Funny the AFA, IAM(M&R) and TWU kept their pensions during bankrupcty #1 and fleet got the IAMNPF.
You guys keep letting these idiots run your LEC's and they will most certainly cost you everything!!
Oh come on guys you are going to ruin everything. I already got a windfall so dont ruin my chances of getting a good contract since I couldnt get hired at an airline that was worth a s%$t. I know I run my mouth like a spoiled brat and I would never talk that way to your face . Lets work together and if you do I wont say " practice cactis" or call you my "gear ####" anymore. Thank you very much easties love, AWA320.
Sorry to tell you this AWA320 it is worth everything idiot.
And as far as your paycuts and retiree healthcare, I do believe you pilots have not seen a concession you did not like and vote for.
Bill Pollock had no vote over the contract change that permitted DB Plan termination and replacing it with a DC Plan. Only MEC Representatives can vote on this or any other issue.
Without the termination of DB Plan ALPA’s financial and legal advisors said the company could not emerge from bankruptcy, thus, the MEC decided it was better to continue to "live for another day" than to have the airline liquidated. Does that make sense? According to eveyr ALPA advisor It was the options were either "No Compay/No DB Plan" or a "Company/No DB Plan".
In regard to your comment of “and as far as your paycuts and retiree healthcare, I do believe you pilots have not seen a concession you did not like and vote for,†I believe every reasonable person on this board recognizes nobody likes a concession, but every union at every legacy airline took concessions because they believed it was better than the alternative.
I don't think there is an answer. The move by ALPA National to sit on the arbitration decision before presenting it to the company as an integrated seniority list is unusual. It appears that ALPA is treading in some dangerous waters. The West will have you believe that there is no mechanism for dropping binding arbitration results while the East thinks that the integrated list created violates basic tenants of ALPA merger policy. Either way I am sure this will not be over for a long period of time as each side will exhaust all resources to defend there view.Before this turns into the usual "who saved who" or "seniority or bust" or "east vs. west" b!tchfest...I have a question. When is the deadline for upholding/dropping the N. award? Bueller????
I believe every reasonable person on this board recognizes nobody likes a concession, but every union at every legacy airline took concessions because they believed it was better than the alternative.
That's why the company, ALPA National, HP MEC, and everyone else knows that the East side won't burn 'er down over the Nicolau award.
I absolutely agree with you there. As an F/A, we are so very fortunate to have had the DOH upheld by AFA MECs nationwide. While I certainly am no better than a west F/A, I would be royally peeved if he/she had only 4 years and transferred to my base and was now SR. to me with my 21 years for bidding, vacation, etc.Walk a mile in another man's shoes (proverb)
Actually I think it is pretty fair that a mid level CA or FO retains their relative seniority through out a merger. I think it is unfair that a pilot just back from furlough would be able to jump ahead of pilots who brought CA jobs to a merged airline.I absolutely agree with you there. As an F/A, we are so very fortunate to have had the DOH upheld by AFA MECs nationwide. While I certainly am no better than a west F/A, I would be royally peeved if he/she had only 4 years and transferred to my base and was now SR. to me with my 21 years for bidding, vacation, etc.
Seniority is the only thing we have left that means anything and now this award has taken that away ?
My last F/O was 250 away from Captain in LGA and he has now moved back 1600 seniority would you feel if that happened to you ? So I need to walk a mile in another man's shoes....what if that was YOU that just moved down 1600 numbers ? How would YOU feel ? Bet it wouldn't be so fair then.
I think it is unfair that a pilot just back from furlough would be able to jump ahead of pilots who brought CA jobs to a merged airline.
Actually I think it is pretty fair that a mid level CA or FO retains their relative seniority through out a merger. I think it is unfair that a pilot just back from furlough would be able to jump ahead of pilots who brought CA jobs to a merged airline.
Repeat that to yourself enough times, and your evident anxiety will likely diminish somewhat........... :blink:
I'm an East pilot and I say you're not going to burn the house down.
My last F/O was 250 away from Captain in LGA and he has now moved back 1600 seniority would you feel if that happened to you ? So I need to walk a mile in another man's shoes....what if that was YOU that just moved down 1600 numbers ? How would YOU feel ?