It was not me.
And you fools that cannot think ahead and plan ahead are too stupid to realize that within 36 months of DOS, this agreement will leave Tulsa as no longer the majority, no longer able to sling the roll call vote, and at the mercy of the majority.
Learn to play chess instead of tiddly winks in this industry of survival.
You heard it here first dumbass. Your only hope from here is to stop driving the wedge between line and overahul. You have already lost and you are about to be checkmated. You either give the line AMT the Union they want and begin to mend the fences, or you will face 30 years of exacted revenenge in one vote unless you drop your sword and work together. I know you will not listen, you will live in denial and you will continue to live inside the imanginary 35 mile radius.
I will either succeed in this last chance, or I will one day have to reluctantly tell you "I told you so".
Tiddly Wink experts and simpleton fear mongering leaders SUCK and need to be replaced.