On 4/6/2003 5:05:49 PM firstamendment wrote:
Let''s see...AMR decided for what ever reasons that it wanted to buy TWA...AMERICAN decided. Nobody else. When they decided to buy the entire company that is TWA, they also bought the employees. If they didn''t want the employees, they could have waited for the eventual fire sale..BUT...they didn''t. They also could have bought a small enough percentage as to not take the employees.
No AA did not buy TWA. AA bought the assets of bankrupt TWA and agreed in the terms to offer employment to its 20,000 soon to be out of work employees.
On 4/6/2003 5:05:49 PM firstamendment wrote:
So now, as the airline industry goes to hell in a handbasket, your company decides to eliminate virtually every f/a from TWA because you did your "duty" to provide these employees a job for an extra two years? I have read this over and over on this board. So let me see...Granny ex-TWA f/a has 3-4 years left until retirement and the 30 something with 2 kids has flown for 30 years and 16 years should be on the bottom of a list because they weren''t original AA''ers? Some 20 year old twinky who knows crap about life is valued more for their one or two years of service than a veteran f/a who been devoted and loyal ? You people are sick. There is nothing anyone at AMR can say to justify the kind of BS and arrogance this represents. Go ahead and try. THAT IS SICK THINKING!!
I dont think you fully understand flight attendant job Vs retirement. Up to this point in Americans 60 plus years in the business we have had only 200 flight attendants retire. Basically we quit or die. When the veteran f/a you are referring to has been loyal and devoted to the competition. Why should I step aside and offer my seniority spot, or actually allow several thousand to be placed above me? I worked hard here at AA. I deserve something for remaining loyal to this company. This is not new to us. Everyone starts at the bottom. regardless of your previous status, whether you are a new hire, company transfer or currently employed for another carrier owned by AMR. We all start at the bottom.
On 4/6/2003 5:05:49 PM firstamendment wrote:
You''re union leadership does not represent all of your f/as. Yes, those TWA folks got raises and I''m sure they are grateful. You guys seem to think they are asking for special rights. I would think job security would not be looked upon as special rights, considering the number of old stews "real" AA has themselves. You mean to tell me that not one 20-40 year flight attendant had the guts to stand up for their age peers and fight against a system that would screw men and women so close to retirement? SHAME!!
After 40 years as a flight attendant you are dreaming if you think they are looking to retire. To come in NEW and be placed above all those who choose and have built a career here at AA is shameful. To be put above all those who made the tough choice to start over before the other shoe fell at TW, we all knew would, is shameful.
The job of the APFA was and is, to represent the interests of the APFA members. AT the time of the integration there were no members from TWA. If the APFA had negotiated for protections for the TW people before they were members then they would have been in violation of the law by not representing the best interests of the members. Also at the time the TW f/as and the IAM were fighting the integration. It took a ruling by the NMB for the IAM to let go.
On 4/6/2003 5:05:49 PM firstamendment wrote:
I hope AA is never on the receiving end of this behavior. You know, UAL, the sponsors of AFA''s policy of date of hire, tried to pull that crap by trying to not only change the bylaws but get rid of AFA all together. Their 6 month and 2 years flight attendants were pitching a fit about senority. Where are they now? Unemployed. Where is UAL now? Bankrupt. Poor management may have landed US Airways into bankruptcy, but arrogance put UAL there. Now their f/a''s are losing thousands of jobs and no hope of leaving bk by years end. I can''t help but chuckle at those who fought so hard against the U merger and the f/a''s
You spend 2 paragraphs trying to shame AAer''s. Then in the end you share a laugh about the unemployment of some others.
Wow, after 5 CEO''s at UAL in the last 10 years it was arrogance that brought them into BK. I wonder what kind of creditors committees they have for collecting on something like that? Interesting if you really believe that.
On 4/6/2003 5:05:49 PM firstamendment wrote:
In otherwords, what goes around comes around...but don''t worry..within that time, all the TWA folk will be gone and anyway, out of sight...gone.. "they were going under anyway" Funny that the same people that are suppose to take CARE of people can''t even take care of their own..even if they are adopted. God help such arrogance.
Possibly many of the ex TW will be furloughed. But all those who want to return, will also be able too. AA will survive.