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Junior F/A''s say NO...to T/A


WOW, I didn't know that you would feel so intimidated and/or threatened by a bad sarcastic joke. Interesting. By the way Rule 32, as you like to draw attention to, doesn't apply to someone asking a non AMR employee what their AMR employees spouse's name is. Nothing intimidating or threating there. It seems that you are now THREATING me with false accusations. It would seem to me that one who seems to talk so much hatred and denile on here would be able to see through that and accept it with the territory. If you open yourself up to ridicule, you must accept it back. Are you a little apprehensive about me asking your wife's name,like I really want to know or expected you to tell me, because she might possibly not agree with your never ending baseless banter? Either way, she will be out of work, unfortunate for everyone, and we still get to read you spew false facts on here. You and L1011ret are like finger nails on a chalkboard, it would be easier to listen to if what the two of you said would be at least a little unbiased and at least half true. Oh well, we can only hope. Have at it. I give any "native" on here all the congratulations in the world, because I don't know how they do it. I mean I almost get ulcers just reading the garbage some former TWA employees try to pass as fact. I mean FAMIKEY, must be going bald from pulling all his hair out trying to continually repeat facts to try to educate the uneducated on here. Good luck to him and all that try. This will go on forever, even after the judge throws out or rules in our favor. I can hear it know he was bised, paid off by AA and the union. There will always be an excuse, and it will be our fault they stayed through 3 bankruptcy's and we didn't make them as whole as they wanted!!!
I would appreciate an opportunity to discuss any disputed facts. But I have to know what is in dispute in order to do so. I apologize for my sharp nails on the board. I''ll file them down a bit.
On 4/6/2003 10:45:40 PM FA Mikey wrote:

Not so. Seniority integration is something unique to the airlines coming from there regulated days as well as the fact at times less than a handful of unions all AFL-CIO represented the entire industry. Reno pilots fought and lost. Reno flight attendants fought and lost. The TW flight attendants have had a string of set backs as well.


Wrong Again! It is not a perogative(sic) of the airline to decide. If the airline isn''t BK (which TWA was not) then the seniority will be integrated into the list, not stapled to the bottom. Had AA waited until TWA went Ch 7 THEN they could justify this seniority issue. AA could have gone to the fire sale just like all the others airlines but AA wanted all the routes, planes, etc so they could say they were the #1 airline now, not UAL...and that included the employees.

There really is no need to fight it out between us, we obviously don''t agree. But when the TWA f/a''s decide to sue, be prepared to lose! It''s not about the economy, 9/11, Iraq War, etc....the judge won''t look at those factors. The law is black and white. AA did NOT wait for a TWA liquidation.
On 4/7/2003 4:46:48 PM Fly wrote:

Enough fighting about it with you Mikey....you must have what? 1, 2 years seniority to be putting up such a struggle...lol. It doesn''t matter what your or my opinion is, we can back and forth forever, bottom line is this: If TWA f''a''s get a good lawyer, they will get their seniority back.

Fly steps off the soap box.

I am sure we can, go back and forth on it. Too bad, being you have no stake in the out come. Maybe then you could better understand the circumstances, and the real facts of the case. In the end the law suits like all those before them will summarily dismissed. This is not a new road for AA or its unions.
Enough fighting about it with you Mikey....you must have what? 1, 2 years seniority to be putting up such a struggle...lol. It doesn''t matter what your or my opinion is, we can back and forth forever, bottom line is this: If TWA f''a''s get a good lawyer, they will get their seniority back.

Fly steps off the soap box.
Garfield1966, The agents from TW were not given any occupational seniority. They were given full company and pay seniority.
Not sure how that effects me? I have never been in a position where there was occupational seniority. All I know is if they lay off in seniority order. I am closer to the bottom than I was prior to the merger / buy out / take over. No one in my department has occupational seniority. I transferred into the department a few years ago and I bid according to my company seniority like everyone else including the former TWA employees.

I''m not sure where you get your information but I am in Crew Scheduling (FA side. We are Level 1-4 management and the TWA folks who came over were intergrated into our senority list. I dropped down several slots.
I have a question for you union folks.

Where do you get the right to “dictate†what you want from your employer? I have been with American for close to 20 years now and have also held other positions with other companies. I have never walked in to an employers office and said “.. I want x amount of money or I will strike and cost you money till you cave in.†I have always asked for what I thought I deserved, I have been told what they thought I deserved, there was a little give and take, but in the end, I either accepted what they offered or I could leave and seek employment else where.

It also amazes me that every time one of your contracts come up for negotiation, you are always looking to beat the latest contract from what ever other airline just negotiated with its work group. I am a Crew Scheduler with American Airlines. It is irrelevant to me what the schedulers make at United, Continental, Delta, South West … or any other airline. If you like some other airlines contract so much, go work for them.

As far as I am aware, organized labor came about because of the horrendous work conditions at the turn of the 19th century. Child labor, unsafe environments … etc. For the elimination of those things, thank you. But it seems to me that you have let the power go to your head. Where do you get the authority to dictate to a company what you want as compensation? In all my years with American, I have had the good fortune of not being a member of a union. The more I deal with union members the happier I am.

The bottom line is that I am angry. I am in management. As such I have NO SAY it what happens to the company that I have given a large chunk of my life to. You people get to vote and determine if we go into bankruptcy or not. I never voted for you. I never gave my permission for you to have that power. I chose to work for AMR. They are the ones who I have given that authority. I have not always agreed with their decisions but guess what. If I don’t like it I can leave. If you don’t like the contract, then leave. Leave the rest of us alone. You’re screwing with my life and I DIDN’T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DO THAT!!!!!
Garfield 1966,
Thank God for unions. They are not only there for more money, but to protect any employee against abuse in the work place. The employee that is in a union is working under a contract THAT IS LEGAL AND BINDING IN A COURT OF LAW. There are not to many ways that a company can break a contract be it with an employee or a company they rent a plane from. One way is to ask for give backs from the employees under the contract or to declare BK. You people that are so against people having a contract with the company they work for are really lame. Ask yourself this why do you think your CEO has a contract with AA? When large companies such as AA treat their people under them and run the company with integrity and respect there will not be a need for unions. Do you think if AA does declare BK that the CEOs contract will still be in force and not changed you bet it will. To have a contract with the company you work for is even more important than having one with the mortgage company who owns your home until it is paid in full or the company that insures your car or the doctor that performs surgery on you. The contract with the the company you work for protects in many ways your job and makes it possible for the paycheck that pays for your home,care, health care, etc. Ask yourself this why do you think compaines such as Delta and Walmart continue to do battle with their work force not to form unions when the top people that run those companies have contracts?

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