I'm sure it was just an autocorrect failure...
KCFlyer said:You left out the part where the Soviet Union lost.
He called you buttercup. Isn't he sweet?townpete said:
You didnt read the article did you buttercup?
townpete said:
You didnt read the article did you buttercup?
History tells us that the Afghanistan fighters (Mujahideen) held their own against the Soviet invasion. Muslim extremists, including Osama Bin Laden, became warriors with great experience in strategic planning and sabotage. More importantly they now had confidence after defeating a Superpower. Sound familiar?
Also resulting from Carter's abandonment of the Shah was the Iran-Iraq war, which would have never occurred if the Shah remained in power. Over a half million people died during that war, including thousands of Iranians from Sadam Hussein chemical weapons. Hussein continued building his military to avoid future land attacks, which would become the cornerstone for his 1990 invasion of Kuwait. This of course became Desert Storm.
What exactly could Carter have done to keep the Shah in power? Other than helping the Shah tighten the screws that mush tighter thus making Iran an even bigger powder keg.eolesen said:The watershed moment of the 20th century was not backing the Shah. Granted, the Shah was just a step or two removed from Saddam Hussein, but in allowing his overthrow and exile, it turned the Middle East into the crap pile it is today.
Had Carter treated the Shah as we've treated Israel and the Saudis, then Iran wouldn't be a theocracy today, nor would you have seen the explosion of Islamic militants becoming as strong as they were by the time 9/11 occurred.
Wow, the ignorance in that blog post is amazing.townpete said:Jimmy Carter Can Only Blame Himself
Carter's indecisiveness and incompetence became obvious to the rest of the World. The Soviet Union took great advantage of having Carter in the Oval Office. The Communist country invaded eastern neighbor Afghanistan, beginning an attempted power grab aimed at eventual Soviet takeovers in Iran and Pakistan. Carter's response to the invasion of Afghanistan was the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Olympic games held in Moscow. Need I say anymore?[/size]