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LCC Proposes $8B merger with Delta

This is just another proposal for the people at the top to stuff their pockets with cash, exit with a nice financial package and leave the ones at the bottom (who have givin up too much already) once again holding the bag and living with the consequences! :angry:
Parker said in conf. call this morning that both CLT and ATL would be hubs for the "new" Delta. Probably makes sense, even if only for defensive purposes. May also make sense to alleviate some of the congestion in ATL.

Out west, I thought it was interesting that the presentation included PHX and SLC as hubs -- no mention of LAS. Read between the lines and that probably means it would be reduced to a focus city - a la DCA or LGA.

Parker also talked about having to divest the DL shuttle (obviously). I thought it was interesting that the issue of DCA and LGA slots didn't come up. I can't imagine that the "new" Delta would be allowed to have such a large presence in both of these slot controlled airports.
We will see... Remember Piedmont screwed the EMPIRE PEOPLE by stapling them to the bottom and then when US bought PI and gave them seniority and pay back. Will they go back and give the PA people the same ?
First, PI did not screw Empire. They were offered the chance to organize and negotiate and chose not to.

Secondly (and most importantly) if this is true, DP obviously hasn't grasped the idea that one should learn from the mistakes of the past. 1987 is a year that should stand out in everyone's mind at this airline. USAir's HORRIBLE handling of the PI/PSA merger brings back nightmares. How the hell Doogie thinks he can merge Delta into US when the US/HP merger is still in flux is beyond any reasonable, rational thought.

Oh, well, maybe we'll actually get a webiste that works out of the deal if it comes to pass. Wait. What am I thinking? I'm sure that Tempe would simply do it "in house" and toss DL's site out the window.

At any rate, not only am I saying a silent prayer for US employees, but Delta employees as well. This is stupidity beyond belief. I can see how certain DL assets would be great for US, but the entire airline merged into our system is bad for one main group: current US employees. As many others have said, CLT and PHL, two of our biggest employee centers, would be decimated forcing nearly 10,000 employees to move or quit.
This explains why United was talking about going private last week. They received info that Usairways was making a hostile bid and decided to act. Watch for Delta to pull out a poison pill to avoid this.
DP has access to 8 Billion dollars and we can't even get a website up and running......why are we such a crappy Airline then? 😀
Strait from parkers letter, He would take the HIGHEST pay rates at the combined carriers and that is figured into this deal.
That would be interesting for SLC to be a hub for them. Im so used to seeing Delta planes. Ever since I started working at the north part of the SLC airport i have seing the Usairways new livery planes.
Non Rev's current fleet type is almost correct as of now. The 737-200 are all gone and we are due to receive 10 757-200ER from AA i think some time next year.

My two cents as a DL employee...I think Doug needs to be sent for a pee test. What is he thinking? There are much better options for both companies.

My take on the union vote, the IAM would be doomed with all the sheep at DL. As far as the mechanics go, I figure no union has a chance until the entire recall list is gone. Currently there are 702 on the ATL Hangar list alone. I would count most of them to be non-votes. That number shrinks everyday as we are recalling mechanics to ATL. I've heard they are getting a lot more no thanks than takers. I for one have already told them I'll stay in BOS and want no part of the circus in ATL.
Watch for Delta to pull out a poison pill to avoid this.

They can't. Since they are in bankruptcy, it is up to the judge and the creditors. However, it is probable that Grinstein is on the phone to Houston, Chicago, Dallas and Edina all morning in order to find someone to outbid US.
I have a hard time seeing how this could benefit either company enough to justify going through with it. The hubs that are too close to each other, the equipment mismatches, the union vs. non-union workforces. I have a feeling that in the near future, this might benefit other airlines more--such as AA, UA, CO, etc.

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