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Letter from Jim LittleRE:JudgeLane’s Ruling /APAContract

OK...Just out of curiousity and since you were on the Vote Yes side of the concessions for jobs.

Your best "serving the membership" guess....

Compared to todays seniorty list, how many will be on the list 36 months from TODAY?

Cannot put a number to it yet many mitigating factors to be considered, but trust me paper tiger, many more will survive this than what your plan was to offer them by voting no.... B)
Your good fo 6 years plus Chris, GO SIT IN THE TRUCK!
Cannot put a number to it yet many mitigating factors to be considered, but trust me paper tiger, many more will survive this than what your plan was to offer them by voting no.... B)

Can you prove that claim?

I will be able to prove your LIE soon enough, you cannot prove anything beyond that.

You are the ones claiming this "saved jobs", all I was claim was the negotiations would continue.

And that is FACT
But Tulsa is the hold up on any change. So how does a line president affect this change?

Simple, advocate getting out of the TWU.

I am in Tulsa, and I am not the problem or your enemy.
I have not driven any overhaul versus line wedge.

I am the victim of the same problem you and the other line AMT's are.

If I am going to pigeon holed as the problem then why should I continue to help?
Simple, advocate getting out of the TWU.

I am in Tulsa, and I am not the problem or your enemy.
I have not driven any overhaul versus line wedge.

I am the victim of the same problem you and the other line AMT's are.

If I am going to pigeon holed as the problem then why should I continue to help?
This is not not the Joe six pack(ZIMA)tulsa mechanics fault ! It's their fear mongering leadership, partnered with the company. Good video Dave, and I hope you are getting as many cards as we are!!
I like how Little Jimmy refers to these unknown (haha) local prez as " So called elected officers". I for one am not surprised he is not going to admit they were wrong to push the yes vote. He will never address the 108 votes thrown out. I bet I know which box was checked on those by the way. The point of this is that his house of cards is starting to crumble. There is more of a percentage of members who are not happy with his sell out tactics and, after the massive layoffs in Tulsa that weren't supposed to happen with a yes vote, the line will outnumber O/H and then bye bye T.W.U. Good riddance Little Jimmy and your over-paid, under-educated stable of cronies. I will admit that his $170K secretary types a nice letter. I bet she used spell check and everything! I got a way to describe this kind of letter.... Where I come from it's called pi$$ing on your back and telling you it's raining. Hey Jim, do us all a favor and resign. And take the other morons with you.
Simple, advocate getting out of the TWU.

I am in Tulsa, and I am not the problem or your enemy.
I have not driven any overhaul versus line wedge.

I am the victim of the same problem you and the other line AMT's are.

If I am going to pigeon holed as the problem then why should I continue to help?

This is too funny, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, said the paper tiger....lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:
I like how Little Jimmy refers to these unknown (haha) local prez as " So called elected officers". I for one am not surprised he is not going to admit they were wrong to push the yes vote. He will never address the 108 votes thrown out. I bet I know which box was checked on those by the way. The point of this is that his house of cards is starting to crumble. There is more of a percentage of members who are not happy with his sell out tactics and, after the massive layoffs in Tulsa that weren't supposed to happen with a yes vote, the line will outnumber O/H and then bye bye T.W.U. Good riddance Little Jimmy and your over-paid, under-educated stable of cronies. I will admit that his $170K secretary types a nice letter. I bet she used spell check and everything! I got a way to describe this kind of letter.... Where I come from it's called pi$$ing on your back and telling you it's raining. Hey Jim, do us all a favor and resign. And take the other morons with you.
C'mon Old Guy...This is all part of the master plan, he is going to retire by way of resigning.
This is too funny, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, it wasn't me, said the paper tiger....lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was not me.
And you fools that cannot think ahead and plan ahead are too stupid to realize that within 36 months of DOS, this agreement will leave Tulsa as no longer the majority, no longer able to sling the roll call vote, and at the mercy of the majority.

Learn to play chess instead of tiddly winks in this industry of survival.

You heard it here first dumbass. Your only hope from here is to stop driving the wedge between line and overahul. You have already lost and you are about to be checkmated. You either give the line AMT the Union they want and begin to mend the fences, or you will face 30 years of exacted revenenge in one vote unless you drop your sword and work together. I know you will not listen, you will live in denial and you will continue to live inside the imanginary 35 mile radius of TULE like other fools and morons that cannot think ahead.

I will either succeed in this last chance, or I will one day have to reluctantly tell you "I told you so".

Tiddly Wink experts and simpleton fear mongering leaders SUCK and need to be replaced.
It was not me.
And you fools that cannot think ahead and plan ahead are too stupid to realize that within 36 months of DOS, this agreement will leave Tulsa as no longer the majority, no longer able to sling the roll call vote, and at the mercy of the majority.

Learn to play chess instead of tiddly winks in this industry of survival.

You heard it here first dumbass. Your only hope from here is to stop driving the wedge between line and overahul. You have already lost and you are about to be checkmated. You either give the line AMT the Union they want and begin to mend the fences, or you will face 30 years of exacted revenenge in one vote unless you drop your sword and work together. I know you will not listen, you will live in denial and you will continue to live inside the imanginary 35 mile radius.

I will either succeed in this last chance, or I will one day have to reluctantly tell you "I told you so".

Tiddly Wink experts and simpleton fear mongering leaders SUCK and need to be replaced.

And yet you never held a vote no sign, or made even a wimper to reject the contract from the corner you placed yourself on. Admit it paper tiger, you see yourself making $35.82 in a cushy job three years from now reminicing over the comment you made to KOTV that you love it at AA and it has been a good provider ensured to you by the TWU.... B)
And yet you never held a vote no sign, or made even a wimper to reject the contract from the corner you placed yourself on. Admit it paper tiger, you see yourself making $35.82 in a cushy job three years from now reminicing over the comment you made to KOTV that you love it at AA and it has been a good provider ensured to you by the TWU.... B)

That is your response to the serious issue I raised regarding your future?
Ok! Enjoy your tiddly wink shaft that is coming your way.
You are such a simpleton, that you are still talking about what happened on the corner, which is old news and it is time to move on and think about your future,

DUMBASS is not a word I use often as it is degrading and not very adult like.
But you. you are worthy of my very limited use of this word.

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