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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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BTW some people on Forums have mentioned the Company (Glass and others) reading here and getting ideas.

Company. If you guys really are gauging proposals off us dozen or so whackos who write here against 30,000 you're seriously dumber than I would have suspected.

Get a better grip. You guys went to school to Master the Chess game. And Forums unfortunately isn't what it used to be anyway.

And you see there's the loopyness that goes on in people's minds. Some of these guys (Fleet) maybe feel it's normal to ask for another 20% raise and keep low Medical "ONLY" for their privileged Full Time Al Bundy set? (Not all people have such loopy thoughts)

Uh and honestly what they DO NOT seem to get is IF IF IF the TWU (Fleet) ran exactly with the IAM medical structure, TWU Presidents would have to explain to their PT Members why they screwed them HARD? Seems like it would be a real pickle if the ultimate decision to put something about it on my desk will come from Presidents and AGC's (Ouch)

And I wouldn't vote away more SCOPE (Jobs) for cheapie Medical. I'm not a totally greedy garvove.
MTC at LUS has no part timers are you say the Fleet part timers are subsidizing them also?
In GP's video, he essentially said that the "good" things were outweighed by the "bad" things.
My money is on SCOPE as being the big fish here.

Absolutely SCOPE on the Maintenance end especially. Sounds to me like from what the guy talking to the Pilot in the video had to say.

The proposal says they won't lay anyone off but as you leave through attrition please turn off the lights behind you?

Isom has made it clear the difference in the amount of jobs at AA over the competition.
In GP's video, he essentially said that the "good" things were outweighed by the "bad" things.
My money is on SCOPE as being the big fish here.
Any change in scope probably would have a Grandfather clause close to the amendable date so I don't see any big savings. That's with Fleet I don't know how it would work for you but I see Grandfathering with you too
MTC at LUS has no part timers are you say the Fleet part timers are subsidizing them also?

To a small degree also of course they are. All the IAM guys at AA are currently standing on the shoulders of that Part Time work group.

The poor subsidizes the rich. (And no one in IAM land really wants to change that cause they LIKE it A LOT)
To a small degree also of course they are. All the IAM guys at AA are currently standing on the shoulders of that Part Time work group.

The poor subsidizes the rich. (And no one in IAM land really wants to change that cause they LIKE it A LOT)
Don't feel like getting into this AGAIN but I did know of people who with 20+ years stayed part time for better days off. Perhaps this is why I'm cynical
And you see there's the loopyness that goes on in people's minds. Some of these guys (Fleet) maybe feel it's normal to ask for another 20% raise and keep low Medical "ONLY" for their privileged Full Time Al Bundy set? (Not all people have such loopy thoughts)

Uh and honestly what they DO NOT seem to get is IF IF IF the TWU (Fleet) ran exactly with the IAM medical structure, TWU Presidents would have to explain to their PT Members why they screwed them HARD? Seems like it would be a real pickle if the ultimate decision to put something about it on my desk will come from Presidents and AGC's (Ouch)

And I wouldn't vote away more SCOPE (Jobs) for cheapie Medical. I'm not a totally greedy garvove.

Maybe I am the "loopy" one insofar as I have suggested a "floating" premium based upon hours worked? Unfortunately, I posted my idea just before the pages of comments regarding the yesterday's picket protest.

BTW.... what's a "garvove"? Any relation to Trump's "covfefe"?
Maybe I am the "loopy" one insofar as I have suggested a "floating" premium based upon hours worked? Unfortunately, I posted my idea just before the pages of comments regarding the yesterday's picket protest.

BTW.... what's a "garvove"? Any relation to Trump's "covfefe"?
I thought it was French for Ferret
Maybe I am the "loopy" one insofar as I have suggested a "floating" premium based upon hours worked? Unfortunately, I posted my idea just before the pages of comments regarding the yesterday's picket protest.

BTW.... what's a "garvove"? Any relation to Trump's "covfefe"?

It's not loopy. It sort of goes along the line of the FA's 40 hour per month qualifier to keep Medical period.

I haven't heard or read anything "official" from any one "official" about the Medical?

Been reading a lot of off the wall Looney Tunes craziness on here about it the last few days though?

Some (mainly Tim) seem to be bouncing around the rubber room for some reason? Maybe someone wound him up again for personal kicks? (They've done it before)
Only a few laa have said that they support lus medical and believe they should have it as well. There seems to be some fake news that somehow lus iam is going to cough up lus medical so laa can have double time and holidays. Some laa peeps even did teamster math and claimed that our medicals are basically the same but no more than .09 cents apart. Only in the movies fellas. The iam is not negotiating against the twu but management with the twu. There isnt any point to further negotiations unless all 3 unions are on board with this. Some folks need to read the association constitution. Once read, one sees that the twu waived its right to majority rule by giving sito veto power then having an equal number of negotiators. Sito is former twa and he was going to be more cautious with the twu this time.
The best of each contract. Anyone opposed let it be known now.
Only a few laa have said that they support lus medical and believe they should have it as well. There seems to be some fake news that somehow lus iam is going to cough up lus medical so laa can have double time and holidays. Some laa peeps even did teamster math and claimed that our medicals are basically the same but no more than .09 cents apart. Only in the movies fellas. The iam is not negotiating against the twu but management with the twu. There isnt any point to further negotiations unless all 3 unions are on board with this. Some folks need to read the association constitution. Once read, one sees that the twu waived its right to majority rule by giving sito veto power then having an equal number of negotiators. Sito is former twa and he was going to be more cautious with the twu this time.
The best of each contract. Anyone opposed let it be known now.

I'm a little teapot short and stout.
Here is my handle.
Here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout!
Just tip me over
And pour me out

I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true.
Here's an example of what I can do.
I can turn my handle to a spout.
Just tip me over and pour me out
I'm a little teapot short and stout.
Here is my handle.
Here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout!
Just tip me over
And pour me out

I'm a clever teapot, yes it's true.
Here's an example of what I can do.
I can turn my handle to a spout.
Just tip me over and pour me out
See you in section 6 weas.
Fantasy football drafts are starting and that may be more interesting than negotiations.
I dont get the feeling that lus investigators are too interested in handing parker our health care. And your own leadership mr murphy hasnt educated his members here in ord. Most think our insurances are equal. I hope the iam puts out a comparison. Parker knows this is a big difference, so should murphy.

Weassel -1
Absolutely SCOPE on the Maintenance end especially. Sounds to me like from what the guy talking to the Pilot in the video had to say.

The proposal says they won't lay anyone off but as you leave through attrition please turn off the lights behind you?

Isom has made it clear the difference in the amount of jobs at AA over the competition.
I have no problem with pounding the iam when needed, but you dont know what you are talking about regarding mx scope. Thats all i have to say.
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