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1st and Business non-rev suspension

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Funny, whenever I bring my own food onboard, it tastes just fine. No, I think the catering company is the main "non-tasty" culprit.
I put an Agree on this post, but AA's parsimony (look it up) has a lot to do with it. They order meals prepared with a minimum of spices. "The customer prefers to add salt and pepper themselves." They then put on the tray those little paper container that contain 12 salt crystals and 5 pepper flakes. You wouldn't believe how many times I was asked for additional salt and pepper which I didn't have in the galley. (Which the customer did not believe.)
The food taste issue is related to altitude and pressurization effects on the taste buds as dozens of studies have shown.
I had the same experience. Food I brought myself also tasted fine.

I think eolesen just did a Google search and posted the first thing that he thought made him look smarter than everyone else. The more I see the man post the more I realize he has a superiority complex.
I’ve seen his resume he’s definitely smarter than you, JS
I think eolesen just did a Google search and posted the first thing that he thought made him look smarter than everyone else. The more I see the man post the more I realize he has a superiority complex.

Of course I did a Google search... that’s why search engines exists. Duh.

The question is why didn’t you do a Google search for that, instead of pulling an answer out of your ass about it being something to do with the recycled air....

Taste and memory are linked. If you bring something on board that you’ve had before on the ground, your brain may be filling in the gaps that your tongue and nose miss at altitude and cabin pressure.

smewht smalr to hw yr eys cn rd smthng whre the frst and lst lttrs are thre bt mddle lttrs are mssng.
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I’ve seen his resume he’s definitely smarter than you, JS
Have you seen MY resume?

If not then your self imposed method is flawed.

Also, I don't base intelligence on occupation or work history. Let's not forget Albert Einstein spent 7 years of his life working in a patent office.

Intelligent people rarely feel the need to prove how smart they are to everyone unless they have some psychological issue driving that behavior.

Of course I did a Google search... that’s why search engines exists. Duh.
Of course, being a Monday morning quarterback is just a bonus.

The question is why didn’t you do a Google search for that, instead of pulling an answer out of your ass about it being something to do with the recycled air....
Are you saying having passengers eating something with a very strong odor (say garlic) in a cramped, confined area is not a consideration?

Tell you what you get on a jet with over 100 people eating garlic and let me know how pleasant that flight experience was for you ace, not to mention the people on the following flight. Let's also not forget that some of that food winds up on the carpet as well.
Cabin air gets refreshed every 3-6 minutes on newer models like the 73NG and 787. Can't speak to Airbus, but I'd imagine it's similar. However pungent the food might be, it probably won't linger too long.
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Cabin air gets refreshed every 3-6 minutes on newer models like the 73NG and 787. Can't speak to Airbus, but I'd imagine it's similar. However pungent the food might be, it probably won't linger too long.
TY , apparently Einstein didn't know...
TY , apparently Einstein didn't know...
Oh I knew.

I might remind you I cleaned the interior of the aircraft at TULE for more than a decade.

I think I have far more expertise of odors that build up in aircraft than you two.
I also did a tour in cabin service as a BOW scheduler, and spent several days a month out in the field QC’ing work from guys like you at AFW and DFW, so no, your expertise isn’t exactly unique. Some amazing biohazards wind up forming inside a galley unit or lav... thank God recirculating toilets are gone.
I also did a tour in cabin service as a BOW scheduler, and spent several days a month out in the field QC’ing work from guys like you at AFW and DFW, so no, your expertise isn’t exactly unique. Some amazing biohazards wind up forming inside a galley unit or lav... thank God recirculating toilets are gone.
Didn't say my expertise was unique. I said I had more than you two, and I do.

QC'ing someone else's work after the fact is hardly comparable to totally stripping down an aircraft, scrubbing it down, then replacing all the carpets and upholstery every 3 days over a 12 year period.
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