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LCC Proposes $8B merger with Delta

They also might need to sell off part of the shuttle ops. Both carriers operate the NY, BOS, DC shuttles

This is true, but I hope we keep the DAL Shuttle Terminal. It is much more popular with the customers and a faster in/out.
Despite the fact that the Tempe boys and girls have proved they can't boot a Playstation, much less do IT with any acumen, I don't think even Parker would pay 8 billion for an IT architecture.
It will come down to cost. What does it cost every time an agent hits the enter key, and how much does it cost to build a PNR. Personally, I smell SHARES in this mess.

Delta is in WorldSpan. Which was formed in a system merger of DatasII(DL), PARS(TW), POLARIS(NW). I think the system merger was in the early 90's.

WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN FOR THE ALLIANCES? DL is SkyTeam. Star Alliance is still the largest. Correct?
Does anyone know what would happen to the flight benefits of the US early-out folks? Or the HP and US retirees?
and adding the delta logo to the heritage logo.... have anyone else noticed the big whole in the middle
QUOTE(etops1 @ Nov 15 2006, 09:27 AM)

"i am floored. i just hoep that we intergrate the f/a date of hire .it's the only fair way. even if they are not unionized. stapeling people to the bottom is just not right ."

I'm guessing that this would not be possible. Considering the seniority of DL's f/a corps (I have a friend there who has almost 40 years on the line), how could AFA allow DOH for a non-union workforce and avoid a DFR suit from the junior US/AWA flight attendants who would be furloughed to make room for the DL f/as? (And, you know that would have to happen.)

The AFA's first responsibility legally is to protect the jobs of its current members.

I Sence The F/A's At DL Will NOW Want AFA On The Property. From The Info I Have Heard, AFA Has Enough Cards Signed To Move Toward Unionization at DL. So The Senority Issue Would Be Moot! 😉
I Sence The F/A's At DL Will NOW Want AFA On The Property. From The Info I Have Heard, AFA Has Enough Cards Signed To Move Toward Unionization at DL. So The Senority Issue Would Be Moot! 😉

Don't be too sure. I don't remember how many times I have heard my friend, Kim, say "Well, I voted against the union. I agree we need a union at DL for the f/as, but now is a bad time." When I would ask her what made her think this way, her reply would be "Well, my manager told me that it would be bad for the company for a union to come in now. Next year would be better." 😛
Well, now we all know what the delays have been about for employee integration. Clearly, "Doogie" has been keeping an "eye" on the big prize in ATL. One thing if you listen this morning's conference call is this is one well thought out merger. They go over "network optimization" to "realign" the hubs, which they say would result in 10% fewer ASMs across the "New Delta Air Lines."

Now, the one thing employees should be interested to hear was Doogie's statement at 56:59

"It is our goal to take the labor costs to the highest common dominator in all labor groups. Whatever exists at either of the airlines today in terms of total labor costs we will move to the highest in place at either of the airlines pre-merger. That results in a negative synergy of 90 million dollars. Which is well significant is overwhelmed by the positive synergy savings...and we think very friendly to labor."

I say prove it: settle the current contracts at US Airways/America West NOW!

Lastly, as a "Gold FF" at this airline I say stick with the Star Alliance -- if the new airline goes with Sky Team you will lose a lot of people.

i want to be the first to ask the important questions???
cactus or delta call sign?
a falcons plane in the works?
keep the fine new inflight uniforms delta has?
stop repainting us's fleet now and wait for a new c/s?
will mesa every go away?
will the new delta buy the dreamliner?
coke or pepsi? ( this is rhetorical)
sandcastle or humidity castle?
how long before i can transfer to moscow?

just some random thoughts...
Let me guess. You are a pilot for America West, are between 30 and 40 years old. You are a Captain with a DOH after 1989.

The USAirways/America West Pilot seniority list integration will be completed per ALPA Merger Policy by mid 2007. It won't be interrupted on the possibility of a merge with DL.

In fact, with a DL merge possible, a DOH list makes even more sense. But, don't get all in a lather, since the US/DL deal is a LONG way from reality, don't let it be a distraction to the current joint negotiations.

Here we go again.......

Ask yourself how many pilots at DAL have a DOH of 1989 and later and then ask yourself if those thousands of DAL pilots would be willing to be effectively stapled to the bottom of the U list. I hardly doubt it. Nearly half of their list would go below your most junior F/O.
The position of Delta management and the BOD is moot. As long as Delta is in bankruptcy, the creditors are in control and will decide Delta's fate. There is basically nothing that Delta management can do now but join us on the roller coaster. They may well scream REALLY loud and long, but that is the extent of their power right now.

Absolute ignorance about corporate affairs, on display. I can see it already, "It's a done deal"!

Also. I was not aware DAL was in Ch 7, in reality, the only time when creditors talk with the judge rather than mgmt. Of course, go ahead and play as if you are living on another planet, if it blows your skirt up.

DP really needs this deal to be done while Delta is in bankruptcy, just as the US/AWA deal was done. Delta being in bankruptcy allows the finished product to be sculpted as necessary with near total disregard for contracts and leases now in force on the Delta property. Anything that Delta has that is not in the plan can be jettisoned with no pain to the merged company. Trying to cut any excess post-bankruptcy may be near impossible.

Read the proposal, for once. The deal is conditional on bankruptcy exit. You may wish to look up the word, conditional. Most any dictionary will do.

Personally, I doubt DP really wants ALL of Delta, but the offer had to be made this way. Look for the DOJ and the other carriers to initially cry "FOUL!" and then get serious about taking pieces of Delta out of the game for their own use as part of the deal. (I said basically this same thing months ago on another thread here.) NW will take the Latin American operation flown out of ATL, CO will likely take the bulk of the domestic operation, and US will end up with the European operation.

It is one thing to conjecture with clear vision. You might try it, for once, without looking through the bottom of that rose colored wine bottle.

With Delta's (and PanAm's) European routes, look for USAirways to threaten (and maybe make good on the threats) to downsize the PHL transatlantic in favor of JFK (and BOS to a smaller degree.) PHL airport wants to more room for SWA, give them the whole damn A-West concourse...we're going to JFK, or else. The transatlantic out of ATL might be migrated to CLT (better get busy on that new runway!)

Why not use the facilities already in ATL? One could easily move CLT transatlantic to ATL. May as well close CLT, give it to someone else. Oh, I get it. Pandering to former Piedmont has been your game all along.

JFK? Is that why you commute to LGA? To position yourself for yet another "done deal"? 'cause if we do not do JFK and the "or else" comes into play, will you go away, permanently? Please. You really do give opinion and conjecture a bad name.

There are jobs out there as I heard the neocons are looking for somewho is willing to print anything, unedited by the use of facts or common sense. I think you would be a real asset for them.
Where is the value created by such a deal?

Just a shell game.

Parker has revealed himself as a manipulator rather than an airline ops guy.
i was wondering the same thing too but my question is who as employees will be the big losers as interms of laying off when/if this were to actually happen? also wouldnt CLT be able to maintain at least 100 or so flts giving the ATL is next door and the amnt of traffic in and out of CLT?
Won't happen.

If it does, expect a bloodbath divestiture of slots/routes at DCA/LGA/BOS (including the beyond perimeter stuff at DCA). Expect every state in the Southeast to run to the DOJ.

Don't expect DALPA to allow fleet shrinkage. Don't expect FA or Mechanics unions anymore.

This is meant to screw with DL on the way out of BK, and little else.

Well, I'm totally out of my depth here, because this makes no sense and is totally unrealistic. Does LCC have financing set up for this.

Maybe it is just the first move in the chess game of consolitation.

Could such a proposal induce unionization at Delta, even if the proposal is not consummated?

Well, good luck everyone, but I think I don't know what to think.
i want to be the first to ask the important questions???
cactus or delta call sign?
a falcons plane in the works?
keep the fine new inflight uniforms delta has?
stop repainting us's fleet now and wait for a new c/s?
will mesa every go away?
will the new delta buy the dreamliner?
coke or pepsi? ( this is rhetorical)
sandcastle or humidity castle?
how long before i can transfer to moscow?

just some random thoughts...
Limes or no limes?
Glass or plastic?
Snack basket or pretzels?

As a side dilemma, what will all of the 'who took over whom posters' do when there's a menage a trois (sp?) in the mix??

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