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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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"This is one of the main headaches trying to get worked out"

AGAIN where do you come up with all this crap? You don't work for AA and you're not a part of ANY of our Unions here.

Can you PLEASE stop pretending you have anything to do with us sir and worry about your own house.

you hypocrite then stay off the aa amt page your not a amt and stay off the swa amt page you do not work for swa and your not a member of AMFA you can not stand it when anyone talks bad about your beloved twu. You go to all the boards to spread your twu love fest . So can you please stay off the mechanics page I'll be glad to stay off the fleet thread . You and your buddy al should be in the corn field
For example, if I was furloughed from SNA, LAS, ELP or PIT I would demand priority lifetime recall rights, especially if I was full-time and relatively low seniority in the new JCBA and I might want to return. If I was in a station which was at-risk like RNO, ABQ, SMF, and even PHX and I was full-time with relatively low seniority and a desire to return to my home station in the event of a RIF, not having lifetime priority recall rights would be a deal breaker for me on the JCBA. Otherwise in the event of furloughs, if there were ever openings into the home station, some one with higher seniority who never worked a day in the station (never mind being furloughed from the station) would be first to get the spot. And usually opened full-time positions into non-hub stations tend to go to very high senior people.

I saw this story play-out many times in PHX were it became the dumping grounds for those who became furloughed refugees and the majority pined for an eventual recall to their home station.
Sticky... because they think they have a lifetime of recall rights under their current IAM CBA, and if the new JCBA has a relatively short time of a few years, then they can pretty much write-off ever getting called back to their home station. Might be a deal breaker for some, even those who have not be furloughed (yet).

Fair enough
Coney I think I got one foot in the Cornfield I'm finding it difficult to post. But if me and the Weez were thrown off that would leave like 6 people on the entire site. Besides I catch you digging the ride every now and then admit it

Coney, corndogconeheffer.

And whether you like it or I like it or either of us like it. We're both in the same company and in the same Unions and have many of the same issues and I'm stuck with you. I don't really like being stuck with you but I don't have a choice. You won't get the damn cards signed to get the hell away from the rest of us. Please leave already. Go.
Coney, corndogconeheffer.

And whether you like it or I like it or either of us like it. We're both in the same company and in the same Unions and have many of the same issues and I'm stuck with you. I don't really like being stuck with you but I don't have a choice. You won't get the damn cards signed to get the hell away from the rest of us. Please leave already. Go.
Weez I saw a mutual friend in the terminal yesterday asked him about our contract he had no info, completely out of that loop. Would you agree summer contract is not possible and we may be looking at a contract right around "The Weaasles Homecoming Parade"
Weez I saw a mutual friend in the terminal yesterday asked him about our contract he had no info, completely out of that loop. Would you agree summer contract is not possible and we may be looking at a contract right around "The Weaasles Homecoming Parade"

Al we're all nothing more than Armchair Quarterbacks on here with a bunch of cracked crystal balls. I only know TWO (2) posters who come here that have any credibility. And that's because they're actually on the field.

P. Rez and Charlie Brown.
Maybe BOB can put the entire list in an EXCEL file so it can be sorted by station. Can you do that bob?
huh? I wasn't arguing with you. I was explaining, why majority of members (TWU/AA employees haven't been involved or benefited from it.

If your talking about returns on the market, I'll agree with you all day. Long term dollar cost averaging with dividends reinvested, should return over 4 percent.

Most pensions are/were a great vehicle. Low interest rates killed their business plan though. Iampf will never pass due diligence because of them. That's reality. Iampf is more about officers retirement at this stage.

that said, I will never support the Iampf, its DOA. It is full of great intentions, and I hope my fellow brothers get whatever they have in it out. I don't believe the iam officers will be affected much, but within 5 years if not sooner, even with our forced participation, cuts will come to the general membership. Employee a and b will get hit a lot harder than they imagine. I do believe American management knowing this will be culpable too, especially with the majority of m/r understanding the reality. Doug is a finance guy.
The iamnpf assumed rate of interest is 7.5%. The actual, according to the plan was 3.5% which was a loss of millions.
The average age of active participants is 50 years old according to the report. Not good.
Additionally, the 2009 relief (hundreds of millions in losses) will be amortized over 10 years at 10% a year until 2020. Remember, those deep losses werent behind us.
What this means is all bad. Toss in $30 million to the fund manager and management of funds and the iamnpf is in serious need of a severe cut.

The fund manager was a buddy of the iam prez and charged us the highest cost. The fund manager was 33% into stocks when the market tanked in 08-09. Last year with a booming stock market, the nimwit was only 12% in stocks. Bad management.

If 4th he fund can nab 16,000 twu peeps then it might buy another year before the benefits dont collapse.
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