The position of Delta management and the BOD is moot. As long as Delta is in bankruptcy, the creditors are in control and will decide Delta's fate. There is basically nothing that Delta management can do now but join us on the roller coaster. They may well scream REALLY loud and long, but that is the extent of their power right now.
Absolute ignorance about corporate affairs, on display. I can see it already, "It's a done deal"!
Also. I was not aware DAL was in Ch 7, in reality, the only time when creditors talk with the judge rather than mgmt. Of course, go ahead and play as if you are living on another planet, if it blows your skirt up.
DP really needs this deal to be done while Delta is in bankruptcy, just as the US/AWA deal was done. Delta being in bankruptcy allows the finished product to be sculpted as necessary with near total disregard for contracts and leases now in force on the Delta property. Anything that Delta has that is not in the plan can be jettisoned with no pain to the merged company. Trying to cut any excess post-bankruptcy may be near impossible.
Read the proposal, for once. The deal is conditional on bankruptcy exit. You may wish to look up the word, conditional. Most any dictionary will do.
Personally, I doubt DP really wants ALL of Delta, but the offer had to be made this way. Look for the DOJ and the other carriers to initially cry "FOUL!" and then get serious about taking pieces of Delta out of the game for their own use as part of the deal. (I said basically this same thing months ago on another thread here.) NW will take the Latin American operation flown out of ATL, CO will likely take the bulk of the domestic operation, and US will end up with the European operation.
It is one thing to conjecture with clear vision. You might try it, for once, without looking through the bottom of that rose colored wine bottle.
With Delta's (and PanAm's) European routes, look for USAirways to threaten (and maybe make good on the threats) to downsize the PHL transatlantic in favor of JFK (and BOS to a smaller degree.) PHL airport wants to more room for SWA, give them the whole damn A-West concourse...we're going to JFK, or else. The transatlantic out of ATL might be migrated to CLT (better get busy on that new runway!)
Why not use the facilities already in ATL? One could easily move CLT transatlantic to ATL. May as well close CLT, give it to someone else. Oh, I get it. Pandering to former Piedmont has been your game all along.
JFK? Is that why you commute to LGA? To position yourself for yet another "done deal"? 'cause if we do not do JFK and the "or else" comes into play, will you go away, permanently? Please. You really do give opinion and conjecture a bad name.
There are jobs out there as I heard the neocons are looking for somewho is willing to print anything, unedited by the use of facts or common sense. I think you would be a real asset for them.