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It's because of the PHL and PIT Reps, and the pilots who elect them, that our current contract is less than what the company offered.

"You Can't Fix Stupid"


The hard line stance taken during LOA 93 negotiations cost the East pilot group 25% of vacation, minimum fleet count of 279 aircraft, and 90% of the value of stock options. This same cram down continued with the arbitration and continues today tying the hands of the MEC chairman, the Merger Committee and Merger Council. They appear so drunk with power that it's not about what's right or achievable, it's about having their way and getting the pats on the head from the idiots that support them.

I remember being at an MEC meeting and the PIT reps kept taking breaks and going into the corner with the Negotiating Committee Chairman for their private strategy sidebars. Whole damn pilot group paid a price for that nonsense. The excuse they use now is that the rest of the pilot group was running scared and wanted a deal at any price. Truth is, they could have stopped it at anytime with a rollcall. They didn't because they know they SCROOED UP, but spin is spin and that's the best they can come up with.

This pilot group elects these lunatics. Like it or not, we're stuck with them.

A320 Driver :angry:
It would depend. If I moved down 1600 numbers at an airline that grew 4000 numbers by a merger, then I came out alright, didn't I? Further, if you moved down by 1600 numbers, then odds are pretty good that a very large number of the 1600 that came in on top of you brought in captains jobs. Jobs that you now have the opportunity to move up too one day.

Here would be my question to your FO. What percentage were you on the USAir list, and what percentage are you on the combined list? Second, by a percentage, how far were you from upgrading before.....and after.

To tell me you moved down 1600 numbers is not the whole story.
"The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it."
-- George Bernard Shaw

Bill Pollock had no vote over the contract change that permitted DB Plan termination and replacing it with a DC Plan. Only MEC Representatives can vote on this or any other issue. Without the termination of DB Plan ALPA’s financial and legal advisors said the company could not emerge from bankruptcy, thus, the MEC decided it was better to continue to "live for another day" than to have the airline liquidated. Does that make sense? According to eveyr ALPA advisor It was the options were either "No Compay/No DB Plan" or a "Company/No DB Plan".

In regard to your comment of “and as far as your paycuts and retiree healthcare, I do believe you pilots have not seen a concession you did not like and vote for,â€￾ I believe every reasonable person on this board recognizes nobody likes a concession, but every union at every legacy airline took concessions because they believed it was better than the alternative.

I recognize every group took hits, but no group took a greater percentage hit than the pilots.



Furloughed without meaningful recall is pretty much a 100% concession, and I don't think anybody from fleet is going to pay out-of-pocket for the privilege.

The hard line stance taken during LOA 93 negotiations cost the East pilot group 25% of vacation, minimum fleet count of 279 aircraft, and 90% of the value of stock options.


The reason your job sucks is because enough pilots at USAir buy into the sales job of severe beatings for the lower third in echange for lesser beatings for the upper two thirds, and then most pathetic is that the "yessers" then blame it on the ones who actually opposed it. :down:
I have the answer.

Let the East decertify ALPA and join AFA-CWA.

You'll have DOH and we'll have created a power house.

Just a thought.


The reason your job sucks is because enough pilots at USAir buy into the sales job of severe beatings for the lower third in echange for lesser beatings for the upper two thirds, and then most pathetic is that the "yessers" then blame it on the ones who actually opposed it. :down:

Never said my job sucked. I voted NO on LOA 93 after the PIT and PHL reps fumbled during the negotiations and let a better deal pass.

History now...almost sorry I brought it up. Just raises my blood pressure. You watch though, they will screw this deal up with ALPA national. Their stance is to NOT negotiate to "fix" the award, but throw all the chips in again in an effort to have it thrown out.

All or nothing. Isn't anyone besides me sick of this?

A320 Driver :blink:
I voted NO on LOA 93 after the PIT and PHL reps fumbled during the negotiations and let a better deal pass.

Let my daddy vote. By the way.....that is a lie (as well as "your" supposed vote)

Then you and rest of the "vast majority" are doomed for failure and a lifetime (what’s left) of misery. The rest of us will pick up the airline and work at a much better place without the likes of you. Go for it, dude! It's with pure morbid curiosity that I condone your plan of self-destruction. You do not have to worry about us at AWA though, we'll be just fine.

I'd rather not see it of course, but it will be very entertaining to watch all of you diehards walk the plank.


The vast majority of the pilot group is ready to go to war over the seniority integration issue and they believe if it costs everything (for the AWA pilots too) than "so what."


Hey easties radicals did you get the word from the meeting with Prater and the east and west MEC. The short version(from the west)go F$$K yourself we ain't Givin you ####. I think that will echo 1800 plus strong.
Never said my job sucked. I voted NO on LOA 93 after the PIT and PHL reps fumbled during the negotiations and let a better deal pass.

History now...almost sorry I brought it up. Just raises my blood pressure. You watch though, they will screw this deal up with ALPA national. Their stance is to NOT negotiate to "fix" the award, but throw all the chips in again in an effort to have it thrown out.

All or nothing. Isn't anyone besides me sick of this?

A320 Driver :blink:

Yeah, I am.
Why do some of you west guys continue to throw salt on the wound? I can see attacking the likes of USA320Pilot or a specific ideal for the gamesmanship, but not the entire east pilot group. Some of these posts have a rub it in their face tone that absolutely serves no purpose at this stage. Believe me, I am no innocent and have rubbed many the wrong way, but it’s time to move past that. Attack the opinion or ideal but not the entire east pilot group. I know many of them and they are a good bunch of guys, mostly.

Hey easties did you get the word from the meeting with Prater and the east and west MEC. The short version(from the west)go F$$K yourself we ain't Givin you ####. I think that will echo 1800 plus strong.
Hey easties did you get the word from the meeting with Prater and the east and west MEC. The short version(from the west)go F$$K yourself we ain't Givin you ####. I think that will echo 1800 plus strong.

I agree, you are not helping. 😱
Ok I will Adjust my post it is strictly for the east radicals that what to screw every last AWA pilot.

Once you've invested over 18 years with the company you will come to realize what exactly that means. Perhaps that's where the understanding is born of what seniority means to an individual in this industry.

Until then, I will allow you to make an ass of yourself!

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