There is a growing sediment within the LUS ranks that section 6 is preferred instead of not prioritizing our scope and medical benefits. honestly, your TWU has bagged a lot of money with this association so it won't be in any hurry to get a card signup. I agree that your members are getting cornholed but that's your business. I don't see any threat of a card signup....won't ever happen. It's all bout the money and the Association is a cash cow for the TWU. But if there was a card drive, I would imagine every single TWU person would sign it and the TWU would win at this point OR the cards could be used to threaten our union bosses. Of course, if our union bosses don't prioritize our scope and health care then, "He gone". So it would be a sorta pick your poison. But, I don't see any card drive happening, not even remotely. It's all about the cash and this baby is a cash cow for your TWU. They have to let you guys picket every so often just to make you feel like you belong but Sito shut that down real quick. Not only did he C block them on the picket, he is currently insisting that our issues have priority, i.e., LUS health care, and the awful pension. Even had to cancel negotiations with the company. 1 thing will happen, either Sito will use his veto leverage to make the TWU presidents understand their errors of their way, or he will wait for re-enrollment and then flip like a pancake and cave in the LUS health care. like I have said, my money is on him flipping and handing Parker our health care. Sito doesn't care about us, just look at the United contract or McGee contract or United Express Ground contract. It's all about the cash with him as well. So stop the insanity of a card drive already. Sheesh.