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Junior F/A''s say NO...to T/A

Dear Jeff

I appreciate everything you and your team has done to try and secure us a future here at AA, however one thing concerns me. I am hoping you can shed some light onto a really nasty situation. My fellow co-workers with less than 3 years seniority realize that with the passage of this concession package some of us will end up on the street, and if that truely is the case, and our meager salary will save the company, then so be it. However, the question in our minds remains on why this Union did nothing to help us out once we are forced to hit the pavement? Upon successful completion of the AA training program we as "new hires" had no choice but to join ,and become dues paying members of the APFA, or face termination per our operational contract with AA / APFA. Most of us were thrilled to have a union whos purpose was to protect and secure our future with American Airlines. The end result of this concession deal is merely a slap in the face to us junior flight attendants who, at one time, respected and admired the officers within the APFA. This concession deal, if ratified, could be considered a "breach of contract" between this Union and the members it directly affects.
I would hope you and the rest of the officers could shed some light onto why furlough pay was eliminated? Why benefits for those on OVL leaves was eliminated? Why unlimited callback rights and pass benefits were not included in this concession package like that of the APA agreement? Fellow colleagues working at other carriers , even those currently under chapter 11 , still working, and with same seniority, are baffled at why our Union dropped the ball on the junior flight attendants. Could it be that you were merely looking out for your own interests at the time these issues were raised? One has to wonder that a "No" vote on this deal might at least give those flight attendants who are to be furloughed under the current APFA t/a a second and final chance at a job before being forced onto the street. At the very least buy us some valuable time to get what''s left of our lives together in order to find new employment. Either way our fate is probably evident, and in the end the I am sure we all will still vote "Yes" securing a future for all those senior flight attendants remaining on the line. I am sure that our sacrafice , as well as those who have lost there jobs before us, will be better off passing this concession package then facing the end result of a chapter 11 filing. I do hope that the Union can at least tell us what the reasoning was behind the blatent denial of any rights we had, or could of had during the time we will remain on furlough? I wish I could sign this email "in unity" like the rest of the members at the APFA seem to end all their correspondence, but that would be inappropriate under the circumstances.


I could haven''s said it better myself. We have a right to know!
HI, Bill...the APFA didn''t ask for anything in return for any of these concessions AND offered the furlough pay because JW has a thing about the TWA F/A''s. Anything he can do to make our death more painful, he is committed to doing. It is a shame that he can''t see clearly on any issue. Tunnel vision. TWA could have brought to AA so very much. They were a drop in the bucket as far as seniority goes. They were happy to stay in STL...fenced in. They are class and dignity. They treated Ozark employees with respect even during the crisis of a labor dispute.....another union goof up! I guess you know all of this...just thought I would vent!
Hi D...Carty did a bang up job in front of the US Senate today. Threatened to close STL if Senators passed a measure to have the AA/TWA integration looked into by a major Senate committee. Well they did and Carty was very upset. Senators do not take kindly to being threatened and their authority ignored. Wonder how Carty's performance will look to his BOD? Wonder how this might effect the 'concession" balloting?

Must admit I'm puzzled why APFA did not get some bennies like APA and why they again chose to be hateful toward the LLC F/As by robbing them of furlough pay knowing all will be furloughed within a year or so?
John Ward andDon Carty make Carl Icahn look almost human.
On 4/4/2003 7:23:54 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!


You don''t get it! This "No Furlough Pay Issue" is bigger than just hurting the junior furloughed F/A''s financially. It gives AA carte blanche to downsize seasonally! Those f/a''s "lucky" enough to hold onto the job will become part-timers! Every slow season and AA will lay off the overages because it COSTS THEM NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then just when Christmas and Summer vacation come around and they need a variable staffing level, they will call back the ping pong balls. Talk about tunnel vision!!!!!
It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!

No matter which way the vote goes. People will be furloughed. The only difference is, in BK there will likely thousands more.
And I might ADD Carty didn''t even ask for APFA to give this up. Check for yourself in the BK motion. They only asked for 50% reduction of furough pay! John Ward offered it up as a way to punish those he doesn''t respect. And I''m not only talking about TWA LLC f/a''s here! He has NO RESPECT for junior f/a''s!
Would you be happier if the judge gave it back and took away more f/a''s?
Until the Union responds to what happened lets not assume what went on at negotiations. The Cuts are big YES! Nobody likes it..No one group is targeted. As far as TWA they are on the bottom of the seniority list right now, they will not be the only ones furloughed. If the company said your going to take this or we will declare BK on APR 01 what would you do? Lets face it, this company might not make it. What are you going to do to secure your future? No one complained when the Union got us the last contract, lets give them some room to do what they have to do.
On 4/4/2003 7:23:54 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!

Oh Mikey,

Speaking of tunnel vision, you cannot see the forest for the trees. Of the 2,391 flight attendant positions eliminated due to the work change rules (APFA figures, not mine), 1818 are TWA people. They make up three quarters of the number of those expected to be furloughed.

It is quite obvious that the union leadership hates the TWAers and is willing to sacrifice its own junior members in order to inflict as much pain as possible on the St. Louis outcasts.

I have yet to hear your defense for the reasons that the union gave the company something that was not on its wish list. This is an item which is worth a mere $6 million out of the $340 million in concessions that the company demanded (and the well over $400 million that John Ward admitted he gave up - I have trustworthy sources on the AA side). It works out to only 0.6% of the annual compensation of the entire flight attendant workforce.

This tentative agreement is a joke. US Airways flight attendants fared better than this in the bankruptcy court. Maybe your union would have fared better had John Ward properly prepared for these negotiations. Oops, I almost forgot. He did not have the time. He was busy moving.

These union negotiators must be robbing widows and orphans for fun in their spare time.

By the way, your negotiators did not even get a guarantee that the company will not file for reorganization, as it is now threatening lessors, vendors and suppliers that it will, if they do not cut their costs as demanded. Nor did they get an agreement that if the company does file for bankruptcy, this new contract will not be the basis from which any additional cuts are made. Those are customary, elementary provisions in such situations.
The NO furlough pay issue is in BLACK and WHITE in the 1113 proposal! AA only asked for 50% reduction of furlough pay! APFA OFFERED 100% ELIMINATION!!!!

And you''re right! Because of this, many and I mean many AA natives will be out of luck also! It''s insane to have this added to our contract! It takes the job back to the day that it was part-time and for a couple of years.
On 4/4/2003 7:23:54 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!

P.S. I have just learned that John Ward insisted that the LLCers who were previously notified that they are being laid off effective April 30, 2003, are not entitled to receive their contractual furlough pay. Well, the company thinks differently and they are going to be receiving it.

Can you please explain why their own union president was arguing against the interests of those he is supposed to represent and protect? In my field, it is called malpractice. On second thought, malpractice is the product of negligence, not the intentional infliction of harm.
On 4/4/2003 11:34:08 PM TWAnr wrote:

On 4/4/2003 7:23:54 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!

 P.S.  I have just learned that John Ward insisted that the LLCers who were previously notified that they are being laid off effective April 30, 2003, are not entitled to receive their contractual furlough pay.  Well, the company thinks differently and they are going to be receiving it.

Can you please explain why their own union president was arguing against the interests of those he is supposed to represent and protect?  In my field, it is called malpractice.  On second thought, malpractice is the product of negligence, not the intentional infliction of harm.

You say, you heard that somewhere. Well, I have heard a lot of things too. Doesn''t necessarily make it true.
On 4/4/2003 8:14:09 PM skivoodoo wrote:

On 4/4/2003 7:23:54 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!


You don''t get it! This "No Furlough Pay Issue" is bigger than just hurting the junior furloughed F/A''s financially. It gives AA carte blanche to downsize seasonally! Those f/a''s "lucky" enough to hold onto the job will become part-timers! Every slow season and AA will lay off the overages because it COSTS THEM NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then just when Christmas and Summer vacation come around and they need a variable staffing level, they will call back the ping pong balls. Talk about tunnel vision!!!!!

Who knows what the future holds. AA has never seen that kind seasonal need. We currently fly the FAA minimums on domestic. No food no need for more. The only seasonal flying AA does is Europe for the summer. We have held those ups and downs through fall backs to domestic. For there to be the kind of fluctuation in our system. We would also have planes that only flew for summer and Christmas. They would also need to have type rated seasonal cockpit crews, to fly them.
On 4/4/2003 9:05:31 PM TWAnr wrote:

On 4/4/2003 7:23:54 PM FA Mikey wrote:

It will effect every furloughed flight attendant. Not just the TWA people. Talk about tunnel vision!


On 4/4/2003 9:05:31 PM TWAnr wrote:

 Oh Mikey,

Speaking of tunnel vision, you cannot see the forest for the trees.  Of the 2,391 flight attendant positions eliminated due to the work change rules (APFA figures, not mine), 1818 are TWA people. They make up three quarters of the number of those expected to be furloughed.

It is quite obvious that the union leadership hates the TWAers and is willing to sacrifice its own junior members in order to inflict as much pain as possible on the St. Louis outcasts.

Is that the latest mellow drama from the famed lawsuit happy sherry cooper?

On 4/4/2003 9:05:31 PM TWAnr wrote:
I have yet to hear your defense for the reasons that the union gave the company something that was not on its wish list.  This is an item which is worth a mere $6 million out of the $340 million in concessions that the company demanded (and the well over $400 million that John Ward admitted he gave up - I have trustworthy sources on the AA side).  It works out to only 0.6% of the annual compensation of the entire flight attendant workforce.

Well, I haven''t defended it. I dont know why. I hope to find out on the 9th like everyone else. But I love how you say a mere 6 million. You know, like its pocket change. Actually its more likely the amount of money AA loses each day.

On 4/4/2003 9:05:31 PM TWAnr wrote:

This tentative agreement is a joke.  US Airways flight attendants fared better than this in the bankruptcy court.  Maybe your union would have fared better had John Ward properly prepared for these negotiations.  Oops, I almost forgot.  He did not have the time.  He was busy moving.


Oh, Goodie for USAIR. I see they were able to lower there costs overall a whopping 2 cents per seat mile. This should be the golden path of profitability for them now. I wonder why though with all the so called cuts, they are still losing millions a day. How long can that go on? Lets see they are on there third round of cuts. How long till the new Alabama chairman comes for even more? My guess soon. Maybe just maybe AA will get it right the first time. And we wont endure the same BS. Having YEARS of experience in negotiating with AA like you do. I am sure you could have worked a nice raise and no cuts, in to the agreement. Were just not as good as you. Yes, I am being sarcastic.

On 4/4/2003 9:05:31 PM TWAnr wrote:

These union negotiators must be robbing widows and orphans for fun in their spare time.

By the way, your negotiators did not even get a guarantee that the company will not file for reorganization, as it is now threatening lessors, vendors and suppliers that it will, if they do not cut their costs as demanded.  Nor did they get an agreement that if the company does file for bankruptcy, this new contract will not be the basis from which any additional cuts are made.  Those are customary, elementary provisions in such situations.

Would seem so. The TWU and APA have the same deal. Are they just as poor in your expert eyes as well. In fact all three unions have documents that spell out the additional cuts, that will be imposed if these agreements are not ratified, and AA is forced in to BK court.

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