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Largest Airline needs one Mechanics Union

The IAM cost lots of jobs at Eastern then right we went on strike in 1989.
The IAM cost the cont. guys their pension and jobs
the IAM cost how much at United
The IAM cost the TWA guys jobs and pension as well.
As I said email or call the AMFA national officers ask them about why and what happened at NWA don't just believe the IAM/TWU/IBT bs.
The IAM crossed a picket line set up by the AMFA. So did the Pilots & FA.
They did not have a plan when they went on strike but neither did the IAM when I walked with Eastern. I lost my job and my pension went to the PBGC.
I also lost $20K in stock because the IAM said they could not take it off the stock exchange.
What has the IAM done for you?
Do you want the TWU/IAM to run it here? That is the question and if not AMFA then tell me which since you guys voted not to have the IBT?
Every Union is going to blame the other guy for its failure, but with AMFA we can get rid of the leaders when we want. "YES" there is a process I know but the IAM/IBT/TWU the top guys are put in at convention or someother way, you and I will not have a vote in that but with AMFA you will.
Last yr AMFA replace its area dir and asst nat dir. the members had a vote. Did you ever get that with the IAM?
Like I said ask the AMFA don't believe what you hear from the IAM. Or ask a guys who were actually there. 700uw was NOT. He's not even a AMT. Just a strong IAM supporter.
That is his right, to do and I commend his vigor for them but ask your self what has the IAM done for me since I have been here at USAirways?  What have I lost? Why did we sign IBT cards to rid US of them?
This assoc/alliance is wrong for our class and craft, my opinion along with many here at AA.
Just look at what just happened with the pass ridding, its being done the AA way. First come first serve. That is the way it was at Eastern as well yrs ago. Delta and US do it by seniority.
There is going to be lots of changes when it is all said and done some good some bad.
Its up to you guys at US to decide which Union we have most here don't want this Assoc./alliance.
I think the IAM had to do what it had to do at Eastern and I was proud of Charlie Bryan and Wimp for stopping Lorenzo in its tracks.
That said, the IAM has been absolutely terrible for the working class.  The United contract is perhaps the worst contract ever signed in the history of the airline labor movement.   The IAM completely botched the boeing members. When the NLRB blocked the South Carolina plant, the IAM INTL worked closely with Boeing management and turned its back on the NLRB by siding with management on a new contract that didn't prevent the outsourcing.  The agreement allowed Boeing to keep scabbing the jobs in South Carolina, in return, management agreed not to oppose organizing efforts.  BTW, those organizing efforts have failed, and now because of the stupid strategy, the Washington Boeing members are facing a new roadblock.  It's a true shame that the IAM INTL refused to allow the District and Local members turn down a TA without making them all look like jackarses and having a revote tomorrow.
700 can tell you, at US AIRWAYS, after a vote, the IAM said the US AIRWAYS MX were 'confused'.   So, don't get me wrong when I question AMFA.  It doesn't mean that I think the IAM is good.  The IAM is the "Ill Ask Management" union and is outright horrific enough to make any Labor guy roll over in a grave.   But the onus is upon you to prove how AMFA is different.  AMFA appears mostly "Cult-like" to me, plus I don't like the BS coming from their camp about the McCaskill-Bond.  Maybe if all of these unions were flat out honest, then one of them would move forward.   As someone who knows the MBA quite well and got attorneys fired over it, I can assure you that if the Association were not in place that the US AIRWAYS MX and Fleet wouldn't have the seniority security that AMFA has said is available.  
737823 said:
The IAM wouldn't willingly hold another election, the leaders knew that any investigation would lead to a new election so they went ahead and agreed because it would look less bad than having one ordered. It would be great to see the complacent, greedy, self serving and unaccountable leaders replaced with real union folks like Jay and Karen who would take their jobs seriously and recognize their allegiance is to the membership first and foremost. The IAM has failed its members across industries and is in desperate need of reform and a new direction.

You are absolutely right Josh.  The IAM ruled on my grievance and said it had no merit, then it proceeded to scold me in the ruling. Remember, only after the union made a ruling was I able to go to the DOL. Thankfully, Buffy agreed to concede and settle out of court instead of burning millions of dollars of our members money.
More importantly, it looks like Jay Cronk has secured most of District 751 [Boeing], much of the rail yards, many of the airline division locals, GD out west, Catepillar, Hawker, HD, and a few others.  He will get on the ballot and his team, so I think he has a great shot this June to finally replace all of these corporate pricks out of our union.

All I can say and you can check with the all knowing OZ or ask amfa national itself. the National officer salary is based on the mechanics wages.

The dues are what ever, with the IAM/IBT/TWU its all about the money.

Not with amfa, so if its not about dues and money for them, then which Union do we bring in to help our class and craft.

If there was another I would compare them to AMFA and choose, but there isn't any. So with all its problems that everyone has brought up, aren't they the only one union that we can control vs the industrial unions available to us?

We can't do anything to the companies or the government with all the rules.
NLRB and NMB control everything, self help and what ever is gone.

So why don't we all the mechanics at the NEW aa vote in AMFA. Give them a try
we can always go the route of United and kick them out as well if we can't place some one in there that is going to protect our interest.

Bottom Line which of the 4 unions available do you think you can work with and trust?

2. IBT
3. IAM
4. TWU

This question goes out to all the mechanics at USAirways.
Tim Nelson said:
You are absolutely right Josh.  The IAM ruled on my grievance and said it had no merit, then it proceeded to scold me in the ruling. Remember, only after the union made a ruling was I able to go to the DOL. Thankfully, Buffy agreed to concede and settle out of court instead of burning millions of dollars of our members money.
More importantly, it looks like Jay Cronk has secured most of District 751 [Boeing], much of the rail yards, many of the airline division locals, GD out west, Catepillar, Hawker, HD, and a few others.  He will get on the ballot and his team, so I think he has a great shot this June to finally replace all of these corporate pricks out of our union.
Tim, even if they clean house at the top what will happen at the DL level? 141 needs leadership, 142 is full of TWA folks who haven't worked for 15+ years but have stuck around milking the system, and it seems other districts (ie Caterpillar) have similar leaders that endorse these dog crap agreements. What will happen to Roach, Buffy, Sito, etc? Will they spontaneously "retire" and fade away enjoying the union pension and other perks they have secured?

700UW said:
So you now claim to know what the IAM thinks, and what decision are made and by whom?
Get real, work hard, you have to help pay the $13 billion dollar fine.
Nope it's a cost of doing business.

If you read what is going on over on the AA part of this forum you will see that the TWU has again let AA screw the membership.(stock equity) Do you guys really want the TWU to join with the IAM to form an alliance/association and screw you as well.
We got some of our concessions back with this merger. We also got some of the stock   but it looks as though they cheated us on that as well.
They (aa) have forced the flight pass riding rules of (aa) on you which in my opinion are more fair than the way US/DL currently do it. But I have read that many of you don't like it. First come first fly is the way it was with the IAM at Eastern yrs ago as well.
But you will see as we get further along that if this association/alliance between the IAM/TWU gets approved we the mechanics will take even more in concessions.
They will further destroy our class and craft. This is just an example of what you are in store for with this merger. I think that if you do get a contract it will only be the length of time to co-inside with ours becoming amendable.  So that what ever union is in place they (aa) can negotiate a joint CBA. I also think that aa will freeze your IAM pension as well. They have frozen ours and only pay into it to keep it funded, but what we will get will not grow as we continue to gain yrs of employment.
Its time for you to join us to remove the IAM/TWU from the New AA.​
AMFA at AA in 2014
You do realize that a card drive now will further hurt Section 6 Negotiations, and its been about three years now, I dont think the membership wants another six month delay in obtaining a new CBA.
The last card drive and election cost the membership six months of no negotiations.
From what I have read on some negotiation updates and on this board I had the impression that USAir did not want to negotiate. They were more interested in the Merger and dealing with the unions at AA as a priority. How sad it all turned out to be up to this point for the AMT's at USAir. Hard to figure out since so much has been happening. Who do you blame if any blame was to be made? The IAM? The Company? The Mediator? The Teamsters for interfering? The AMT's for being divided? All parties involved need to focus on one priority.
Get a CBA negotiated.
AMFA Card Drive at US/AA
The Card drive at AA has started and now its time for you the Mechanics at USAirways to join us.
The AMFA organizers at AA had a conf. call today and there were several US mechanics involved as well.
Cards have been ordered and we are Hoping that The US Mechanics will contact a AA mechanic
ask for the contact so that they can receive cards to have signed at the station they are working.
Ther are going to be many changes for both US & AA and with those changes we need to bring a union which will work
towards the betterment of our class and craft.
If you want to get involved go to www.amfa-aa.com
AMFA at the NEW AA in 2014
Isnt there a one year bar at US since they just had an IBT/IAM election?
700UW said:
Isnt there a one year bar at US since they just had an IBT/IAM election?
"YES" the is a 1 yr bar for the employees to file that will end in Aug. of this yr. It will be 1yr from the date that the NMB finalized the IBT filing. Also if the IAM/TWU alliance can file with the NMB then any group as well can.
The IBT filed at US before they did at AA so that means if we file cards after Aug. then the bar will have been met.
If the Assoc. can ask for the NMB to combine the work forces as one airline then it will also be acceptable for us all the mechanics at both AA/US to have cards signed just in case that ruling is what the NMB and IAM/TWU say.
The mechanics at US need to join the AA mechanics to bring a class and craft union to the new AA.
"YES" the is a 1 yr bar for the employees to file that will end in Aug. of this yr. It will be 1yr from the date that the NMB finalized the IBT filing. Also if the IAM/TWU alliance can file with the NMB then any group as well can.
The IBT filed at US before they did at AA so that means if we file cards after Aug. then the bar will have been met.
If the Assoc. can ask for the NMB to combine the work forces as one airline then it will also be acceptable for us all the mechanics at both AA/US to have cards signed just in case that ruling is what the NMB and IAM/TWU say.
The mechanics at US need to join the AA mechanics to bring a class and craft union to the new AA.
Once an STS determination is filed and confirmed by the NMB, the bans at either airline which may have been previously still in place are ignored.
Some of you signed IBT cards to rid US of the IAM due to its failures.
Since then what has the iAM Done for you since you kept them? So that you could continue to have your IAM pension funded, they the IAM leaders told you what you wanted to hear. But I ask you just what have they done for each and everyone of You?​
We have had the same problem with the TWU over at AA, Now that we will soon be one carrier, it is time to look to the future of our class and craft and get rid of the IAM and the TWU.​
We have started our card drive and we need mechanics from facilities/automotive/aircraft at USAirways to step up and be leaders.​
Go to amfa-aa or over to the AA site you will see who the amfa supporters are.​
You can also use the message section of this site to get connected with one of AA's AMFA organizers and we can and will send you cards for your station.​
Time for you to get involved sitting back and just waiting for the shoe to drop is not going to benefit you or your families future.​
AMFA AT the NEW AA/USAirway​

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