I can only explain it this way. Take the overtime article for instance. Once the IAM and TWU groups hash it out about a particular article, and some articles take a very long time to do that. But once the association comes together and agree with way your going, you then present it to the company and the company gives a proposal of just the opposite back to you. Like where we would adopt the twu language, the company would want to adopt IAM. And where we would want to adopt the IAM, the company would go twu language. Well then it basically puts the IAM and twu back to square one in what each side must have and what we can achieve from the company. This can be, and obviously has been very time consuming. It's basically two sets of negotiatiins going on at one time. The association negotiates among the two sides first, then once you've reached an agreement with the two sides, you then have to go through the company.
hence why the iam should have and still should concede. contract 2021 at this rate!