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Us Airways Reveals Consultant Costs


Corn Field
Nov 11, 2003
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Running a company while in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection often means lots of consultants.

Thursday, US Airways returns to U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Alexandria, Va., to seek permission to pay the fees and expenses for the work they've done between Jan. 1 and April 30.

Some of the biggest bills are coming for the financial advisers and lawyers for US Airways: Seabury Aviation Advisors Inc. is seeking $3.9 million, and Arnold & Porter LLP is looking for $3.8 million, for example.

The airline also is looking for approval to pay tax advisers, restructuring advisers and appraisers.

The most interesting name, though, may be the financial adviser for the committee of unsecured creditors.

Giuliani Capital Advisors LLC is seeking $937,652 for its work.

The chairman of the adviser group's parent company is a certain former mayor of New York.
I couldn't help but respond about the thieves working for Seabury Group asking for 3.9 mil. Looks like a US Air reunion of sorts. Talk about conflict of interests!

Dr. Stephen Still: former Director Corporate Planning, US Airways
David Bental: former Director Route Strategy for US Airways
James Szymanski: former Revenue Accounting for US Airways
Karl Evans: former Financial Planning Department for US Airways
Kristine Olsevskis: former Strat. Planning Department for US Airways
Rich Coskey: Expertise, Maintenance Scheduling and OUTSOURCING, various airlines including consulting for Southwest.

It's easier to steal employee money from outside the company where it's more hidden and controlled, even harder to track. It's not even reported as to how much each one steals, just an overall cost. Check out their website and see the mugshots. Ask how much they profit from other's demise.
Sounds like unsecured dept. Maybe US should go to the judge and see if they can get out of their obligation to pay. 😛h34r:
speedbird86 said:
Sounds like unsecured dept. Maybe US should go to the judge and see if they can get out of their obligation to pay. 😛h34r:

Not exactly. These expenses, incurred after the bankruptcy filing, are near the top in terms of priority, and will be paid unless the creditors object or the judge finds them unconsionable. Attorneys, consultants, accountants, bankers, etc (all the parasites who feed on dying companies languishing in Ch 11) are paid off the top.
700UW said:
Running a company while in Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection often means lots of consultants.

Thursday, US Airways returns to U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Alexandria, Va., to seek permission to pay the fees and expenses for the work they've done between Jan. 1 and April 30.

Some of the biggest bills are coming for the financial advisers and lawyers for US Airways: Seabury Aviation Advisors Inc. is seeking $3.9 million, and Arnold & Porter LLP is looking for $3.8 million, for example.

The airline also is looking for approval to pay tax advisers, restructuring advisers and appraisers.

The most interesting name, though, may be the financial adviser for the committee of unsecured creditors.

Giuliani Capital Advisors LLC is seeking $937,652 for its work.

The chairman of the adviser group's parent company is a certain former mayor of New York.

3.8 million + 3.9 million + 1 million = 8.7 years worth of pretzles for our pax.

It leaves me to wonder how much did a certain Airbus pilot got paid to keep mentioning the names of Seabury Group and Arnold & Porter. The way the names continued to be mentioned seemed to be a psychological ploy to get people to throw their hands up in the air and give up. There must be monetary value in that.
That certain captain handles his assignments great since the "Shock and Awe" mgmt team took over. They had a set of stainless steel springs inserted at the captain's waist........... :mf_boff:
The Charlotte Observer and court documents.
PineyBob said:
Did anyone ever notice that the first three letters of Consultant spell "Con"

And the last three spell ant.