I'm sure that work wasn't just given to UA I'm sure they had to give something up more than likely scope and the smaller cities. and if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath.I hope if one of OUR negotiators or officers don't like what Sito and your boy deliver they will say so.And Al since IAM UAL does most of their commuter work, I expect we'll be gaining that work on the LAA side too at least in our Hubs?
Oh look. Something else our side is waiting for.
Tick Tock.
I'm sure that work wasn't just given to UA I'm sure they had to give something up more than likely scope and the smaller cities. and if I were you I wouldn't hold my breath.I hope if one of OUR negotiators or officers don't like what Sito and your boy deliver they will say so.
Why don't you reserve the name calling until you see what is in the contract. As a negotiator, I've seen all the groups before us have buyers remorse for rushing into their contracts. I do not want to see that happen to us, that is why you see both sides, LAA and LUS, being as thorough as possible. I am not in any hurry to bring out a substandard contract.
P. Rez
no one called you names sir. you all's performance and abilities is what has been called into question. if your skin is that thin then the membership is in more trouble than I thought
Are you ok with only 7 Holliday's or do you think we deserve 10 like everyone else in the industry including the agents have?
Are you ok with having only 5 weeks vacation or would it be nice if we were restored to 7?
How about OT? The IAM contract gets Double time on second day off and they go in the mix for second day off call in instead of at the bottom. Or are you ok with staying with the way we have it now?
How about SCOPE? Do you think it's ok for management to be able to direct the workforce?
What other things can we think of that maybe those guys in there now should just bend over for so we can see progress on an end of the week update?
It's not that easy all you're really saying is I'll take the blond over the brunette. The company isn't offering eitherthe answer to all of your questions is it "depends," with the exception of "management directing the workforce" nonsense. as far as what is deserved vs reality are 2 different things. we deserve cabin back, penalty hours, our pensions, full restoration of our 01 contract, etc. but reality says "not gonna happen." my mindset is to make continuous improvements for the majority of the membership as often as possible. all or nothing doesn't work when you have no leverage. so yes I would take 8 or 9 holidays although we know full well we deserve more. I'll take the pos iampf if I could still maintain the 401 with a 5% match. I'll take the pos cs policy if it meant station staffing going back down to the 7-10 flights a day range so our guys can finally get home to their families. I'll take 6 weeks vacation "now" vs waiting 2 yrs for the "hope" of one more. I'd consider trading small areas like encoding, for example, if it meant say regaining cabin or eagle transfer. so as you can see im not inflexible. im just a realist. and just seems that much of the IGMers are detached from reality
Rat I'll ask you this again. Do you care even one small iota about any of the issues plaguing your Brothers and Sisters on the LAA side?
Do you care at all about guys being away from their families or even worse still on the street?
You didn't answer this the first time I asked you so does the old saying goes "Silence speaks volumes" apply?
Corporate greed?
Union greed?
Human greed?
the answer to all of your questions is it "depends," with the exception of "management directing the workforce" nonsense. as far as what is deserved vs reality are 2 different things. we deserve cabin back, penalty hours, our pensions, full restoration of our 01 contract, etc. but reality says "not gonna happen." my mindset is to make continuous improvements for the majority of the membership as often as possible. all or nothing doesn't work when you have no leverage. so yes I would take 8 or 9 holidays although we know full well we deserve more. I'll take the pos iampf if I could still maintain the 401 with a 5% match. I'll take the pos cs policy if it meant station staffing going back down to the 7-10 flights a day range so our guys can finally get home to their families. I'll take 6 weeks vacation "now" vs waiting 2 yrs for the "hope" of one more. I'd consider trading small areas like encoding, for example, if it meant say regaining cabin or eagle transfer. so as you can see im not inflexible. im just a realist. and just seems that much of the IGMers are detached from reality
oh bullchit don't give me that I work with dozens here in clt from pit that will never get to go back no matter what happens on this cba, You want our scope don't you? you want out overtime rules or you should.Why do you not want to hold a company making billions accountable to bring you guys insurance up to ours?? That what I want for your guys too and if you get our scope them getting home will take care of itself.
As far someone on the committee calling Harry or Sito out those IAM guys on their call Sito boss so I doubt they will tell him jackchit if they want to keep that 6 figure job.
when you make jokes about peoples health you come across as an arrogant prick to me
Whats the difference between a stupid Lead and a stupid Crew Chief they are one in the sameOh you certainly are a man who knows things aren't you. Nice to read some of these things out in the open for a change.
Cabin is now in the Maintenance class and Craft so no I wouldn't want to trade anything for that one. How about fueling instead? (Dare I dream)
Yea they'll probably settle on 6 weeks vacation since that's industry standard right now anyway.
They have to hold firm on 10 Holliday's just because its industry standard and it would look weak if the Mechanics and the Agents had it and we didn't. Yea financially big whoop but perceptions do factor in to the membership IGM crowd.
We're going in to that IAMPF whether we like it or not IMO. Don't think we'll get 5% on the match 401k but it would be nice to go 1% over the UAL 3% to be the leaders.
The CS language yea they should have fought harder to be able to make up the hours lost with anyone not just the same guy you gave your hours too, but we'll adapt.
I think we'll get those Eagle runner jobs back at no cost? And commuter work in at least the hubs and spoke cities?
Station Staffing has to be the same as the agents. If there's a PSA upstairs there should be a RA downstairs. (But they haven't even gotten to that yet)
Management directing the workforce agree. No freakin way in hell. They're honestly way too stupid and I'd rather have more of our guys on the clock and a lot less of them in the future. What that means is no stupid Leads either. I want Crew Chiefs period.
And your entire comment was a walking breath of fresh air. Yes you are a realist and yes the IGMers are detached from reality. Some of them seem to have dropped down Alice's hole and are smoking with the Mad Hatter.
Doesn't sound like one arse is more important than the other sounds like one arse is going to lose more than the other and he would be correct.BS. We get a JCBA and absolutely they get to go back home to PHL. What are you smoking on that one?
As far as your Medical you're the one being paranoid on that. You guys are even afraid to start talking with the Company about it for Gods sake. When did I ever say that your Medical needs or should go up? But how about someone grows a set and at least starts talking about it again? But "maybe" I'm the one being held hostage for that Medical issue, not you. So EASY for you to talk man.
And again I'm not IAM and if you are absolutely sure that your guys can't open their mouths for fear of being tossed out in the dessert. Then I'm sorry but what YOU'RE saying is that their own arses are more important than their members? Is that what YOU are saying?
And of course I want your OT rules. I've said that before haven't I.