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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Confused! Don't think so, when the company asked for cabin service it was system wide, in the JCBA, catering will also go by the way side. Enjoy it in the hubs for now.
Actually I will be catering and cleaning ALL E-190 aircraft the menu however will be limited to home made sunny side up eggs and a piece of toast and a water bottle that looks a lot like the Weez's
Confused! Don't think so, when the company asked for cabin service it was system wide, in the JCBA, catering will also go by the way side. Enjoy it in the hubs for now.
Bob is now in negotiations with Sito and company
Confused! Don't think so, when the company asked for cabin service it was system wide, in the JCBA, catering will also go by the way side. Enjoy it in the hubs for now.

Bob you keep this up and I swear I'm going to convince and assist any Layoff people to go to DFW and bump your butt here to MIA. We'll take GOOD care of you here buddy.
Confused! Don't think so, when the company asked for cabin service it was system wide, in the JCBA, catering will also go by the way side. Enjoy it in the hubs for now.
Bob, I don't think Catering is gone. If it is, then the union bosses at LUS already know it's time to pack their bags since they have to do a rerun election next January. I know WeAAsles disagrees with me and says I'm giving a new election too much weight, but without the new election these guys at LUS were in office for 4 years at $125,000, two pensions and expense account. I don't think they will be supporting anything that coughs up Catering now. Believe me. And if they know what's good for their jobs, they won't be coughing up LUS health care cost either. Of course, maybe they role the dice and hope they get re-elected after coughing these things up but I simply don't think so. I could be wrong.

Whatever the case, securing this new election was a negotiation tactic that keeps the negotiation team more accountable and should result in a better contract for all.
Next sessions in red:

May 29th
Jun 05th
Jun 12th
Jun 19th
Jun 26th
Jul 03rd
Jul 10th
Jul 17th
Jul 24th

Jul 31st
Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of May 22nd, in Washington D.C. and discussed several of the open issues and Articles. For M&R and MLS those Articles include: Vacations, Holidays, Overtime and Classifications. For the Fleet Service group those Articles include: Vacations, Overtime, Reduction in Force and Recall.

The Committee reached Tentative Agreements on the following Articles:

Overtime – M&R, MLS and Fleet Service
Hours of Service – M&R, MLS and MCT
Recognition of Rights - Fleet Service
The M&R Committee received a proposal from the Company on Classifications, and the Fleet Service Committee received a proposal from the Company on Transfers and Promotions that are currently under review.

While the Executive Committee met face to face with the Company, the remaining members of the Negotiating Committees were engaged in reviewing and crafting counter proposals.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: June 5th, June 12th, July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.

Your Negotiating Committees remain fully committed to achieving industry leading contracts to be voted on by our membership. Progress has been made, and will continue to be made, as long as American Airlines management remains committed to their promises of an industry-leading contract.

Your support is both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve our goals. Knowing that we stand together in solidarity makes us stronger than ever.

Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.
Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines the week of May 22nd, in Washington D.C. and discussed several of the open issues and Articles. For M&R and MLS those Articles include: Vacations, Holidays, Overtime and Classifications. For the Fleet Service group those Articles include: Vacations, Overtime, Reduction in Force and Recall.

The Committee reached Tentative Agreements on the following Articles:

Overtime – M&R, MLS and Fleet Service
Hours of Service – M&R, MLS and MCT
Recognition of Rights - Fleet Service
The M&R Committee received a proposal from the Company on Classifications, and the Fleet Service Committee received a proposal from the Company on Transfers and Promotions that are currently under review.

While the Executive Committee met face to face with the Company, the remaining members of the Negotiating Committees were engaged in reviewing and crafting counter proposals.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume on the following weeks: June 5th, June 12th, July 17th & July 24th in Washington, DC.

Your Negotiating Committees remain fully committed to achieving industry leading contracts to be voted on by our membership. Progress has been made, and will continue to be made, as long as American Airlines management remains committed to their promises of an industry-leading contract.

Your support is both appreciated and necessary in order to achieve our goals. Knowing that we stand together in solidarity makes us stronger than ever.

Remember, do not listen to rumors – your only official negotiations report is that issued by this Association.
Could have been the very first update just different dates
Overtime – M&R, MLS and Fleet Service
Hours of Service – M&R, MLS and MCT
Recognition of Rights - Fleet Service
The M&R Committee received a proposal from the Company on Classifications, and the Fleet Service Committee received a proposal from the Company on Transfers and Promotions that are currently under review.

They copied previous versions, and everyone is happy.
Bob, I don't think Catering is gone. If it is, then the union bosses at LUS already know it's time to pack their bags since they have to do a rerun election next January. I know WeAAsles disagrees with me and says I'm giving a new election too much weight, but without the new election these guys at LUS were in office for 4 years at $125,000, two pensions and expense account. I don't think they will be supporting anything that coughs up Catering now. Believe me. And if they know what's good for their jobs, they won't be coughing up LUS health care cost either. Of course, maybe they role the dice and hope they get re-elected after coughing these things up but I simply don't think so. I could be wrong.

Whatever the case, securing this new election was a negotiation tactic that keeps the negotiation team more accountable and should result in a better contract for all.

Where i disagree with you, Catering, for instance Phx doesn't have catering right? How can you expect to keep catering? Twu doesn't have it anywhere so, trying to keep something that isn't congruent amongst different unions is not worth the effort, there are bigger battles.

Maintaining/getting better scope in key areas, fending/limiting off ready reserve with strict language and being able to file bypasses on violations, keeping cargo open, crap truck, lot more important.

It is so insulting, what your Presidents are paid. They don't decide dick and at most work 20 hours a month. Most overpaid job in the world, all they do, is what the intl tells them.
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