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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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The contention I was referring to was that if a company proposal would be sent for a membership vote without it being a tentative agreement or having the unions recommendation. This happened before with the IAM.

Can that happen with the TWU, i.e., them sidestepping and allowing the company to present a comprehensive proposal to the membership for a vote, without such proposal being a tentative agreement or having a recommendation from the TWU?

Don't believe they can do that with the current Association agreement.
"If you want to make simple comparisons in order to make the situation fit your preferred outcome then I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Those issues you mention are different to the current process we're in and if want to ignore that fact then I guess that's your choice."

NYer, you have the floor, show me where I am wrong,
I'll wait...

Sign that card.

Again, weak sauce. I knew you had no juice, just an empty narrative "that was different", BS

Show me how? You can't. It's total BS that it's taken this long and it's purposeful on the part of the people that are supposed to be representing us.
I'm not the only person on here saying they should be meeting daily and get this done.
What type of cheese would you like to go with that WHINE ?
It's amazing how you have no problem waiting forever , never complaining, hate to tell you we are in the same boat, no contract, still at the same place when we started this back in 2012, but I am glad you are so happy with the situation!
"If you want to make simple comparisons in order to make the situation fit your preferred outcome then I guess we will have to agree to disagree. Those issues you mention are different to the current process we're in and if want to ignore that fact then I guess that's your choice."

NYer, you have the floor, show me where I am wrong,
I'll wait...

Again, weak sauce. I knew you had no juice, just an empty narrative "that was different", BS

Show me how? You can't. It's total BS that it's taken this long and it's purposeful on the part of the people that are supposed to be representing us.
I'm not the only person on here saying they should be meeting daily and get this done.

I was always a proponent of the JCBA process to have been started earlier than it did. That delay has obviously pushed back this entire process to the point where we are today.

In October of 2014, the TWU rebuffed an invitation from the IAM to start the reconciling process due to other issues they wanted to address first.

The NMB certified the Association in May of 2015 after dealing with the Peterson protest of the Association.

The first meeting between the unions was in July of 2015.

The first meeting with the Company was in December of 2015 and the first real negotiation session was in January of 2016.

The time between October 2014 and July 2015 was wasted empty time as we should be much further along than we are now.

In November or December of 2016, they announced "expedited" negotiations and the assumption this meant we were getting closer. It actually seems we've slowed down.

The APA and the APFA were drawn together as their NMB process was quicker and they had a 150-day clock to ensure the talks progressed.

We didn't and now we're in a position in which there are many more people involved in the negotiations which makes the process even slower.

So the APA and APFA has a clock taking them to arbitration if they didn't get an agreement consensually. In 2003, we all had a clock to work around as everyone tried to avoid a BK filing.

This process has no clock.
It's amazing how you have no problem waiting forever , never complaining, hate to tell you we are in the same boat, no contract, still at the same place when we started this back in 2012, but I am glad you are so happy with the situation!

Yes our negotiations have dragged on for a long time. You have to admit though, we still have it pretty good. Overtime is still available to ,make up for that raise we don't have, and we still have all our current language. We have waited this long, let's not get impatient and give away our future.
They didn't have a 150-day clock ticking and having to accept the language they did because an arbitration would be worse.

For me, our process has taken too long but I think it's because they didn't get better prepared before the Association was certified by the NMB.

Really? I know that. Why didn't they have that language in there to begin with? That was my point. You missed it. The union representing you guys at that time should have nego. that into the contract just as the Pilots and F/A's did, and that was my point, why didn't they do that???

So much for those who claim it was a picket organized soley by a rogue DFW locals. On other pages, the TWU confirmed that they did in fact advise the IAM. Maybe Sito isn't getting the word trickled down to those outside these meetings?

And still nothing from the IAM to show support? How pathetic guys. Sorry to hear that. Sito better get a clue real quick...
Yes our negotiations have dragged on for a long time. You have to admit though, we still have it pretty good. Overtime is still available to ,make up for that raise we don't have, and we still have all our current language. We have waited this long, let's not get impatient and give away our future.
Huh? are you lost? Hellooooooo?
The time between October 2014 and July 2015 was wasted empty time as we should be much further along than we are now.

In November or December of 2016, they announced "expedited" negotiations and the assumption this meant we were getting closer. It actually seems we've slowed down.

Now we're getting somewhere. These are things I could have easily added to any of my own posts as my own thoughts, I see we are in agreement, mostly.

The 150 day clock was very educational, as well as the all hands on deck time of 2003 "to avoid BK", in that it shows all of us exactly how quickly they can complete a contract when they really want to.

THAT is my entire point, thank you for buttressing it.
Now, if we could only get our unions off their collective butts and get this thing done, as they should have long , long ago. I think we've earned a much better effort from our NC than we've had to date.
Really? I know that. Why didn't they have that language in there to begin with? That was my point. You missed it. The union representing you guys at that time should have nego. that into the contract just as the Pilots and F/A's did, and that was my point, why didn't they do that???

And still nothing from the IAM to show support? How pathetic guys. Sorry to hear that. Sito better get a clue real quick...
Sito? really? The guy is a management shill, 100%. It's proven.
Sito? really? The guy is a management shill, 100%. It's proven.

Curious? Who is NOT a Management shill in your mind or eyes?

Is there anyone in either the IAM or TWU that you wouldn't throw that comment at? Or are they all off golfing together on the weekends?
Really? I know that. Why didn't they have that language in there to begin with? That was my point. You missed it. The union representing you guys at that time should have nego. that into the contract just as the Pilots and F/A's did, and that was my point, why didn't they do that???

Don't believe it is in the interest of a union body to put an artificial time limit on negotiations. That gives the Company full advantage to hold the line for 150 days and either has the union agree to what the Company is willing to give or take your chances with an arbitrator to decide your JCBA.

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