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Jim Little Response To Ken Mactiernan

Damn Bob, I sure wish you would have come to the debate that we had in Tulsa. You could have really shined there. :lol:
mojo13 said:
Damn Bob, I sure wish you would have come to the debate that we had in Tulsa. You could have really shined there. :lol:
Yeah, He could have held TWU Informer's hand in the lobby.

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where barganing means YOU GO....!
Ken MacTiernan said:
Kirk, thank you for your post. I asked a question and you answered it. I do not know why jim thought I would have altered his, or any response I receive from the twu. Nice to know how jim thinks of me. I am not a dishonest person Capt. Kirk. I believe in a craft democratic union for OUR profession. I believe that when I speak people should know who I am and where I am from. Basic virtues of being taken seriously.
Your posting responses from jim might seem like a loyal trait but what happens when you post half truths and lies on behalf of jim?
Like you said, it is a shame that jim must have others post his responses to others instead of himself. Why does jim not simply make the posts himself? Just another question.
Ken there are several reasons that Jim didn’t post his letter him self. One of the biggest reasons is the obvious fact Jim has a few thousand other members to answer to everyday. You act as though he Jim should be there at your beckon call, well Ken it doesn’t work that way. You act as though I should be ashamed of being loyal to Jim Little; well I’m not ashamed Ken. As for the half-truths I suppose it depends on how big of a pair of blinders your wearing that day, you do understand the bigger the blinder the smaller your vision. I suppose half-truths are in also a particular persons ability to define what is factual and what is total fiction. I find it very disturbing that in today’s world that there is a large number of people with limited vision. Again if you were Jims only member he would be able to drop everything deal with your every whim. And one of the last but not least is the fact that the man is trying recover from cancer or did you conveniently forget about that fact? Ken now that Jim answered your questions, enough is enough.
You know this post, made one of the chief puppet organizers so upset that he removed it from his site? Censored! That's right Censored! Do to the over whelming complaints it was re-started. Sometimes the truth sits in your crawl and you have a hard time forcing it down.

One thing I did notice this past week, The last flyer hit home with many organizers and they are realizing the lies and the consequences the chief Amfa organizers were telling them wasn't necessarily the truth!

Become Education, Learn the truth! You will see Amfa's track record, is not a path you want to follow!
James T. Kirk said:
Ken MacTiernan said:
Kirk, thank you for your post. I asked a question and you answered it. I do not know why jim thought I would have altered his, or any response I receive from the twu. Nice to know how jim thinks of me. I am not a dishonest person Capt. Kirk. I believe in a craft democratic union for OUR profession. I believe that when I speak people should know who I am and where I am from. Basic virtues of being taken seriously.
Your posting responses from jim might seem like a loyal trait but what happens when you post half truths and lies on behalf of jim?
Like you said, it is a shame that jim must have others post his responses to others instead of himself. Why does jim not simply make the posts himself? Just another question.
Ken there are several reasons that Jim didn’t post his letter him self. One of the biggest reasons is the obvious fact Jim has a few thousand other members to answer to everyday. You act as though he Jim should be there at your beckon call, well Ken it doesn’t work that way. You act as though I should be ashamed of being loyal to Jim Little; well I’m not ashamed Ken. As for the half-truths I suppose it depends on how big of a pair of blinders your wearing that day, you do understand the bigger the blinder the smaller your vision. I suppose half-truths are in also a particular persons ability to define what is factual and what is total fiction. I find it very disturbing that in today’s world that there is a large number of people with limited vision. Again if you were Jims only member he would be able to drop everything deal with your every whim. And one of the last but not least is the fact that the man is trying recover from cancer or did you conveniently forget about that fact? Ken now that Jim answered your questions, enough is enough.
Oh yes Ken let us not forget the fact you did not grant Jim Little the common courtesy to allow him time to answer before you posted your letter on the internet.
James T. Kirk said:
James T. Kirk said:
Ken MacTiernan said:
Kirk, thank you for your post. I asked a question and you answered it. I do not know why jim thought I would have altered his, or any response I receive from the twu. Nice to know how jim thinks of me. I am not a dishonest person Capt. Kirk. I believe in a craft democratic union for OUR profession. I believe that when I speak people should know who I am and where I am from. Basic virtues of being taken seriously.
Your posting responses from jim might seem like a loyal trait but what happens when you post half truths and lies on behalf of jim?
Like you said, it is a shame that jim must have others post his responses to others instead of himself. Why does jim not simply make the posts himself? Just another question.
Ken there are several reasons that Jim didn’t post his letter him self. One of the biggest reasons is the obvious fact Jim has a few thousand other members to answer to everyday. You act as though he Jim should be there at your beckon call, well Ken it doesn’t work that way. You act as though I should be ashamed of being loyal to Jim Little; well I’m not ashamed Ken. As for the half-truths I suppose it depends on how big of a pair of blinders your wearing that day, you do understand the bigger the blinder the smaller your vision. I suppose half-truths are in also a particular persons ability to define what is factual and what is total fiction. I find it very disturbing that in today’s world that there is a large number of people with limited vision. Again if you were Jims only member he would be able to drop everything deal with your every whim. And one of the last but not least is the fact that the man is trying recover from cancer or did you conveniently forget about that fact? Ken now that Jim answered your questions, enough is enough.
Oh yes Ken let us not forget the fact you did not grant Jim Little the common courtesy to allow him time to answer before you posted your letter on the internet.
Kirk, check you Personal Messages.

I never stated that jim should be at my beck and call. I said that as an UNELECTED, APPOINTED officer of the atd that he should reply to questions by the membership... everyday. That is part of his responsibilities.

As for your being ashamed of being loyal to jim my point is that when you post something for someone, or even yourself, that is not factual you should be ashamed. Especially doing so behind an alias.

Your mention of blinders is very appropriate since the twu has kept blinders on the membership during concessions. I guess we were wearing the blinders produced by the "Full Revote" manufactoring company and distributed by the "SERP" distribution firm. My vision is not hindered Captain Kirk. As a matter of fact I can see clearly. I can see the twu's fear in being removed from representing our profession. I can also see clearly the cowardice of the twu by protwu posters using an alias. Why not state your names for all to see?

I am a skilled, professional AMT. And I act as such. I do not parade around open coffins and chant "Scab! Scab! Scab!" at fellow Brothers and Sisters in our craft and class simply because they wish to become better informed between the differences in industrail and craft unions. I am very aware of Jim's medical condition. Since you are a confidant of Jim's you should know of the tone of our conversations and that I have told him that I wish the best for him and his family. I do not wish Jim any ill will. I simply do not want him any where near our profession.

And for your information James Tiberius Kirk, I posted my letter to Jim so ALL concerned in the upcoming election will know what I wrote. I also forwrded my letter to people to keep everyone informed. There was never any stop watch started after the SEND icon was clicked. As for common courtesy if I was told I would have a full revote and then said I was not worthy of such a revote that would not be considered courteous? Even with blinders on?
I too was compelled to do a point-counterpoint debate when I realized that all of this debating as to what happened here at the ‘Lazy U’ is open to interpretation depending on where you are. Many of these posts regarding the AMFA influence are based on conjecture and cannot be analyzed as factual ‘either way’! This ambiguity will always allow this type of speculation and twisting of events by anyone who was not on the property and witnessed the events first hand. Using these hypotheticals, one could also claim that AMFA was responsible for the concessionary contract ratified in BK. If indeed it could be proven that AMFA had more influence than the IAM as our bargaining agent, maybe we should sue the IAM for lost dues or misrepresentation during that period also.

So continue to play the ‘blame game’ to divert attention away from the inefficiencies of your bargaining agent. If this is truly the only accolade that your representation possess then you are already in a sad situation.

So, what is the ‘BIG’ question?
Why did United IAM mechanics and related vote to change representation?

Because they did not serve the membership, and the 'membership’ booted their ass out!!

I’m sure once the TWU is voted out by the AA ‘membership’; they too will blame AMFA for losing their representation without looking within and not addressing their own problems and change their policies to reflect the views of their membership.


Quintus Fabius Maximus (200 BC - 203 BC):
To be turned from one's course by men's opinions, by blame,
and by misrepresentation shows a man unfit to hold an office.

Titus Livius (59 BC - 17 AD)
Men are only clever at shifting blame from their own
shoulders to those of others.
Ken MacTiernan said:
James T. Kirk said:
James T. Kirk said:
Ken MacTiernan said:
Kirk, thank you for your post. I asked a question and you answered it. I do not know why jim thought I would have altered his, or any response I receive from the twu. Nice to know how jim thinks of me. I am not a dishonest person Capt. Kirk. I believe in a craft democratic union for OUR profession. I believe that when I speak people should know who I am and where I am from. Basic virtues of being taken seriously.
Your posting responses from jim might seem like a loyal trait but what happens when you post half truths and lies on behalf of jim?
Like you said, it is a shame that jim must have others post his responses to others instead of himself. Why does jim not simply make the posts himself? Just another question.
Ken there are several reasons that Jim didn?t post his letter him self. One of the biggest reasons is the obvious fact Jim has a few thousand other members to answer to everyday. You act as though he Jim should be there at your beckon call, well Ken it doesn?t work that way. You act as though I should be ashamed of being loyal to Jim Little; well I?m not ashamed Ken. As for the half-truths I suppose it depends on how big of a pair of blinders your wearing that day, you do understand the bigger the blinder the smaller your vision. I suppose half-truths are in also a particular persons ability to define what is factual and what is total fiction. I find it very disturbing that in today?s world that there is a large number of people with limited vision. Again if you were Jims only member he would be able to drop everything deal with your every whim. And one of the last but not least is the fact that the man is trying recover from cancer or did you conveniently forget about that fact? Ken now that Jim answered your questions, enough is enough.
Oh yes Ken let us not forget the fact you did not grant Jim Little the common courtesy to allow him time to answer before you posted your letter on the internet.
Kirk, check you Personal Messages.

I never stated that jim should be at my beck and call. I said that as an UNELECTED, APPOINTED officer of the atd that he should reply to questions by the membership... everyday. That is part of his responsibilities.

As for your being ashamed of being loyal to jim my point is that when you post something for someone, or even yourself, that is not factual you should be ashamed. Especially doing so behind an alias.

Your mention of blinders is very appropriate since the twu has kept blinders on the membership during concessions. I guess we were wearing the blinders produced by the "Full Revote" manufactoring company and distributed by the "SERP" distribution firm. My vision is not hindered Captain Kirk. As a matter of fact I can see clearly. I can see the twu's fear in being removed from representing our profession. I can also see clearly the cowardice of the twu by protwu posters using an alias. Why not state your names for all to see?

I am a skilled, professional AMT. And I act as such. I do not parade around open coffins and chant "Scab! Scab! Scab!" at fellow Brothers and Sisters in our craft and class simply because they wish to become better informed between the differences in industrail and craft unions. I am very aware of Jim's medical condition. Since you are a confidant of Jim's you should know of the tone of our conversations and that I have told him that I wish the best for him and his family. I do not wish Jim any ill will. I simply do not want him any where near our profession.

And for your information James Tiberius Kirk, I posted my letter to Jim so ALL concerned in the upcoming election will know what I wrote. I also forwrded my letter to people to keep everyone informed. There was never any stop watch started after the SEND icon was clicked. As for common courtesy if I was told I would have a full revote and then said I was not worthy of such a revote that would not be considered courteous? Even with blinders on?
No Ken, you are not skilled or professional at anything but being or pretending to be a demagogue.

Skilled professionals don't have to brag about their abilities.

The coffin stunt was a sophomoric act by the very people you are trying to convince to let AMFA represent them. That little demonstration was no worse than the mock cremation of the TWU negotiated T/A you held on a beach and publicised with plenty of posted images.
The coffin stunt was a sophomoric act by the very people you are trying to convince to let AMFA represent them. That little demonstration was no worse than the mock cremation of the TWU negotiated T/A you held on a beach and publicised with plenty of posted images.

Only someone with an extreme lack of morals and integrity can equate burning a contract with desecration of the American Flag. I can't wait to see your rational for this one...
No Ken, you are not skilled or professional at anything but being or pretending to be a demagogue.

Skilled professionals don't have to brag about their abilities.

The coffin stunt was a sophomoric act by the very people you are trying to convince to let AMFA represent them. That little demonstration was no worse than the mock cremation of the TWU negotiated T/A you held on a beach and publicised with plenty of posted images.

Demagogue? Well, so much for your ability to read my posts and NOT understand that I want nothing but the best for our profession. Hanging out with cio is having a side effect on you.
Post your evidence that I am NOT skilled or professional. Or remain in the shadows. I do not brag about my skill and professionalism I POINT to these characteristics of our profession to POINT OUT that an INDUSTRIAL union can not represent my craft and class.
The "mock cremation" (as you call it) of the t/a was organized by myself and another AMT here in SAN. We did not have any "last rights" or spoken prayers because it was not a "cremation. It was a show of disgust at the lack of respect and representation that we PAY the twu for and did not receive! If you had watched the video, (not the one the twu edited to their continuous sophmoric antics), you would have been able to comprehend what everyone in the video was saying. It was publicised because unlike the twu I believe in informing the full membership about how other AMTs feel. Do you have a problem with open communication? What is wrong with posting images with my name so you know who is in the picture? (Where were the names in the recent flyer from the twu? Who were they and what were their job classification?)
awayfrmitall said:
awayfrmitall said:
RE: Jim Little's response

Maybe if they tell a lie enough they will believe it themselves... below is a link to an article. The few key parts to notice are as follows (I thought I should point them out since certain members of the TWU can't read long articles):

"The board believes that the business plan submitted by the company is not financially sound," said the ATSB in a statement Wednesday evening. "This plan does not support the conclusion that there is a reasonable assurance of repayment and would pose an unacceptably high risk to U.S. taxpayers."

The board added the plan is based on "unreasonably optimistic revenue projections."

"The board believes that with a more reasonable revenue forecast, United's revenues and costs still would not be aligned, even with the benefit of all proposed cost reduction initiatives," the board said.


"The ATSB's Montgomery said that the panel considered the application as if the mechanics had approved the concessions package and all the promised cost savings were in place. "

Article on CNN Money

Do you TWU cultist really think that people are so uninformed that they don't remember the real story of what happened?
Ok... Explain exactly how Little's letter when it states the same LIE at least 5 times is kicking anyone's butt? Anyone, who knows how to read can easily see that he is full of it...

I am quoting the post above for you TWU faithful that are challenged when it comes to reading. PROVE to me that what Little claims in not a LIE...

Good luck...
Sorry AwayFrmitAll,

The facts are lost on this group.
They are more adept at creating sophomoric cartoons
than being informed and informing their members.

Take Care,


Gee, I miss the crossword puzzles and cartoons that I used to get in the IAM rag.
*burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppp*..scooze me...to much inner turmoil. Someone please answer me here..what does a UAL tech whatever have to do with AA? Is he going to show me that AMFA is better?....hmmmmm...is he selling cars now or what? Well, as I see it..he's either got another job or drawing Social Security and working at UAL, which is it?
Ok, I work for AA, as far as I am concerned, UAL_TECH is welcome any time he can refute lies the TWU spews about the company he works for.

Why don't you ask the OSM and those mechanics who were riffed into OSM positions your questions about jobs.
Buck, my questions are for the AA members, and my questions are directed to AMFA's history after gaining bargaining agent at other airlines...does the membership know of AMFA's history? Do you Buck? I cannot and will not believe that everyone that is pro-AMFA is illiterate. Please Buck, what part of AMFA's history thrills you? This is not a test, this is a sincere question sir.
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Buck, my questions are for the AA members, and my questions are directed to AMFA's history after gaining bargaining agent at other airlines...does the membership know of AMFA's history? Do you Buck? I cannot and will not believe that everyone that is pro-AMFA is illiterate. Please Buck, what part of AMFA's history thrills you? This is not a test, this is a sincere question sir.

Thanks for the kind words.
I appreciate and respect your input.

Take Care,

Johnny (et cetera),

If you were adept into my posting habits you might gain a clue as to when I do and or do not post. I recommend that you and your counsel review my posts and not repeat your hypotheticals.

Stick to the 'FACTS'!!!

😛 UT

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