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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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so it looks like the lawsuit is dismissed and that the decision came out today. is this the final step that will lead to the final distribution of the 14% equity withheld?
so it looks like the lawsuit is dismissed and that the decision came out today. is this the final step that will lead to the final distribution of the 14% equity withheld?

It should be.

The next level of appeal would be to the Supreme Court. That step is prohibitively expensive and the chances they'd hear it is almost non-existent.
Tim do you know how many stations outside of hubs have catering for LUS? Also as far as I know and have been told our caterers are not trained on 738s so to me giving that only 2 of our CLT are 738s I have to wonder how much longer before its all converted to 738s. To me if they do that its a sneaky way to get around the contract
And the only reason why I think PHX is still a hub is because of that no-displacement language. The company paid a high price to get cross utilization by giving us no-displacement, but they want it back. The union will want something out of things, and may get its nugget from the company if it hands over the no-displacement for no-layoff. If it's going to be handed back, and it is, then it ought to come with some Big League million $ items.
And imo the company may be thinking that we don't need both PHL and JFK. Or CLT and MIA. The city of charlotte has been very proactive though but I still won't be surprised if we start to scale back CLT after a JCBA.

With a lease agreement recently renewed and an extensive project to greatly enlarge the airport and surrounding area I don't really think the city of Charlotte would be happy with a "scale back".

Tim do you know how many stations outside of hubs have catering for LUS? Also as far as I know and have been told our caterers are not trained on 738s so to me giving that only 2 of our CLT are 738s I have to wonder how much longer before its all converted to 738s. To me if they do that its a sneaky way to get around the contract
None of the LUS trips in DFW are catered with IAM staff, it's all done by sky chef, the company really don't have to honor the contract at all, it states clearly in the TWU contract that the mail will be handled by TWU at dockside, but the company outsourced it, so now we only load it and unload it. Was a grievance filed?, no sure way of knowing.
None of the LUS trips in DFW are catered with IAM staff, it's all done by sky chef, the company really don't have to honor the contract at all, it states clearly in the TWU contract that the mail will be handled by TWU at dockside, but the company outsourced it, so now we only load it and unload it. Was a grievance filed?, no sure way of knowing.

Uh Bob FYI. On the LUS side DFW was never a Hub. Hope that cleared your confusion a little old boy?
Uh Bob FYI. On the LUS side DFW was never a Hub. Hope that cleared your confusion a little old boy?
The Idea of the company switching an Airbus for a Boeing just so it won't be catered by BWI fleet as Robbed has suggested is ludicrous to me.
The Idea of the company switching an Airbus for a Boeing just so it won't be catered by BWI fleet as Robbed has suggested is ludicrous to me.

I like robbed so, La di da di da for my response.
Albert I'm not looking at just BWI I'm simply saying that by switching AB to 738 in LUS cities that have catering is a sneaky way the company gets around catering bec LUS catering is not trained on the 738 catering I'm not suggesting I'm just stating that this would be the company's way of getting around it while we are under our current contract Now it will change once we get a JCBA Our PHX trips except the Flex Flight used to be AB is now 738s takes the US catering out and uses LSG which by the way sucks as they show up late thus making the PHX flights late

Bob youre way off the point and clearly youre not in tuned Yes the company is obligated to a signed contract violations of it does warrant grievances but I do know that none has been filed for this
Uh Bob FYI. On the LUS side DFW was never a Hub. Hope that cleared your confusion a little old boy?
Confused! Don't think so, when the company asked for cabin service it was system wide, in the JCBA, catering will also go by the way side. Enjoy it in the hubs for now.
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