overhauled, that's why. Not even AA. Overhaul is something that can (and for most airplanes in this country) is performed by third party MRO outfits, not by airline employees. Most of the work performed at TUL can be performed almost anywhere on the planet. The work performed at the line stations pretty much has to occur at those line stations. And those line stations tend to be in expensive metro areas with high costs of living.

Line maintenance and heavy airframe overhaul are two separate businesses. Separate payscales for them make sense.
in the mean time we do our own overhaul and do a fine job at that. So I fully expect to be compensated for my experience, knowledge and time. A "UNION" would not let its members be so easily divided.
The reason we, at AFW & TULE, are screaming for NON-SEPARATION of task identities, is to PROTECT OUR JOBS!! If AMR starts sinking, O/H is going to be spun-off faster than a dropping jaw! Ben Franklin said " If we don't stand TOGETHER, then we will surely hang separately!"

IMHO, over 60% of the AMTs at AFW, came from a LINE station. We do NOT want a 7 day operation. That is why they left the LINE!

This is part of bravo's post, this is what I was trying to convey when saying I don't want to give up ANYTHING to preserve OH life style, days, weekends and holidays off. TIMCO and AAR work 24/7 operations, and make between $20 - $26 an hour. I say separate contracts, so OH can save their life style, and so the line can get a decent raise.

From bravo's post he'll vote in anything that protects his job and schedule. All the shops that use to be at ORD have all migrated to TUL, didn't hear OH complain that ORD was losing day shift slots with weekends off which also means less jobs at ORD. It was hurray for us we have more work. Funny how now it's "lets all stick together" before it was "if you don't like it, transfer to TUL."
in the mean time we do our own overhaul and do a fine job at that. So I fully expect to be compensated for my experience, knowledge and time. A "UNION" would not let its members be so easily divided.

This is the union we have, those divisive clauses were in the TA, because we have 2 different jobs, and because of poor leadership at the upper end of the union hyarchy. I say separate contracts, but that will never happen. I wonder what the TWU had to give up to get article one page 7, put in the TA, that certianly wasn't for the benefit for the line stations.

Just like I'm not the only line mech that thinks this way, I'm sure there are plenty of OH mechs who think like bravozero@afw.(We do NOT want a 7 day operation. That is why they left the LINE!)
Because no airline in this country is stupid enough to pay competitive line wages to have its airplanes overhauled, that's why. Not even AA. Overhaul is something that can (and for most airplanes in this country) is performed by third party MRO outfits, not by airline employees. Most of the work performed at TUL can be performed almost anywhere on the planet. The work performed at the line stations pretty much has to occur at those line stations. And those line stations tend to be in expensive metro areas with high costs of living.

Line maintenance and heavy airframe overhaul are two separate businesses. Separate payscales for them make sense.
Short, and to the point. Thank You.
Enuf Already! Line and O/H AMTs are in the same sinking boat, AMR. The new director of maint, Mr Reams, who came from another carrier, has a KNOWN REPUTATION for OUTSOURCING (O/H) MAINTENANCE!!!

The reason we, at AFW & TULE, are screaming for NON-SEPARATION of task identities, is to PROTECT OUR JOBS!! If AMR starts sinking, O/H is going to be spun-off faster than a dropping jaw! Ben Franklin said " If we don't stand TOGETHER, then we will surely hang separately!"

IMHO, over 60% of the AMTs at AFW, came from a LINE station. We do NOT want a 7 day operation. That is why they left the LINE! Everyone remembers the last 4/10 schedule 7 day experiment, eithwould be er an AMT had to work a SATURDAY(WED TO SAT), or a SUNDAY( SUN TO WED). VERY FEW AMTs were allowed to stay on the 5/8 schedule.

Oh only part of the weekend off poor guy, Get out of your camping chair and footrest next to your rollaway and come to mids with tues/wed off and work in the heat and cold clearing the MELS that otherwise would be a OS plane in the morning. I will stand with you but dont expect the same pay. I know hanger pace, worked it many years..................
Because no airline in this country is stupid enough to pay competitive line wages to have its airplanes overhauled, that's why. Not even AA. Overhaul is something that can (and for most airplanes in this country) is performed by third party MRO outfits, not by airline employees. Most of the work performed at TUL can be performed almost anywhere on the planet. The work performed at the line stations pretty much has to occur at those line stations. And those line stations tend to be in expensive metro areas with high costs of living.

Line maintenance and heavy airframe overhaul are two separate businesses. Separate payscales for them make sense.

Well said
Because no airline in this country is stupid enough to pay competitive line wages to have its airplanes overhauled, that's why. Not even AA. Overhaul is something that can (and for most airplanes in this country) is performed by third party MRO outfits, not by airline employees. Most of the work performed at TUL can be performed almost anywhere on the planet. The work performed at the line stations pretty much has to occur at those line stations. And those line stations tend to be in expensive metro areas with high costs of living.

Line maintenance and heavy airframe overhaul are two separate businesses. Separate payscales for them make sense.

What you are forgetting is that alot of us overhaul mechanics have worked at American Airlines longer than alot of you line mechanics. If you get rid of overhaul, alot of you line guys will not work at American Airlines anymore.
What you are forgetting is that alot of us overhaul mechanics have worked at American Airlines longer than alot of you line mechanics. If you get rid of overhaul, alot of you line guys will not work at American Airlines anymore.
look at the seniority list again, you're not that high. Good luck selling your house and buying one in NY. Boston or LA, where the real low seniority is at.
look at the seniority list again, you're not that high. Good luck selling your house and buying one in NY. Boston or LA, where the real low seniority is at.

I will go where I need to. I've worked in the Airline business over 25 years and can defer per the mel with any line guy.
I will go where I need to. I've worked in the Airline business over 25 years and can defer per the mel with any line guy.
Way to denigrate our profession. We have 600 ac flying 12 hours a day, we must be doing something, while you work in the seat shop.
What you are forgetting is that alot of us overhaul mechanics have worked at American Airlines longer than alot of you line mechanics. If you get rid of overhaul, alot of you line guys will not work at American Airlines anymore.

Nobody's advocating getting rid of overhaul - merely attempting to get everyone to recognize that the two (line and overhaul) are completely different industries even though both can be performed by mechanics holding A&P licenses. It's apparent (at least to me) that AA won't ever pay UPS or FedEx or even WN wages to the mechanics in Tulsa but might be willing to pay the line mechanics that much in the high-cost cities in which most work. UPS, FedEx and WN added together don't employ anywhere near as many aircraft maintenance professionals as AA does, and none of them pay their high wages to guys who completely disassemble and rebuild airplanes like Tulsa does.

The current AA mechanics payscale equals a pretty decent living in Tulsa but it's poor-mouth living in most line cities, save perhaps for DFW.
At some point, AA will have to begin hiring. There are retirements and resignations occurring all the time. But until AA gets a contract to their liking, expect to work shorthanded and break their OT budget.

And brother, it can't happen fast enough for me! 😉
Oh only part of the weekend off poor guy, Get out of your camping chair and footrest next to your rollaway and come to mids with tues/wed off and work in the heat and cold clearing the MELS that otherwise would be a OS plane in the morning. I will stand with you but dont expect the same pay. I know hanger pace, worked it many years..................

:lol: ..........kinda what I was thinking...hell, most line guys would KILL for a Sat OR Sun off every week! 😉
Way to denigrate our profession. We have 600 ac flying 12 hours a day, we must be doing something, while you work in the seat shop.

Try again brother. Try 8 hour shifts changing landing gears, engines, stringers, and heavy maintenance so you can take it easy there on the line.

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