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Junior F/A''s say NO...to T/A

On 4/2/2003 10:46:50 AM Flyboy4u wrote:

I only wish I could get my pink slip sooner than later so I can go on with my life and forget I made such a huge career mistake when I took this job.

This comment and your other comments tell us how un-informed you really are. The union is not going anywhere, its here to stay. You on the other hand should not wait for that pink slip. Take your own advise and don''t wait, correct that huge career mistake and move on.
On 4/3/2003 11:36:53 AM MiAAmi wrote:

On 4/3/2003 11:29:09 AM Flyboy4u wrote:

I cant tell you that I dread going to work now because of all the instability on the line right now, but until I get a "pink slip" I have no choice in the matter.


If you want to play Victim and wait for public assistance your entitled to do that. Or you can take the bull by the horns and go find a job that you are happier at. I can tell you that if you are borderline furough and you vote NO, you are worse off than if you voted YES.

Your selfishness and bad attitude baffles me. Use what brains you contain in your head and look at the overall picture. Tell me what airline currently flying under b/k has laid off the thousands that are goin to be laid off here at AA. Yes, there are thousands at UAL laid off but those layoffs went senior because they offered a "Furlough" package to their flight attendants. The other carriers have also offered packages as well. Those furloughed at DAL were given a choice to work for their new carrier Song or taking a furlough with Benefits! This company and now the APFA is offering nothing except the pavement! I hope this caring attitude you posess is not your normal routine in life. I am confident a judge will at least look at those going to the street and give them something to take with them. All other work groups in this company will be given something!!

The bankruptcy judge will give you less. His only loyalty will be to AA and the creditors.
On 4/3/2003 10:13:38 AM Hopeful wrote:

Bullshit! He''s laughing his ass off. He doesn''t want BK either because a judge may cap his and his cronies salaries and perks as well.

Don Carty, stands to lose millions in BK. He has millions of shares of AMR. In the end the board can compensate him for any loss. A, BK judge wont do anything to his pay. Wolf and company raped USAIR for 35 million days before BK. They are free and clear. UAL''s Tilton has a 18,000 dollars a month hotel paid by UAL on top of his signing bonus and regular pay. There judge look and said OK to it.

If you vote No just to punish SR Management, you wont. They will all come out better than before. The idea here is to do what''s best for the line people like ourselves. We can swallow it now and fight later. Or take a bigger loss in BK.
How is APFA going to know how many furloughs there will be when you have to take into account how many people will retire before this deal takes effect? Who knows? Besides who''s to say that after the war things for AA don''t turn around a little and they start recalling? I know thats wishful thinking but its better than shooting ourselves in the foot.
On 4/3/2003 11:09:47 AM MiAAmi wrote:

How is APFA going to know how many furloughs there will be when you have to take into account how many people will retire before this deal takes effect? Who knows? Besides who''s to say that after the war things for AA don''t turn around a little and they start recalling? I know thats wishful thinking but its better than shooting ourselves in the foot.

The APFA knows Exactly how many job losses will occur with this concession deal....If they didn''t then they didnt do their homework. They just aren''t releasing the information for Fear this package will be voted down. Do the math. We are talking thousands on the street!
On 4/3/2003 11:29:09 AM Flyboy4u wrote:

I cant tell you that I dread going to work now because of all the instability on the line right now, but until I get a "pink slip" I have no choice in the matter.


If you want to play Victim and wait for public assistance your entitled to do that. Or you can take the bull by the horns and go find a job that you are happier at. I can tell you that if you are borderline furough and you vote NO, you are worse off than if you voted YES.
I am a six year f/a at AA. I know that I would rather be at AA than at UA or US right now. As far as your numbers go, at United they may not have as many on furlough today but down the road if they go belly up everyone is out of a job. At USAirways they are a much smaller company than AA and you would have to look at the percentages. I may lose my job with this too. I don''t know where you can say that I''m selfish? But if you feel that way I''m sorry. And I''m sorry you feel like such a victim. You are the one claiming to have made such a "huge career mistake". All I''m saying is stop the pain and move on.
On 4/3/2003 12:41:55 PM AA D2 TW SP wrote:

Get real. There is a huge difference between taking a pay cut and losing your job. The elimination of furlough pay was uncalled for. Management did not ask for it. No other labor group at AA gave it up.

Unless it is in the pilots'' contract, nobody else gave it up because nobody else *has* it. None of the TWU people have that provision in their contract (I know mine sure doesn''t!). Plus we don''t get the option of leaves-with-bennies either.

Just wanted to clear up that misconception.

A BK judge is not concerned about providing benefits to furloughed employee''s. It will be imposed in BK just as it is in the TA. Delta will soon be giving the boot to its employees as it need to cut costs like all the other carriers. I doubt the benefits for OVL''s at the other carriers like UAL will last through May 1 the day for a agreement with AFA or a company and judge imposed agreement.

Offering a OVL with benefits is a perk. Just like flight attendant parttime. It is going to be cut at UAL and all the others soon after as well. Know any U flight attendants with full benefits on layoff?
And how much more will we give up in BK court and how many more jobs will be lost in BK court. Do you have those additional numbers too????
On 4/3/2003 11:19:11 AM MiAAmi wrote:

Everyone is taking a big hit. Not just the junior F/A''s and I am junior too.

Get real. There is a huge difference between taking a pay cut and losing your job. The elimination of furlough pay was uncalled for. Management did not ask for it. No other labor group at AA gave it up. It was John Ward''s brainchild as a final insult to the TWAers he despises so much. In the process, he is hurting the junior members on his side of the fence. The total savings of the furlough pay elimination is $6,000,000. A drop in the bucket compared to the $340,000,000 that AMR demanded and the $420,000,000 in concessions that Ward admitted giving up.

By the way, the concessionary contract will eliminate 2,391 flight attendant jobs.
On 4/3/2003 1:36:49 PM MrMarky wrote:

FA Mikey wrote:

"If you vote No just to punish SR Management, you wont. They will all come out better than before. The idea here is to do what''s best for the line people like ourselves. We can swallow it now and fight later. Or take a bigger loss in BK."

I''m just curious. Up until recently you have said you were not willing to give anything back to the company, and cited all kinds of management money-wasting. What changed your mind?

Take care,


I know how much worse things can be in BK court. I know that many thousands more will be furloughed in the BK process. AA is still wasting millions and I will keep on the butts about it. There is no good reason to force bankruptcy on the company and all of us who work here.
FA Mikey wrote:

"If you vote No just to punish SR Management, you wont. They will all come out better than before. The idea here is to do what's best for the line people like ourselves. We can swallow it now and fight later. Or take a bigger loss in BK."

I'm just curious. Up until recently you have said you were not willing to give anything back to the company, and cited all kinds of management money-wasting. What changed your mind?

Take care,


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