Thank you for being honest. I agree with what you say 100%. I just can't see why you guys don't fight for the better medical, instead of giving up on it. Because it seems that way to me with the above statement.
I absolutely think you guys should have the same stuff as we do. Contractually you do not though. How am I going to advocate that you guys have the same as us when their are 2 vastly different CBA's? That will not change until a JCBA is reached, and yes I hope sooner rather than later. I just do not want to get one just for the sake OF getting one. KNOWWHATIMEAN? As I said before, If we give anything up during these negotiations, ANYTHING AT ALL, what do you think the company will do next time around when the money isn't rolling in as it is now? Millions instead of billions. They will remind us that we "gave" up the better medical during great times, so what are we going to give up now that the times aren't so great? See my point? This isn't a live to fight another day type of thing. We should be fighting now for all that we can get.
pj, I too have been asking the same. Why aren't they fighting for the better LUS medical? I have read so many post that claim they are ok or at least make it read like they are ok with going with the LAA medical which is a concession between the two medical choices. An ILC is not ILC if not in all areas not just pay. Weez likes to claim that it's not a concession as long as with all your raises and improvements as a whole outweigh the takes and concessions. I think the LAA guys as well as the LUS guys should have the best of both contracts all rapped into the JCBA. Take the best of each and put it in the JCBA, that's how it should be, as promised.