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Funny Richard Siegel who the Company used in the Airbus Arbitration (and lost), and the Section 1113e hearings is licensed in CA and presented the case in the Bankruptcy court which is federal, not state.
FWAAA said:
Yes, lawyers have successfully defended their turf against foreign competition (even from other states in the USA).

But your proposed solution assumes that the foreign lawyers could get US Immigration approval to move here to work - since lawyers here are dime a dozen, I doubt any Chinese, Indian, Pakistan or other foreigners could make the case that they are filling an unfilled job. They wouldn't get the work visa. Nice try, though.

Well what about the computer programmers/information people here? There are plenty of qualified Americans to do these jobs who have been laid off and can't find work yet the U.S. government has permitted and continues to permit thousands if not tens of thousands of foreigners (mainly from India) who are computer programmers and the like into this country on the H1-B visa. The government did this at the companies' request to replace well paid Americans with cheap imported labor.
Again, he can appear pro hac if the has a state sponsor who is willing to accept consequences for malpractice.

And do you know that he is not licensed in Virginia? I don't see him as being licensed in California. His CSB Number please?
Here is the rule from the Eastern District Court:

(2) Foreign Attorneys: An attorney from another state, the District of Columbia or a
territory of the United States may appear and practice in cases upon motion of a member
of the Bar of this Court, provided that in all appearances said attorney shall be
accompanied by a member of this Bar. Except where a party is not represented by
counsel, any pleading or notice required to be signed by counsel must be signed by
counsel who is a member of the Bar of this Court, who shall have entered an appearance
of record in the case, with the office address in the state where notice can be served, and
who shall have such authority that the Court can deal with that attorney alone in all
matters connected with the case. Such appearance shall not be withdrawn without leave
of the Court. Service of notice or other proceedings on the attorney shall be equivalent to service on the client. Where a party is not represented by counsel, the party shall
include on each pleading an address within the district where notice can be served.

There is NO provision for foreign (outside the United States) attorneys.
700UW said:
Funny Richard Siegel who the Company used in the Airbus Arbitration (and lost), and the Section 1113e hearings is licensed in CA and presented the case in the Bankruptcy court which is federal, not state.
Not funny at all. The nation that covers California just happens to be the exact same nation that covers Virginia. In order to offer services in federal cases, one only has to be licensed in one of the states of the US. Had the Airbus case been a state case, the lawyer could have been licensed in California only if the case were filed in California.

ITRADE provided one instance of where this is documented.