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Letter from Jim LittleRE:JudgeLane’s Ruling /APAContract

That is your response to the serious issue I raised regarding your future?
Ok! Enjoy your tiddly wink shaft that is coming your way.
You are such a simpleton, that you are still talking about what happened on the corner, which is old news and it is time to move on and think about your future,

DUMBASS is not a word I use often as it is degrading and not very adult like.
But you. you are worthy of my very limited use of this word.

LMAO....You roar a whole lot more here than you did on the corner. Your inaction on the corner has left me with the belief that you were a Yes voter, or at best, relieved that I voted Yes to make sure you still had your cushy way of life.... 😛
What's goin on up in Tulsa? We are hearing the eboard is telling the members, that if thy voted yes for the contract, their job is secure? I guess thats in response to the TW article stating the 770 jobs could go to FW mechanics.

If they can only release the true vote count from BallotPoint, and look closly at the 108 votes thown out, maybe we can get a revote! What a crock, why can't we see the results from BallotPoint? And did the company pay our Atorneys Fees? Wake up

Are you really as stupid as you sound, or does it take a lot of practice. No wonder outsiders laugh at this forum.
And yet you never held a vote no sign, or made even a wimper to reject the contract from the corner you placed yourself on. Admit it paper tiger, you see yourself making $35.82 in a cushy job three years from now reminicing over the comment you made to KOTV that you love it at AA and it has been a good provider ensured to you by the TWU.... B)

Gahlee high speed stewel,

Don't you have a cushy union job that makes a normal mechanics job look like a bad deal? (snicker)
What's goin on up in Tulsa? We are hearing the eboard is telling the members, that if thy voted yes for the contract, their job is secure? I guess thats in response to the TW article stating the 770 jobs could go to FW mechanics.

If they can only release the true vote count from BallotPoint, and look closly at the 108 votes thown out, maybe we can get a revote! What a crock, why can't we see the results from BallotPoint? And did the company pay our Atorneys Fees? Wake up

Are you really as stupid as you sound, or does it take a lot of practice. No wonder outsiders laugh at this forum.

bless your heart, reality!
Are you really as stupid as you sound, or does it take a lot of practice. No wonder outsiders laugh at this forum.

What outsiders do you have evidence of laughing?
Or is that another opinion that you made a fact? Like many others.
I'm guessing it's every local president except Sell out Cirri and the jackwagon from STL? Its about time majority rules.....See ya twu
being from st.louis and working at afw. just want to say im sorry that my fellow st. louisians did not see the light. i can only think that half of them are at retirement age and just looking for one last big pay day before they leave.
"In my view however, what is inexcusable and quite frankly despicable is for a so called elected leader to spread information that is false and misleading to the members with the deliberate and willful intent of undermining and openly criticizing the leadership of the TWU in order to advance the interest of their own personal agenda."

What I find inexcusable and dispicable is an appointed leader that refuses to hear the membership's displeasure with an industrial catch all union representing people who should belong to a craft union. I find it inexcusable and dispicable for APPOINTED leaders to attack ELECTED leaders when the ELECTED leaders answer to the membership and not those who are appointed.

"Personal agenda"? Would that be anything like trying to silence the freedom of speech in order to remain in a position of unaccountability?
"false and misleading" = "change from within"

"false and misleading" = "shared sacrifice"

"false and misleading" = "the best is yet to come"

"false and misleading" = "fight like Hell"
You want Jim Little to resign.......go on hand dues....pay with pennies, and be as late as possible without getting fired! He will get the message! Or, simply write him a nice letter DEMANDING the resignation of the three stooges at the IAC!
Nice letter is this guy for real. the local prez that gave you an earfull is speaking for his members we all feel the same way. This is not a union job every non union carrier has better pay and benefits. This is not a union every contract for the last 20 years has been concessionary . The only people who are not affected are the likes of you and the ATD that is why the twu pushes a yes vote you do not want to take a paycut. your secretary makes twice what we make are you for real. The twu must go and you must go i just hope im here to witness that kind of justice. The vote was a yes by 48 thats not a majority that is half of a pissed off workforce. And we arent pissed off at the company we are pissed off at the unelected crooks that represent us i see by your letter that the truth hurts. Lowest paid in the industry great union we have maybe its time for one of your speeches on how we are going to fight like hell :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a joke...
how dare anybody have an opposing opinion from Jim Little and the untouchables.
maybe someones feelings got hurt and many of us have shared feelings. It is not a crime or a violation to speak on behalf of your members. If anyone would like to come to JFK and test this theory be my guest. Bobby Gless got boo'd on stage at JFK last month. Local 562 voted no by 96% due to our local leaders talking about each article and letting them make their own informed decision based on the data and language provided us unlike other local leaders spreading fear, half truths, and the unknown for members to vote on.

48 votes is nothing to be a proud about and does not give this union bragging rights

you don't like what we say........too bad!

one of the 49.75%
Did NHBB get elected to a local?... 😉

I'm assuming it isn't Bob Owens. He's not one to use profanity when communicating in writing, at least not that I've ever seen.

Nice try Eric.
It Twasn't me.
But I can give you some Fresh 'Lil' Jim news, that being that he's NOT winning any friends here at Amtrak, with the Last two POS contracts he's signed off on.
In the AIR,over the RAILS or In the Subway Tunnels, Lil' Jim's tenure is fast coming to an END Soon.
Really jim,, your proud of the most consessionary contract in the history of contracts ....the one that will lead the entire amt profession into the gutter and your upset and angry over being called a few bad names ... wow
Unelected Little should stick to handling the "short" bus union. No room for this sell-out in aviation. To come out with a letter like this shows his vulnerability. Time to take him and his "Yes" minions out, out of the positions they hold.

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