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LCC Proposes $8B merger with Delta

[Those guys that will be dovetailed in by seniority near the bottom of the lists (The AWA/USAirways merger).
and you know this huh??? Actually since we are union and they are not we have the upper hand....pretty nasty saying all awa will be moving further down the list or off the list.....makes me real proud to say I am one of your "co-workers".
I have a hard time seeing how this could benefit either company enough to justify going through with it. The hubs that are too close to each other, the equipment mismatches, the union vs. non-union workforces. I have a feeling that in the near future, this might benefit other airlines more--such as AA, UA, CO, etc.
Since this doesn't resonate with most minds on here, that in itself makes this all the more likely a new reality is approaching most will find hard comprehend. DP is no ones fool. It nothing else happens with U from this point, a lot will happen regardless because of these actions taken by DP.
I thought Lakefield quit with the HP merger, but I guess he's still around. No way Parker had the balls to end around DL's BOD and strong arm them through its creditors.
I have a hard time seeing how this could benefit either company enough to justify going through with it. The hubs that are too close to each other, the equipment mismatches, the union vs. non-union workforces. I have a feeling that in the near future, this might benefit other airlines more--such as AA, UA, CO, etc.

I was thinking much the same. It just doesn't make sense. Ulttimately just a clumsy way of ( ultimately ) ridding the industry of capacity, but will no doubt make some dealmakers very very wealthy.
[Those guys that will be dovetailed in by seniority near the bottom of the lists (The AWA/USAirways merger).

and you know this huh??? Actually since we are union and they are not we have the upper hand....pretty nasty saying all awa will be moving further down the list or off the list.....makes me real proud to say I am one of your "co-workers".
Sorry didn't mean to be nasty I thought I was stating facts regarding the AWA/USAirways lists (dovetailed by seniority) and then with Delta being a legacy with high seniority... But as I later posted I forgot its a different ballgame with Delta mostly non-union. I apologize for coming off the way it sounded
This explains why United was talking about going private last week. They received info that Usairways was making a hostile bid and decided to act. Watch for Delta to pull out a poison pill to avoid this.

There is no poison on the shelf. They are in bankruptcy, so the BK judge is the gatekeper.
This is just another proposal for the people at the top to stuff their pockets with cash, exit with a nice financial package and leave the ones at the bottom (who have givin up too much already) once again holding the bag and living with the consequences! :angry:
Didn't take long for this to turn into a "victimhood" telethon.
But as I later posted I forgot its a different ballgame with Delta mostly non-union.

Which could come back and bite you squarely in the rear, if the Delta employees were treated roughly any union looking to raid the combined group would find a large group far more receptive to different representation than in the past.

The IAM especially needs to be concered, the TWU has been in elections twice at Delta in the past five years and already has the infrastructure in place to whistle up an organizing drive in rather short order.

Delta is a far larger carrier, don't automatically assume the incumbent union will maintain sway.
i guess delta will be moving to the A gates in phl after all.
Didn't take long for this to turn into a "victimhood" telethon.

Maybe, but based on the online persona you've established ( at least here ), it wouldn't surprise me that you're enjoying it though.

It's a valid issue and valid concern to many directly involved.
As many others have said, CLT and PHL, two of our biggest employee centers, would be decimated forcing nearly 10,000 employees to move or quit.

NOT SO! There is one thing that is certain... CLT is not going away. Think of this... ATL holds on good weather days today simply due to DL capacity. It was so bad LUV left town. Add U flights from the "closed" CLT hub and you end up shutting down your entire east operation.

Ain't gonna happen. If this deal proceeds, CLT might GROW by ATL shifting flights to CLT in order to maximize efficiency at BOTH hubs. This is a synergy.
Won't happen.

If it does, expect a bloodbath divestiture of slots/routes at DCA/LGA/BOS (including the beyond perimeter stuff at DCA). Expect every state in the Southeast to run to the DOJ.

Don't expect DALPA to allow fleet shrinkage. Don't expect FA or Mechanics unions anymore.

This is meant to screw with DL on the way out of BK, and little else.
The position of Delta management and the BOD is moot. As long as Delta is in bankruptcy, the creditors are in control and will decide Delta's fate. There is basically nothing that Delta management can do now but join us on the roller coaster. They may well scream REALLY loud and long, but that is the extent of their power right now.

DP really needs this deal to be done while Delta is in bankruptcy, just as the US/AWA deal was done. Delta being in bankruptcy allows the finished product to be sculpted as necessary with near total disregard for contracts and leases now in force on the Delta property. Anything that Delta has that is not in the plan can be jettisoned with no pain to the merged company. Trying to cut any excess post-bankruptcy may be near impossible.

Personally, I doubt DP really wants ALL of Delta, but the offer had to be made this way. Look for the DOJ and the other carriers to initially cry "FOUL!" and then get serious about taking pieces of Delta out of the game for their own use as part of the deal. (I said basically this same thing months ago on another thread here.) NW will take the Latin American operation flown out of ATL, CO will likely take the bulk of the domestic operation, and US will end up with the European operation.

With Delta's (and PanAm's) European routes, look for USAirways to threaten (and maybe make good on the threats) to downsize the PHL transatlantic in favor of JFK (and BOS to a smaller degree.) PHL airport wants to more room for SWA, give them the whole damn A-West concourse...we're going to JFK, or else. The transatlantic out of ATL might be migrated to CLT (better get busy on that new runway!)

Of course ALL of this is my opinion based on no fact and pure conjecture. But true or not, you heard it first here!

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