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Letter from Jim LittleRE:JudgeLane’s Ruling /APAContract

So I'm going to do everything in my power to screw my fellow mechanics and their families in OH to help myself. It's not my fault I chose a career in an area I can't afford to live in. After all, with my licences I've got what amounts to an associates degree at a community college. I should be paid like a rocket scientist! Why can't you see that?


Actually it was affordable until the TWU negotiated Concessionary contracts one after another since 1985. Lets not turn this into another Line vs Overhaul thread.
Ha, ha , ha ....Jimmy Little is crying!
On the other hand....I'm going to do everything in my power to screw my fellow mechanics and their families at the line to help myself.

Sound familiar..!!!
Yes it does, I read it a couple posts back but you misspelled one word. Overhaul is not spelled Line. Sorry for the correction just kind of a pet peeve of mine.
Must be a democrat, exspecting everybody to suffer so he can have his. This use to be a great career feild until TUL kept agreeing to give backs to save themselves, how many shops from through out the system have moved to TUL? How much money have ALL the mechanics given up so TUL doesn't have to work weekends or holidays. But yet geographic pay is a sin against unionism. hence the "if you don't like it move to Tulsa" hubris.
Move to Tulsa? Really? I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Democrat? Yes! I would never support a political party hell bent on busting unions and pounding the middle class back to the stone ages. Geo-pay... All for it. When you consider the tactics used by the opposition, how can they be trusted? They can't be. They have exposed themselves for what they really are, self serving, egotistical, underhanded, hypocrites. I don't trust them. The jig is up, I will never join ranks with them.
While we may not agree, just my thoughts on how we got here -

Record of Major Carrier Bankruptcies

  • Dec. 3, 1990 — Continental Airlines
  • Jan. 8 1991 — Pan Am World Airways
  • Jan. 18, 1991 — Eastern Air Lines
  • June 27, 1991 — America West Airlines
  • Jan. 31, 1992 — Trans World Airlines
  • June 30, 1995 — Trans World Airlines
  • Feb. 26, 1998 — Pan American World Airways
  • Dec. 6, 2000 — National Airlines
  • Jan. 10, 2001 — Trans World Airlines
  • Aug. 11, 2002 — US Airways
  • Dec. 9, 2002 — United Airlines
  • Sept. 12, 2004 — US Airways
  • Sept. 14, 2005 — Delta Air Lines
  • Sept. 14, 2005 — Northwest Airlines
  • Nov. 29, 2011 — American Airlines

For those who remember, Deregulation caused a major upheaval in the Airline Industry and we are still dealing with its fallout. While the TWU dodged the silver bullet until now, it’s our turn to face the effects of a Bankruptcy Court’s indifference to Airlines employees and our union contracts. It’s a no-win situation no matter how many “experts” claim to know an easy way out, and no union has succeeded in avoiding the fallout. Anyone that tells you different is either lying, or has a personal agenda.
While we may not agree, just my thoughts on how we got here -

Record of Major Carrier Bankruptcies
  • Dec. 3, 1990 — Continental Airlines
  • Jan. 8 1991 — Pan Am World Airways
  • Jan. 18, 1991 — Eastern Air Lines
  • June 27, 1991 — America West Airlines
  • Jan. 31, 1992 — Trans World Airlines
  • June 30, 1995 — Trans World Airlines
  • Feb. 26, 1998 — Pan American World Airways
  • Dec. 6, 2000 — National Airlines
  • Jan. 10, 2001 — Trans World Airlines
  • Aug. 11, 2002 — US Airways
  • Dec. 9, 2002 — United Airlines
  • Sept. 12, 2004 — US Airways
  • Sept. 14, 2005 — Delta Air Lines
  • Sept. 14, 2005 — Northwest Airlines
  • Nov. 29, 2011 — American Airlines
For those who remember, Deregulation caused a major upheaval in the Airline Industry and we are still dealing with its fallout. While the TWU dodged the silver bullet until now, it’s our turn to face the effects of a Bankruptcy Court’s indifference to Airlines employees and our union contracts. It’s a no-win situation no matter how many “experts” claim to know an easy way out, and no union has succeeded in avoiding the fallout. Anyone that tells you different is either lying, or has a personal agenda.

Strange, before the TWU and AA went through this, for years TWU supporters, officers, and paid organizers, have all claimed it was the "other Unions" fault and that the TWU was the superior representation. So were you all lying then or was it your personal agenda? The story always changes when the truth comes to your front door. Next you will have to admit the truth about massive headcount losses and job outsourcing. Who will you blame then? And you are also admitting that after posting 22 years of the facts you listed above that the AFL-CIO and your so-called political strength must be non-existent or the laws would have been changed before your powerful TWU ever entered the Court Room. Lying or personal agenda on that issue also? The lies always come to haunt the liar.

The AFL-CIO and the Political Agenda of the TWU is a complete farce.

Anyone that tells you different is either lying or has a personal agenda. From your claims that Obama would give us a favorable NMB Mediator, to proof that nothing has been done to the anti-worker Bankruptcy Laws, to the long standing FAR 145 issues, there is no success story coming from the millions is dues spent to purchase Political Access and favor. Yet, Political Yard Sign Shop and the money into AFL-CIO Political Campaign messages is still in full swing. The same action, expecting a different result is a pathetic failure, and is nothing more than a smoke screen to cover up lack of decent representation and company unionism in it's fullest and ugliest form.
face it Strake,

we can't keep jobs, pay people properly and we are the leading concessionary union in the industry, period !
we suck as a union
now get over it...

It amazes me that some people want to continue to point blame in every direction but their own personal space. I tried to help you in 2010 and give you an increase in line premium but you wouldn't have it. Instead you failed to recognize the TA was brought to you from within mediation and it was not going to get any better. I tried to tell folks like yourself that you had better take it, because it was the best you were gonna get because it came from mediated talks. I hate to say it, but as things have turned out I was right all along.The vote for the TA from within bankruptcy is over, and its time to move on...just my spiel
RV4 Anyone that tells you different is either lying or has a personal agenda. From your claims that Obama would give us a favorable NMB Mediator, to proof that nothing has been done to the anti-worker Bankruptcy Laws, to the long standing FAR 145 issues, there is no success story coming from the millions is dues spent to by Political Access and favor.

I’m an AMT just like I presume you are. Also, you don’t know a thing about me or my political beliefs. And I sure as hell didn’t claim we would get a favorable NMB Mediator. You better take your med's and get your head straight.
RV4 Anyone that tells you different is either lying or has a personal agenda. From your claims that Obama would give us a favorable NMB Mediator, to proof that nothing has been done to the anti-worker Bankruptcy Laws, to the long standing FAR 145 issues, there is no success story coming from the millions is dues spent to by Political Access and favor.

I’m an AMT just like I presume you are. Also, you don’t know a thing about me or my political beliefs. And I sure as hell didn’t claim we would get a favorable NMB Mediator. You better take your med's and get your head straight.

My Mistake. Not you personally but your Union. I keep forgetting with the TWU, the member/supporter is NOT the union.
While we may not agree, just my thoughts on how we got here -

Record of Major Carrier Bankruptcies

  • Dec. 3, 1990 — Continental Airlines
  • Jan. 8 1991 — Pan Am World Airways
  • Jan. 18, 1991 — Eastern Air Lines
  • June 27, 1991 — America West Airlines
  • Jan. 31, 1992 — Trans World Airlines
  • June 30, 1995 — Trans World Airlines
  • Feb. 26, 1998 — Pan American World Airways
  • Dec. 6, 2000 — National Airlines
  • Jan. 10, 2001 — Trans World Airlines
  • Aug. 11, 2002 — US Airways
  • Dec. 9, 2002 — United Airlines
  • Sept. 12, 2004 — US Airways
  • Sept. 14, 2005 — Delta Air Lines
  • Sept. 14, 2005 — Northwest Airlines
  • Nov. 29, 2011 — American Airlines

For those who remember, Deregulation caused a major upheaval in the Airline Industry and we are still dealing with its fallout. While the TWU dodged the silver bullet until now, it’s our turn to face the effects of a Bankruptcy Court’s indifference to Airlines employees and our union contracts. It’s a no-win situation no matter how many “experts” claim to know an easy way out, and no union has succeeded in avoiding the fallout. Anyone that tells you different is either lying, or has a personal agenda.

I will agree with you that as it is with the RLA and BK laws the deck is stacked against labor. It is now AA's turn to go through what every other legacy carrier has gone through. Alot has changed in that 22 years.

But what if during all of this upheaval, the mechanics at these airlines would have had the forsight to split from the industrial unions and had organized into a group that recognized the skill and responsibility that comes with aircraft maintenance? Maybe we wouldn't have seen our skills being lumped into the skills of the other groups that were represented by the various unions.

There are no guarantees that it would be any better today but it certainly wouldn't be any worse. Better late than never.
Dear Mr. Little,

Thanks for leading the troops into battle! What a bunch of crap diatribe you have written! You sir have no honor and neither does the TWU! I remember you having your boot on Mr. D. Carty's Throat on his way out the door in disgrace for telling his lies to all of us ,perhaps you had a deal with him too? After all you let him up! didn't you?

If you think you are such a wonderful union boss why don't you let the members vote you out of office, if they could they would!You make me want to vomit as all the TWU INTERNATIONAL'S DO WITH YOUR ASTRONOMICAL SALARY'S AND PERKS!!!

So please do not disrespect us the mad as hell members you bottom feeders eat off of! Wow labor is really in the house now uh?
And thank God that 48 people did not stand behind you and your self serving agenda.

Do any tough line AMT work today in Avionics like a reading light change, coffee maker rerack, or bring ACARS paper out to an aircraft?
And how many "NO" votes did you through out overspeed?

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