A perspective on the Negotiations from TWU Local 591 Maintenance President Gary Peterson.
February 23, 2017
To the Membership,
Another week of negotiations has drawn to an end, with little progress made. I say that not to rub salt in the wound, but to call attention to my concern as the President of your Local. CEO Doug Parker has said for over a year to “take a leap of faith,” yet in over one year of negotiations, American’s proposals continue to be written for us to only achieve the third worst contract of the Big 3 in the industry - (Delta, United, & American). As I talk with members, I am often asked why are negotiations taking so long? Simply put, because the ask by American in their proposals is never the “industry’s best” and more times than not their proposal is written in concessionary terms, rather than a collaborative offer giving members the industries best contract. I have negotiated enough agreements to know when the process is competitive and when the process is collaborative, and I will say it again - these negotiations remain unequivocally competitive based on American’s proposals. Not only are the company’s proposals often laden with the industries most concessionary terms and conditions, but they also they fly in the face of what our Executive Leadership Team says that the company’s “employee relations” should reflect.
So let’s cut to the chase, my sole obligation in negotiations is to bring back a JCBA that is the “best in the industry,” for our members, which is what CEO Parker has promised multiple times in person and in his town hall videos. On the shop floor I hear that management often tells our members “that it’s the union slowing down the negotiatiations.” If our objective were to simply deliver the third best contract in the industry, then that statement would be accurate. However, since we have no interest in further concessions or bringing back to the membership a substandard JCBA, we are forced into making multiple proposals that often are ending at an “industry leading” impasse and are put on the shelf for later consideration. All you have to do is look at the disparity in what employees are receiving in “profit sharing” versus the so-called “at risk compensation” management is stuffing into their pockets, and you should quickly realize that management thinks the membership isn’t paying attention to detail and is once again willing to be gassed up and taken for a ride.
So where do we go from here? It is time to rise up, further unify, and prepare for what may be the fight of our lives. That said; let me give you a little solace in why I am coming out so strong in this letter. This past week I found out that CEO Parker’s hired negotiator, Jerry Glass, was able to negotiate a tentative agreement in about a month between multiple elevator companies and the International Union of Elevator Constructors (IUEC). I was surprised when I was told that a tentative agreement was reached so quickly, so I made a call and found out that the elevator companies came to the table with a comprehensive proposal that contained a highly “collaborative offer.” So why can’t Jerry get American to do the same? Could it be that American’s true agenda isn’t to negotiate the airline industries best contract; but rather, to string the employees along like pre-bankruptcy American, post bankruptcy United and how Southwest has recently done with both TWU and AMFA? If American’s leadership team is serious about negotiating the “Best Contract in the Industry,” then it is time for us to demand they change course and bring some fresh faces to the bargaining table that can get this deal done; in a few weeks when the International Leadership joins our negotiating sessions. Since none of us can predict the future, the Local must move forward with the next phase of our contingency plan. Many members of Local 591 have already committed to participate in our campaign on American, if called upon to do so. However, since Local 591 is so large, some members may still not be aware that we have developed an organizational readiness plan, if we are forced to fight for the best contract in the industry. If you have not already committed, I am requesting you send an email to info@local591, letting us know that you are ready and willing to participate in our effort to achieve the “Best Contract in the Airline Industry,” should CEO Parker and this executive team fail to deliver on what they have all promised to us.
Gary Peterson